A Sexual Position
Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
People ask me if I support prostitution because of things I have written (ie. Sex trade Sonnets). What I support is a safe workplace free of criminal involvement.?
Justinian I, was one of the first government officials to attempt to legally move the sex trade away from criminal influence and it has been thought and believed by a number of historians that his wife, Theodora was a former sex worker and "dancer/escort" attached to one of the sports organizations that supported chariot racing teams. If there was any definitive proof of this claim it was concealed by his successors and drove the Sex Trade further into the criminal element of its time.
This is perhaps the fiurst stigma and should be the easiest to eliminate from women (and the fewer men) involved in Sex Work. This stigma makes it difficult to report, let alone charge and prosecute the horrible individuals who assault sex workers because they are often "easy targets". this can lead to sex wrkers finding security outside the law and creates another field criminal behaviour. The stigma can also make it difficult for sex workers to do things as simple as access government agfencies and programs.
Since then, the need for prostitution (and yes I mean "need") as been ignored and/or condemned by the same governmental and societal organizations that required its existence. From the Roman Empire (and obviously before) to the US Military, Sex Workers have been a staple part of military campaigns. Of course in dealing with Islamic countries, the US Military has had to enforce policy against its members using the services of Sex Workers to avoid appearing as causing an "embarrassing problem". All this has done is to further drive up the instances of rape attached to US Forces deployment.
Not that the Islamic "freedom fighters" are any better as those military organizations have shown that they allow anything but freedom when it comes sex and women. Kidnapping, enslavement and "child brides" may eliminate the need for Sex Trade workers among the soldiers/terrorists of such organizations but at an even more horrible cost to the women it affects.
I find it ironic and hypocritical that people who condemn Islam and for example ISIS/ISIL, doot support a "By Free Will" Sex Trade? A legeal and respevted sex trade would pose more of a threat to Islam than one might think just for the fact that it gives women more power over their bodies. Not something most radical Imams and Muslims would be comfortable let alone happy with.
I am not certain what the final solution to these problems should be and I won't condemn or defend that the male instinct to reproduce (sexual desire and "need") is something men can't control or suppress. I still wake up most mornings and thank women worldwide for not slaughtering all men in our sleep. The fact is male sexual desire (in other words the drive to reproduce, even hidden by fancy words and ideals like "lust") exists and with out serious "neural reprogramming" of every male alive, will be a fact of human existence no matter how many negative reactions and social institutions it has historically placed on all societies (female circumcision and occupational pay discrepancies for example).
A gay man's desire to "reproduce" is the same chemically driven need for sex as a straight males, just as strong and another driving force behind prostitution. The homosexual sex act may not produce offspring but being gay does not change the biochemistry of a man so his sex drive is more inline with a womens. There is a reason the Sex Trade and it's "offspring" (gentlemen's clubs and pole dancing by example) remain "the oldest occupation" and supported mainly by men, gay or not.
I do know that the way to a solution does rely on two changes to society:
1. The legalization of the Sex Trade, along with a safe environment for its practitioners
2. A change in social thinking and outlook that demeans those people involved in its work (I doubt a national leader like Justinian I, will openly marry a Sex Worker).
These changes have to be supported and started by people of both sexes. It can start as simply by beginning to no longer use the word "whore" or using "hoe" as a term to denigrate someone. Though the reason why someone becomes a Sex Worker may be less than noble, we need to all remind ourselves that these are people who are merely doing the best that they can to survive and thrive, despite what ever caused them to make this choice of careers.?
These individuals are mothers, sisters, and children to families and friends that value them regardless of career choices. Unless your choice of occupation is something vile like }puppy squisher" or "random face puncher" I don't see why Sex Workers should be denigrated. This leads to the children of sex workers being bullied and teased if such onformation gets out and though that may be another kettle of fish, it is a sad commentary on the perception of sex work. I have lost and ttended more than enough funerals of people dear to my heart to view any of them as less than "noble". I now only ask that you all do the same.