Shadow of Inaction: Between concept and creation

Shadow of Inaction: Between concept and creation

By: K. Doreen MacAulay, Ph.D.

Between the conception and the creation, falls the shadow – This is a quote by T.S. Elliot that is featured in Pfeffer and Sutton’s 1999 classic Harvard Business Review article, the Smart-Talk trap. The quote brings to life a barrier that many organizations fall prey to, and that barrier is the knowing-doing gap. We have wonderful ideas, great intentions, however, due to a host of factors we fall short of making things happen. Our desire for perfection, lack of directed goals, inability to manage time, or as Pfeffer and Sutton highlight, organizational inertia get in the way and the great intentions of our workplaces sink into the shadow of inaction.??

Recently, leadership scholar Dr. Amy Edmondson (who is a must to follow for all People Leaders) referenced this article on LinkedIn. Her post had me revisit the classic article and highlighted the importance of the message. The article reminds us of the inertia of our organizations that cannot be overlooked when we are looking to achieve. Our organizations can get so complacent with the day-to-day and so wrapped up in talking about potential ideas that we do nothing. As People Leaders, it is important to be aware of this and to try our best to avoid the smart-talk trap and the knowing-doing gap.?

Here are two key factors that can help People Leaders avoid the traps and gaps of inertia. One key factor is to treat improvement like any other change process. If we think of the basics of change processes – Lewin’s model – we need to unfreeze what we are doing, make the move, and then refreeze the new behaviors. Without unfreezing the current state that needs to be changed, you are allowing the inertia of day-to-day operations to get in the way of movement.??

The second is accountability. Holding individuals accountable to deadlines can help ensure movement. Think of the perfectionist you work with, if you do not give them a deadline, they continue to tweak, modify, and discuss because they can. And will! Holding that deadline, holding that individual accountable forces them to take action.?

As Pfeffer and Sutton note – talk is great, it can help us gain ideas, inspiration, we just need to ensure we do not allow it to keep us in the shadows of inaction, so today step towards the light and take action.?



