Shall we sing for Social Edification?
Wishing you Holidays filled with fun and laughter, and very best wishes for a prosperous new year.
Shall we sing for Social Edification?
Go Imagine - What? Why? When? Where? Who? Five very important words that begin with "W"... What if? Why not?... Fire up your imagination... There is no future without imagination... A song to fire up your imagination! An inspiring song for all ages!
Don't be a Bully - Before you act or say it, pause and ask yourself, and then what? And then what?... You should then ponder and decide to proceed or not to proceed... Others should not be hurt by what you do, or what you say... Don't be a bully... That's not cool!
Look, Listen, and Learn - Look! To the right, to the left... Look to the front, look to the back... Look up, look down... And look inward... Then listen and you'll learn... And you'll become smart... And you'll become wise... In time, you’ll be able to hear what you see... And see what you hear... It's very important to see the whole scene... The big picture...