N.D. "Indy" Brennan
Author of WHAT IF WHITE PEOPLE WERE SLAVES? and THE TOP 51 BUSINESS HACKS FOR 2021 | Live Event Coordinator & Sr. Digital Marketing Executive for MADDCity.Live |Master Business Planner & Development Strategist
Atlanta, Georgia, June 27, 2023.? In 2014, Monique Duell was a former abused wife and mother with two young sons.? The youngest of the two was born with cerebral palsy, which caused him to suffer motor and cognitive delays.? He required full-time care.? After hearing Monique recite a poem about her son’s disability at an event, a BlogTalk podcaster requested to feature Monique on his program.? He explained he was drawn to her story and felt a genuine need to help get the word out.? The name of the segment was “How To Handle A Special Needs Child.”? Monique graciously accepted the offer, excited about the online opportunity.? Unfortunately, she was not aware how this opportunity would change for the worse.
Monique spoke with the host on several occasions to discuss angles of the conversation.? The conversations appeared to be professional and consistent with what the host proposed for the show.? Monique shared intimate details about her challenges as a single-parent raising a child with special needs.? The host asked questions regarding Monique’s son Jeremiah’s development.? But then on one fateful day, the conversations took a very unexpected turn.? The host began asking more personal questions about Monique.? He asked if she was single, if she was dating anyone, and whether she was open to dating.? He commended her for the “beautiful thing” she was doing in sharing her story, and remarked about how she had a beautiful “radio voice.”? The host continued remarking about her voice, and suddenly there was heavy breathing.? One of his final comments was, “I’m so excited about you being on my show,” and the breathing became more distinct and hurried.? The host was masturbating while speaking with Monique over the phone.
Monique realized what was happening and quickly hung the phone up but this did not change what she had been exposed to.? The host subsequently contacted her, apologizing, and stating that he did not know what came over him.? He explained that he would still like her on the show and felt terrible about what had occurred.? Monique disconnected the call and never spoke with the host again.? This incident was the catalyst for her first book “How Do I Handle A Special Needs Child” (2014).? The author realized that even though the host was a sexual predator, others could benefit from her story.? The book was published subsequently.
Monique Duell suffered with placenta previa at the end of the first trimester while carrying Jeremiah.? The condition resulted in the placenta detaching from the womb which consequently caused heavy bleeding.? Jeremiah was born at 27 weeks, which is less than 7 months pregnant.? After birth, Jeremiah remained in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for 3 months.? During that time, Monique waited and prayed that her son would be allowed to come home.? The condition resulted in Jeremiah being diagnosed with cerebral palsy.? Now, at the age of 22, Jeremiah requires full-time care.
Monique Duell refuses to share the name of the podcast or the host.? She does not want to give him the type of attention that these allegations could extend.? In that she had taken the route that many women use by failing to report the host to the authorities, the story has evolved into a “he-said-she-said” set of circumstances.? One can only imagine the number of women this predator has emotionally assaulted like Monique.? From a positive standpoint, the experience has propelled Monique Duell into an author with 5 books currently available on Amazon.? Monique is a success story.
On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.? (RAINN statistics).? Yet, the majority of rape cases are not reported to the authorities.? “Only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police. That means more than 2 out of 3 go unreported.”? Attorney Tamara N. Holder shared, “The most pervasive reason women wait or don’t report sexual assault is that they are afraid they won’t be believed by the people they tell, whether they be family, friends, or law enforcement.”? A common myth is most sexual assaults are committed by strangers. It's not rape if the people involved knew each other.? A report from the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence revealed “most sexual assaults and rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. Among victims aged 18 to 29, two-thirds had a prior relationship with the offender.”? In the case of Monique Duell, the podcast host progressively became more familiar with Monique and Jeremiah after the invitation to be on his show.??
Monique recently explained, “Even though the guy was an absolute creep, I never thought about writing books prior to the incident.? But after it all was said and done, writing became my refuge regarding what the host had done and all that I experienced with Jeremiah.? So in a manner of speaking, a sexual predator helped me to realize my dream of becoming an author.? It doesn’t make what he did right but at least I was able to gain something positive from the ashes of his abuse.”
Monique Duell’s book How Do I Handle A Special Needs Child and the 4 others are currently available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and most online bookstores.? Other books by Monique Duell include Handicapped Mom: Lesson I Learned From Cerebral Palsy, Grief Is A Gangster, and Jeremiah the Jackrabbit.? Monique is also the host of Having A Moment With Moni Radio Show on the Hold Radio Network, and a 2-time award recipient.? To contact Monique Duell, send inquiries to [email protected].
N. D. “Indy” Brennan is an author, master business planner, copywriter, brand consultant, and frequent online media journalist.? He is the author of The Top 51 Business Hacks for 2021, The Perfect Love, and What If White People Were Slaves.? To contact Indy Brennan, send inquiries to [email protected].