The shadow of Oblivion, or the light of Awareness?
Nothing is the same. Part 3 of 3
?The shadow of Oblivion or the light of Awareness?
? Futurists, mystics, and other advocates are adamant we have a desperately short time to avoid extinction or, at best, a dystopian-like existence. Earth is in a state of evolving (which is now painfully apparent to all of us). There is no guarantee that the human species will be involved or needed. We can book our place in the future if we finally embrace compassion for all species and communicate with sentient beings from other realms of reality. We have been granted tremendous latitude about how long we can dally in the playpen of individuality. Stasis is not the preferred dynamic of sentience anxious to expand.?
?There are three options.?1.?We can do nothing and sink into chaotic oblivion.?2.?As individuals, we can commit to reawakening our authentic selves and exploring our full heartfelt potential.?3.?We can choose from the subjective mystical path or the quantum scientific rendering. They are both on the same page. They just use a different lexicon to explain what, for most of us, is so far out of our comfort zone.
?Option 1:?Is unthinkable, but what if the tyranny of fear wins, which is highly possible?
?Option 2:?Finding our authentic self and purpose in life can be like trying to complete a jigsaw with no accurate picture to guide you. For most of us, our accurate picture hangs behind a veil in the gallery of our subconscious. Access to view, reclaim, and restore this picture is only possible when four distinctive parts of us become integrated. Three are in the physical plane: body, heart, and mind. The fourth is spirit, hence the term 'evolving into the 4th dimension'. Achieving this non-dual awareness can happen in one lifetime. This hierarchical template, with variations, is an eons-old guide through the layers of third-dimensional complexity. However, 'NOTHING IS NOW THE SAME.'?
?The great science-fiction writer Arthur Clarke in his book 'Childhoods End,' predicted a similar future scenario. Clarke wrote the book in 1953. I would take a bet that he extrapolated his concepts from the quantum theories then available, ranging from Max Planck's work in the first decade of the 20th Century to Albert Einstein's in the 1920s onward.?
??Star Trek's mission, "To boldly go where no man has gone before," summarizes the primary drive in all sentient beings is to experience life in all its diversity and evolve. Maybe Earth, as I suggested in Part One, is a university, and if so, what an extraordinary range of courses it offers.
?Option 3:?If you find the content of the last couple of paragraphs to be ridiculous fantastical, and rambling, I recommend you check out the bizarre, incredible, ground-breaking peer-reviewed research published by Quantum Science. This science has not only deepened human understanding of the structure of matter and its microscopic interactions but also introduced a new paradigm of computing, such as quantum information science and quantum simulation.
{For example, according to quantum mechanics, particles can be "entangled," spookily connected so that if you manipulate one, you automatically and immediately manipulate the other. No matter how far apart they are, achieving this kind of communication between the two particles requires faster-than-light (FLT) speeds between the two, which Einstein's theories forbid. He described the results as spooky and distorted by some hidden variables: an explanation now redundant.??
Quantum mechanics has been tested over the past century and has always emerged unscathed. Lately, a trio of physicists shared the Nobel prize for pioneering quantum experiments signaling that the Nobel panel recognizes the importance of the practical foundations producing, manipulating, and testing quantum entanglement and the revolution it is helping to drive.} *?
?The content above is my understanding of the big picture. Again, I say, exercise your discrimination. I suspect if you are still with me at this point, something resonates! Grasp the resonance it is heralding in lightness and new awareness. If you feel challenged by the content, the noise of judgment, tension, and resentment are present,
?Every step towards a balanced perspective reduces the mind's 'noise' and tamps down the frisson of fear which can overcome us without a warning. Most of my resistance stems from judgments around the behavior or beliefs of others. The incremental self-awareness needed to catch judgments before they spurt out of my mouth took time, like breaking a lifelong conditioned addiction. Patience and acceptance are required because, at any moment, a situation can arise, and behold, 'should' and 'must' judgments catapult me into the duplicity of my emotional narrative. Taking ownership of that duplicity helped to unlock the source of these unconscious interventions. All my resistance engrams are friction memories of damaged relationships: personal, familial, cultural, fear of abandonment, and non-acceptance. The root of these engrams is fed by the illusionary vibration of individuation.
The illusion is we are on our own in this world, yet we constantly hear of communities coming together spontaneously in times of hardship. we don’t need to be persuaded to help by the same external authorities that thrive by promoting a state suspicion about strangers. Deep inside, we desire to love and be loved. The same passion fuels the person who, in an instant, will do something outrageous, like give their life to save another. I am sure you ask yourself if you would do the same with mixed results: only when the urgency or enormity of the situation clears your head of all noise and allows the authentic you to step forward will the true answer be revealed.
This an appropriate moment to draw from the works of Dr. Sue Morter, a spiritual warrior, and advocate for human evolution.
“Humanity is evolving, and each of us plays an important role in the direction in which it progresses. With every thought, action, and intention, we have the power to affect the world around us. One of the most powerful actions we can take is committing to unique acts of outrageous love that come from our heart’s desire.”
“Outrageous acts of love also demand courageous acts of commitment to break free of the shackles imposed by our human conditioning.”
We, as a civilization, are at a choice point. Are we ready to raise our awareness and embrace heartfelt values? The consequences of failure are dire, as illustrated throughout these essays. However, I am confident the human heart’s generous impulse will give us the energy and courage to move forward.
Please commit to raising your game. Use the gift of self-awareness. Embrace the need to implement a heart-based approach in dealing with all sentient life. Please recognize we cannot sustain ourselves as a species without the cooperation of Mother Earth.
Each person reading these words is a lightworker. I salute you because your perspective is broad enough to support those immersed in fear and confusion. Have compassion: they cannot see or perceive any light or redemption. Our job is not to preach or fix. Our task is to be clear and bright so that the fear projected by others does not find a toehold in our energy field. Our neutral and calm presence will allow them time for some reconsideration.
You are needed; you are not alone, though it is highly likely you will feel lonely as the old paradigm themes drop away. That, too, shall pass.
** The brackets indicate the content is extracted from an article in the Science X Newsletter of 10/10/22 contributed by Robert Young in "The"