Severance Magazine, The Beagle Has Landed Podcast, and Other Resources on the Topic of DNA Family Surprises
When a new resource becomes available that I think will help my clients and the readers of my blog, I try to highlight them. This week I have three to share - one a website, one a book, and one a podcast.
Severance Magazine is a new resource for the growing group of individuals who learn they have been separated by biological relatives. You can read articles, news, connect with other resources, and share your own story through print and video. Those who will benefit included those who are adopted, donor conceived, NPE (“not the parent expected”), and the less-common situations of those who have been switched at birth, kidnapped, or abandoned as children.
Family members (on both the biological and social sides) and professionals who work with these individuals will also benefit from learning about the experience of discovering and adjusting to unexpected news about parentage.
Severance Magazine offerings will grow over time. It currently includes the first full review of my recently-released book co-authored with Shannon Combs-Bennett, The DNA Guide for Adoptees, highlighted here:
We are honored to have it highlighted along side the memoir of award-winning author Dani Shapiro’s Inheritance, my next highlighted resource.