Shale Gas News – June 8, 2019
The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about LNG exports, NJ pipeline denial, natural gas demand and much more last week.
Every Saturday Rusty Fender and I host a morning radio show to discuss all things natural gas.
The Shale Gas News, typically, is broadcast live. On the June 8th show (click above), we covered the following new territory (see news excerpts below):
- Electric Transmission by Train? A Mobile Option for Gas Fired Electricity? Electric transmission by train may be coming soon if Alternative Transmission Inc.’s plan to move stored electricity by containers rail cars is accepted. It’s no joke. Electric transmission by train could well be coming soon. It all depends on whether or Alternative Transmission Inc. (ATI) gets a FERC order recognizing it as a utility. This order would, If granted, allow ATI to participate in competitive auctions to supply the electricity needs of grid operators. S&P Global Market Intelligence has a story on ATI’s plans. They offer an intriguing glimpse into the future of energy storage, a future that has a lot to do with natural gas.
- U.S. On Track to Become Top LNG Exporter. The U.S. is set to become the world’s biggest provider of liquefied natural gas. The country is seeing booming gas production, and consumption is only expected to keep climbing. BOOMING NATURAL GAS production is expected to propel the U.S. past Qatar and Australia to become the world’s top exporter of liquefied natural gas in the next five years, the International Energy Agency predicted in a report made public Friday.
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