Shake it off
Once a man and his donkey was walking pass a desolated path, suddenly, the donkey fell into a deep hole on the ground. Luckily the donkey was not hurt by the fall and cried for his master’s help. His master tried hard to get it out, but all of his attempts failed. Envisioning the poor donkey’s death by starvation on the deserted place. The man decided to give the donkey a less painful death by burying it alive.
The man started pouring soil into the pit with an intention of burying it alive. But as each spadeful of dirt from above hit the donkey, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the growing mound of earth. With more soil poured in by the man, the donkey rose higher. Eventually, the mound grew high enough for him to jump out of the pit.
To the man’s amazement, he saw his old donkey jump out of the pit and trot away!
In life, you may be thrown all kinds of dirts on you. But the trick is to shake it off and take a step up to rise to success. We can get out of the deepest pits, not by giving up on problems, but by learning from them. Just shake it off and take a step up.