Shaken, Not Stirred: Prepping for Life's Quakes

Shaken, Not Stirred: Prepping for Life's Quakes

Just two weeks ago, you read about my mobile phone adventure ambling in Iceland’s Blue Lagoon.

Consider my surprise this past week when news came out that the incredibly popular locale was being shut down until November 16th due to concerns with earthquake activity.

The report shares that there have been over 20,000 minor earthquakes in the Reykjavik area since late October. There were a couple while we were there, but Barb and I didn’t feel them. (I’m blaming an earthquake for the television inexplicably turning on at 4 am one morning. It’s better than being a ghost, right?)

I can’t imagine what the lost revenue is for that two week period of time. Then it dawned on me that perhaps insurance might come into play, even if there were no actual damage or event. Regardless, Iceland is volcano central and earthquakes are a part of the process. Being prepared to adjust, be nimble, and move forward is key for Icelanders when it comes to earthquakes.

It should also be a reminder for us.

As we start saying so long to 2023, it’s not too early to start listening to Christmas music.

Yes it is. I am kidding. I want to see if you’re still reading.

It’s actually not too early to begin planning for 2024. And I’m talking more than just in your business and professional life. I also mean how you are prepared personally, too.

No matter how idealistic we are, there is no doubt that sh!t happens and will continue to in 2024. There will be natural disasters, civil unrest, personal tragedies and losses, and a Presidential Election year that, based on recent history, will create its own earthquakes along the way!

Being prepared to deal with crisis is a bummer. Who likes talking about that? I suggest we flip the verbiage. Let’s talk about planning to be resilient “just in case.”

Planning on resilience should be a regular activity, especially in your business or career. However, this time of year is filled with resolutions, so why not use it to proactively plan to be ready for both opportunity and challenge?

To help you with that, I’ve created a free assessment for you. It’s focused on business performance and protection, however it can be used for life issues, as well.

You can take the 4-minute assessment and I will respond to you with a “scorecard” report to outline some strategies to ensure 2024 doesn't catch you off guard.

Whatever you do, don’t be unprepared for the future. My guess is the Blue Lagoon has a contingency plan. What about you?

You can click on this link or use the QR code below to take the assessment. It may prove to be one of the most important thing you do for 2024 and beyond.


Keep chasing unleashed.?

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Patricia Fripp Presentation Skills Expert

President @ Fripp Virtual Training | Presentation skills expert

11 个月

Dan Weedin You got me with the title!!!


