Sex Addiction: Overcoming Sexual Fetishes and Managing Them (100% Unique Guide)?| Richrainbows

Sex Addiction: Overcoming Sexual Fetishes and Managing Them (100% Unique Guide)?| Richrainbows

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Sex Addiction

Sexual addiction or sex addiction definition is a condition in which a person becomes overly concerned with ideas or acts that produce the desired consequence.

It entails devoting a significant amount of time to contemplating and/or engaging in sexually addictive behaviors.

Easily available or less accessible (paraphilic) practices are examples of sexual behavioral addictions.

One-night stands or several encounters, connections with prostitutes, seeing pornographic photographs or movies, or compulsive masturbation are all examples of more easily available addictive acts.

There's been a lot of controversy between being sexually active and being a sex addict.

Some people tend to mix this up – seeing a sexually active man and mistaking him to be a sex addict is a whole total misunderstanding.?

This is not just restricted to men only – women can also be sex addicts.

Being a sex addict is something strong that takes a while before one can overcome such an act.

It is more like being on drugs which would require some therapy before such a habit can be stopped.?

?In this article, we would discuss what sex addiction means and how to manage sexual fetishes.

Growing up in your early 20's is when you tend to develop your habits which could be a negative or a positive one.?

This is where sex addiction comes in – whereas as a kid, you are being exposed to different adult materials on the television.?

Most times, these children pick up bad habits which tend to grow up with them as they get older.

Let's get to understand what it means to be a sex addict. What to learn more about this? Read on.?

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What is Sex Addiction?

Sex addiction is referred to as a sexual disorder, hypersexuality, and compulsive sexual behavior usually beyond normal.?

Sexual addiction is also known as hypersexuality, sexual reliance, and compulsive sexual behavior disorder. As with other reliance's,

Sexual addiction impacts negatively in an addict's life – with a high frequency of affecting the physical, mental, health, and personal safety.?

There is always some form of aggressive nature towards the receiver and can expand your initiative and your business down.?

Sex addiction makes one seek out multiple sex partners due to the urge to ease the pain which the receiver gets. These feelings can make someone succumb to excessive masturbation.

This act is purely a form of disorder in which the result would lead you to a compulsive need to masturbate to satisfy your urge.

Sometimes, it propels the receiver to watch pornographic videos and pictures.?

?People who suffer from sexual addiction wouldn't mind leaving their urgent activities to fulfill that urge.?

They would perform certain sexual activities multiple times a day and most times, always have this uncontrollable.

Hearing so much about sex addiction would you want to ask if there is a way it can be treated.?

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Treatment of Sexual Addiction

Psychotherapy is the first recommended treatment for sexual addiction – because it is associated with depression.?

It is found out that one of the causes of sexual addiction is depression.

So, during this therapy – a person suffering from depression speaks with a trained and licensed mental health care professional who helps him with identifying the factors that may be causing their depression.?

The majority of the depression being suffered by people today is as a result of chemical imbalances in the brain – making it important to take good care of your psychological aspect.?

When a person goes through sexual addiction, he/she is prone to having multiple affairs, engaging in one-night stands with prostitutes, viewing different pornographic videos with excessive masturbation.

How do you know that you are having or developing sexual addiction? What are the symptoms??

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Symptoms of Sex Addiction

People who suffer from this disorder would engage in this activity when no one is around to see them – and in most cases, hide it from their spouses, partners, and family members.?

Some would even lie about their whereabouts just to engage in these activities where they won’t be found out.?

But if you want to understand what the symptoms of sexual addiction look like, then you notice the following symptoms when you see them.?

  • Excessive thoughts and fantasies
  • Having multiple partners
  • Preoccupied with sexual activities
  • Inability to control such behavior
  • Hiding to masturbate
  • Putting yourself into dangers because of fulfilling sexual acts
  • Feeling guilty after having such an act.
  • Avoiding social works just to satisfy and fulfill sexual urges.?
  • Knowing that such behavior could get you hurt, but still engage in it.?

Furthermore, sexual addiction is also called compulsive behavior – and it has the power to strain relationships causing infidelity between couples.?

Some couples who have been caught with infidelity have claimed sexual addiction to be the main reason.?

But this shouldn't be mixed up with sexually active people. Some people who are sexual addicts may not be regarded as sexually active people, because they might engage in sexual activities and won't last more than 5mins.?

Sexual Fetishes (paraphilias)?

A sexual fetish is a sexual fixation on a non-living object or non-genital body part. It is involved with an arousing stimulus that has nothing to do with anything concerning different parts of the body.?

It is not necessarily something that has to do with the physical body, but things that make you get attracted such as hair, shoes, etc.?

People involved with sexual fetish must have something in hand that arouses them before they can become sexually active to engage in sex with their partner. It is essential for them to have it to get an erection or have an orgasm.?

Causes of Sexual Fetishes?

Although there is no single mechanism that causes sexual addiction, biological, psychological, and social variables all have a role in the development of these illnesses.

The intoxication associated with sexual addiction, for example, is the result of compulsion-induced alterations in certain locations and chemicals in the brain.

