ON SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS (3) - Shylock the Merchant of Venice
Love in Calculation - Shylock The Merchant of Venice
Written by George Wordsworth on 12th December 2016
I calculated all my life,
In bid, in sell, in trading strife;
With heart of stone and speech of knife,
I served my God and bred my wife.
For years abundant did I wish
To have cartels that I accomplished;
Yet evermore cometh heavenly anguish
Endure as Job, I suffer and 'm astonished!
Thrift is a blessing, if men steal it not
Alack! Those Christians who outwit me in the court!
Calculated, I calculate my death in the hellish pot
Converted, I convert my body in porcine rot!
Daughter Jessica, keep firm your half of my estate
May other half instill in the public coffer hatred ever hot!
O my very blood is now damned with devilish clot!