SF District Attorney Lays Out New Juvenile Justice Policy - Critics Fire Back
Top articles on Everyday Injustice
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1. SF District Attorney Lays Out New Juvenile Justice Policy
The San Francisco DA Brooke Jenkins announced on Tuesday that her office will not file transfer petitions for juveniles, to try them as adults, in cases involving 16- and 17-year-olds, “unless they are accused of a heinous crime(s) that shock the conscience of the community.”
2. Youth Defender Unit Leads Calls DA’s Juvenile Policy, “Harmful”
Any movement towards putting children in adult prisons is a step backwards that ignores scientific research and recent criminal justice reforms, is a direct threat to community health and safety, and is harmful to our youth and families.
3. Ethnic Caucus Leadership Applaud Governor’s Executive Order on Equity and Highlights the Racial Equity Commission
Governor Gavin Newsom on Tuesday announced he was signing an Executive Order on Equity, articulating the state’s commitment to address racial disparities within government departments, policies, programs, and establishing significant steps to make equity a reality in California.
4. Pamela Price Earns Major Endorsement From Democratic Clubs in Bid To Become Alameda DA
This week, Civil Rights Attorney Pamela Price scored a major victory when the Tri Valley Democrats endorsed her candidacy following a forum on Monday evening.
Announcing the 2022 Vanguard Justice Award Recipients
Vanguard Award: Mano Raju, San Francisco Public Defender
Civil Rights Award: Brendon Woods, Alameda Public Defender
Organization Award: Emily Galvin-Almanza/Partners For Justice
Elected Official Award: Ash Kalra
Law School Award: UCLA COVID Behind Bars Data Project
Formerly Incarcerated Leadership Award: Stephen Liebb, SF Public Defender’s Office
Formerly Incarcerated Leadership Award: James King, Ella Baker Center
Wrongful Conviction Award: Jarrett Adams
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