SF45 Launch

SF45 Launch

SF45 Launch webinar TODAY! (1pm , NYC, ET)

The webinar for the SF45 is taking place on the 10th September 2020. We will be having an in-depth conversation and sharing all the great features of the SF45 during this session. Register for the webinar.

Teaser SF45 Video

Launching the world’s smallest scanning microLiDAR “Superpowers for your drone and UGV”. See the teaser video for what this week holds as we launch this amazing new scanning microLiDAR. View the teaser SF45 Video.

SF45 Highlights 

This $449 superhero lightweight scanning microLiDAR weighs 43grams and has a 50m (165ft) range. The SF45 can take up to 20’000 points per second. This unit is made for UAVs, UGVs and Robots. View more information on the SF45.

Win a SF45 

To celebrate the launch of the SF45, and to highlight the importance of giving machines the ‘gift of sight’, LightWare is launching a competition showcasing the very worst accidents involving your UAV/UGV. Users are invited to submit footage of their most spectacular crashes and malfunctions, and the makers of the video judged to have the greatest ‘ouch’ factor will be awarded a complimentary SF45 microLiDAR. Enter the competition.

“The goal is to remind everyone that crashes do happen – but, with the use of this highly effective sensor, they need not”.