In terms of gender-based patterns of sexual addiction, research varies. Males who are shy and well-educated, for example, are more likely to acquire an Internet addiction, including sexual Internet addiction, according to some studies.

Other research has found that middle-aged women who use home computers are more likely to develop an Internet sexual addiction.

Although there hasn't been any cause related to sexual fetish, there are claims that sexual fetish becomes known during puberty.?

Also, other things that have been known to contribute to the causes are sexual imprinting {ability to recognize sexually desirable features and activities during childhood}

Furthermore, neurological differences also play a role in some cases. It has been observed that the region that processes sensory input from the feet lies immediately next to the region processing genital stimuli.?

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Specific Sexual fetishes and Healthy Sex?

The following are some of the common types of sexual fetishes being practiced by people. Some of these fetishes are to be talked about with your partner before engaging in them.?

Let's get in and learn more about the types of fetishes practiced during sex activities.?

  1. Spanking?

This is a mild slap on the bum during intercourse. For most people, it arouses the sexual feeling and makes them want to explore more into trying out other kinds of stuff. Other things related to spanking are; flogging, paddling.?

  1. Role Playing

Truth be told – this is exciting and funny. This is the activity you engage in dressed up as your favorite character and have sex with your partner. This is an amazing thing to try out with your partner.?

  1. Foot fetish?

This is kind of awkward though – but it is the desire to massage the feet and kiss them while touching them. This is very common with people today as it is a potentially exciting thing to try out.?

  1. Anal Sex

While it isn’t safe to go along with anal sex, it is quite an exciting tryout method if you practice safe methods by either using a condom or applying enough lubrication before penetration.?

While there are other types of sexual fetishes being done out there, these are some of the most common and popular fetishes that people engage in.?

Sex is meant to be enjoyed as it is a healthy activity and enjoying it is normal.?

So, when someone is sexually active with his/her partner, it does not mean that such a person is a sex addict.

All that is left is to understand the differences between these two.

But, can this act be controlled? Is there a way to prevent it? Let's look into the best way in preventing addiction before it gets to an uncontrollable act.?

Treatment of Sex Addiction

Psychotherapy is the first recommended treatment for sexual addiction – because it is associated with depression.?

It is found out that one of the causes of sexual addiction is depression.

So, during this therapy – a person suffering from depression speaks with a trained and licensed mental health care professional who helps him with identifying the factors that may be causing their depression.?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is frequently used by therapists to help people with sex addiction identify their particular triggers for sexually destructive (acting out) behaviors, reevaluate thinking distortions that contribute to those behaviors, and ultimately regulate those behaviors.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is also used by some mental health experts to treat sexual addiction.

This treatment strategy focuses on the addict's core internal emotional developmental issues, which contribute to the development of the hypersexual disorder.

The majority of the depression being suffered by people today is as a result of chemical imbalances in the brain – making it important to take good care of your psychological aspect.?

When a person goes through sexual addiction, he/she is prone to having multiple affairs, engaging in one-night stands with prostitutes, viewing different pornographic videos with excessive masturbation.

SSRIs are generally well-tolerated, and side effects are usually minor.

Nausea, diarrhea, agitation, sleeplessness, and headache are the most prevalent side effects.

These adverse effects, on the other hand, usually go away within the first month of using an SSRI.

Sexual side effects include diminished sexual desire (libido), delayed orgasm, or inability to have an orgasm in certain people. SSRIs can cause tremors in certain people.

The so-called serotonergic (serotonin-related) syndrome is a significant neurologic disorder linked to the use of SSRIs. The serotonergic syndrome is characterized by high fevers, convulsions, and cardiac rhythm abnormalities.

This illness is extremely uncommon and only occurs in a few people.

How do you know that you are having or developing sexual addiction? What are the symptoms??

What criteria do Doctors use to Evaluate and Diagnose Sex Addiction?

There is no single test that can definitively determine whether or not someone has a sexual addiction, as there is with practically any mental health diagnosis. As a result, health care providers identify these conditions by obtaining a wide range of medical, family, and mental health data.

A physical examination will be performed by the psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, psychiatric nurse, physician's assistant, or trained counselor, or one will be requested from the individual's primary care physician.

Typically, the medical examination will include lab testing to assess the person's overall health and to determine whether or not the person has a medical condition that could affect mental health.

When asking about mental health symptoms, mental health professionals are often looking to see if the person has sexual obsessions or compulsions,

as well as depression or manic symptoms, anxiety, alcoholism or other substance abuse, hallucinations or delusions, and some personality and behavioral disorders that may include excessive sexual activity as a symptom.

As a screening tool for sexual addiction, practitioners may give the people they evaluate a quiz or self-test.

Health care experts will strive to identify sexual addictions from medical illnesses that may include hypersexual symptoms in order to establish a sexual addiction diagnosis.

Seizures, tumors, dementia, and Huntington's disease are examples of such illnesses, which might include lesions to specific parts of the brain, such as the frontal or temporal lobes, and hence alter behavior. Sexual Addiction Definition.


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