No Shame: How to Stop Bedwetting and Alleviate Suffering

A sleeping adult

Do you care for a bedwetting child or adult? Take heart!

Bedwetting is treatable- it shouldn’t be embarrassing or shameful.

Experts describe bedwetting as ‘the accidental release of pee during sleep;’ it’s also known as urinary incontinence or nocturnal enuresis.

The Simon Foundation for Continence says the condition is widespread- it affects at least 26 million adults in the US alone.

Bedwetting Cases are Grossly Underreported

Interestingly, Dr. Jennifer Anger, a professor of urology says:

‘Bedwetting is grossly underreported in the US and elsewhere- physicians rarely inquire about it.’

The condition affects people of all ages- children, teenagers and adults.

However, it becomes a concern if a person over 7 years is affected. It must happen 2 or more times per week for 3 consecutive months to be classified as such.

Bedwetting is Normal until the Child is 8 Years Old

Parents- don’t worry about your child’s bedwetting problem if he’s not yet 8.

Let time pass- your child is likely to muster greater control as he gets older.

Don’t rush to get medical assistance- the child could become overly anxious and this worsens the situation.

Regardless, take action if your child is older than 7 and the problem persists.

How to Help Bedwetting Victims and Alleviate Suffering

Try these suggestions:

1.?????? Use a plastic mattress cover or absorbent pads if you’re visiting friends or relatives overnight with a bedwetting child.

2.?????? Dress the child with extra thick underwear and pajamas- this lessens the urine volume and guards against wetting bed sheets.

3.?????? Patiently counsel the child to understand the cause of his problem. Let him know he doesn’t have to feel guilty-after all, the problem is beyond his control.

4.?????? Never berate, insult or beat the child- it impedes your success and defeats your efforts.

5.?????? Rather, encourage the child for the occasional dry nights; let him tick the ‘dry dates’ off a calendar. This can boost his ego and accelerate recovery.

6.?????? Take the child to the toilet at bedtime; wake him up at intervals during the night so he can urinate and have a better shot at achieving a dry night.

7.?????? Restrict and limit the child’s fluid intake before bedtime- caffeine and colas are a definite no-go-zone.

8.?????? Consult an experienced medical practitioner: Depending on the case, the urologist may prescribe a urine alarm device to combat the problem.

The device comprises a urine-sensitive pad placed under the child before bedtime.

It triggers an alarm and awakens the child immediately it senses the first drops of urine. The device effectively helps 80 percent of victims to recover.

9.?????? Contact a chiropractor or an osteopath (a professional who treats diseases by adjusting the joint, spine or muscle bones).

10.?? Try acupuncture or herbal medicine.

Yes, overcome bedwetting and alleviate the victims’ suffering.





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