Sexual Violence is an ugly crime that has collateral multiplier damage


Mai is an inspiring Pakistani woman hero who brought to the court a gang that raped her to punish her brother who was falsely accused to romance a woman from another clan. The bright side of the story is that Mai championed speaking up and not giving up her rights, but the sad side is the multiplied pain she has gone through and unanswered questions about the sin she committed to be a victim of such a horrible crime. Too many women in Pakistan and elsewhere are exposed to different types of sexual violence every day; these inhumane unfair and ugly acts should stop forever.?


Most recent statistics show that at least one-quarter of women 15-49 years in Pakistan have experienced physical violence. Although such crimes should not be measured by numbers, in the amount of long-life pain and damage, the numbers still do not paint the complete picture- a lot of underreporting is expected; the stories of the survivors do. The number of women and girls who have survived sexual violence in Pakistan is 6 percent. Women and girls with disabilities are three times more likely to experience sexual violence. The risk of sexual violence also escalates during conflicts and humanitarian settings as the women and girls move to temporary shelters and health and protection services are disrupted.?


Sexual violence takes place anywhere by anyone, and in many forms; at home, workplace, transportation means, markets, streets, refugee and IDP camps, and at educational institutions.?It could be committed not only by strangers but also by intimate partners, relatives, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and service providers. It includes but is not limited to child sexual abuse, incest, rape, sexual violence in intimate relationships, sexual exploitation, online sexual abuse, and non-contact sexual abuse. It is not only a heinous crime but a blatant violation of human rights. It should never be overlooked and excused; in fact, it should not happen at all.?Therefore, the response to such crimes should be comprehensive, everywhere, anytime, and includes prevention and response.


We should be victim-centered because once sexual violence happens, it has severe and long-term consequences on the physical and mental health of those who survive it and has adverse economic and social consequences for men, women, their children, families, and the communities. It brutalizes bodies, scars the minds, instills insecurity and stigma in survivors and their families, and tears down the social fabric if condoned. Survivors of sexual violence, including rape, often suffer from various mental health problems, isolation, depression, and anxiety. They can also contract HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. In some cases, it results in prolonged disability and health costs.


Apart from significant psychological and emotional costs, there is the economic toll that the survivors bear, and society pays in the form of lost human capital. Research shows that survivors of sexual violence experience life-long economic disadvantages from anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Survivors are also susceptible to giving up their education and economic careers.



Putting a full stop to sexual violence is only possible through response and prevention, where response means effectively handling the cases to minimize the consequences if it happens, and prevention means reducing the risk of violence occurring in the first place.


An efficient response programme ensures that survivors receive confidential and quick support with legal advice, fair medico-legal services, and speedy trials. They should also receive the right help fighting stigma and shame through psycho-social support and economic opportunities to help them settle back into their lives. A holistic response needs law enforcement, health, and judicial services in place and information and awareness among the broader public about these readily available services. So when a case of sexual violence occurs, there is no impunity for perpetrators, and there is interminable support and protection for survivors as stigma and misconceptions for survivors can result in underreporting of such incidents.


On the other hand, without a robust and well-coordinated response system, lengthy trials, delayed investigations, gaps in evidence, and insensitive officers and prosecutors add to the survivors' ordeal.


The road to the prevention of sexual violence is windy, yet it is the right path to take. One of the key milestones of this pathway is information, education, and awareness among both men and women. This is why UNFPA launched the global campaign on bodily autonomy and body rights to advocate for providing women and girls with information, and services, and empower them to make informed choices. Early intervention in the form of adolescent investment can bear long-term fruits. UNFPA supports life-skills-based education as a primary prevention approach to end gender-based violence since it helps cultivate positive attitudes and healthier values in adolescents, which sets the foundation for non-violent relationships.


An action-oriented guide such as the recently launched Federal Response Framework for cases of sexual violence is a commendable step from the government of Pakistan as it has a map of actions for law enforcement, judiciary, health, and other government departments to prevent and handle cases of sexual violence in Pakistan. The laudable steps taken by the government of Pakistan towards the enactment of the Anti-Rape (Investigation & Trial) Act, 2021, Anti-Rape (Investigation) Rules 2023, Anti Rape Trial Procedures Rules, 2023, and Anti Rape Crises Cell and Medico-legal Rules, 2023 will ensure safety, peace, dignity and freedom for women and girls who can then fulfill their destiny and contribute productively to the economy and the society.?

Mohammad Tahir GHAZNAVI

Prgramme Specialist at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

1 年

Talking about SV & GBV in the conservative societies like that of Pakistan and Afghanistan is difficult but we must talk and write about them anyway. The wall of silence has to be penetrated, the aggressor should be ashamed and not the survivor. All this needs an effective leadership and I am proud of the role UNFPA plays in this regard!


