I`ve never had the chance to meet you, POTUS, but what I`ve witnessed since you declared you wanted to become the next President, I`ve heard many comments that don’t have any truth in them.?Just ??fake stuff that contaminates one gullible enough to not search for further info to confirm or invalidate these. But these noises ought not to worry you in any way.
I understand from what you`ve stated regarding your time as VP to Barack, and I gathered from a couple of these comments, you were the one behind all those evolutionary propositions that the reps NEVER allowed Barack or yourself to consolidate. Today, all these fake stuff coming from all those behind former pettypotus`s deceptive lies. ?But you are able to finally place these propositions into living praxis allowing your party better consolidation and of course give the capable and worthy reps within, quality conscious persons, ?place to bipartisanship that has been lacking for decades if not always.
I feel all you really have to do IS know where these trashy tendencies are coming from as from that poor fellow saying he had explosives in his van when trying to call attention to frustrations of what he`s going thru, outside the Capitol Area. This guy definitely IS greatly affected by fakenews himself. He needs professional help. As thousands if not millions do.
These are the same people I call to find out whatever could have been true coming from fake news himself, in order to confront reality and have the guts to accept all this has been illusory and empty. Because of this and all those behind confused and obsessed creatures believing fantasies that only damage the country as well as their own personal lives, ONLY PROVE how wrong those lies were, ?I continue to ask of you to finally share all those crimes in commission from that terrible fecal creature former pettypotus donald john trump represents.
The country NEEDS this very badly.
You will confirm my vision as soon as you let them know.
I know there have already been formal findings that convey legal and Constitutional reactions as well as ethical and other breaches beyond my actual domain of said praxis. I also am totally convinced evidence is so robust, nothing can stop or block said legal pursuits to finally clear the air so direly needed to stabilize the Collective Mind plus all those dimensions we live in that have been deeply affected by that terrible creature.
Because I`ve felt and witnessed many aspects coming from your sincere and loyal public and private personal manifestation ?throughout this last year or so, I can state your leadership, your proposals and all you represent as President of the United States and Leader of the Free World, I haven`t heard a lie or deception coming from you because precisely that ?Spirit of Truth I constantly allude, tells me we share and I AM ?in front of a REAL person and a REAL ?President ?not just some puppet being moved by perverse and capricious interests of that minority ruining our planet for profit.
?I feel?humbled to be able to address you with Faith and Hope ALL is real as multidimensional as I live all this.
So please excuse my constant petition thereof but I am totally certain when you reveal all you`ve achieved in solid findings in these regards MOST everything will be transformed into great benefit of the collective will and consciousness from our people and all those deceived by compulsive liar himself. ?I see There will be unimaginable fruition nobody will be able to deny or dismiss.
I am completely conscious of the great many issues in high demand of your decisions to solve but, THESE are also backlash from former misgovernment and you must identify all of them and make it known because this will also give you further energy and support as well as Authority and multidimensional POWER OVER ?those otherwise precisely completely against you. Even reps will have to concede everything as many aren`t what creatures like Mitch, de santis or abbot and several other value collapsed creatures are, where as that accusation regarding Afghanistan you haven`t done enough , you perfectly are in complete capability to REMIND all those it wasn`t but a republican that started that invasion as well as at least 3 other conflicts NOT democrats. Besides the fact, you are right in not wanting further?useless investments where there aren`t enough people with the living wills to fight to reform and attain valuable modifications of law and other important factors that represent evolutionary propositions and viable results. ?
Here is where UN and NATO plus England, MUST come in to take your country`s place with sober ?demands and solid presence.
All casualties MUST be identified and acknowledged legally to these profane ignorant creatures playing governors, because there will be many due to their orders. Criminal empty creatures totally unconscious and disloyal to the people`s health and lives.
With supposedly constitutional breaches regarding one`s acceptance or rejection ?of inoculation, IS completely modified because to not do so, IMPLY death risks for many others as well as one`s family members. This IS the most important factor we confront with imminent danger of not doing so, will allow this virus to continue mutating to the extent that liberty, MAY cause the virus to vary to another strain that will make all vaccines useless. So ask your
Constitutional ?Law experts to validate these with the Constitution itself to show and prove you`re not inventing excuses.
The PEOPLE`S HEALTH and LIVES ARE PRIORITY to the Constitution.
There are so many other accusations against your mandate and your ability to deal with them but to me, these are completely unfounded but THINGS WILL CHANGE DRASTICALLY if you accept to reveal all in regards to my constant petition that WILL give you LIVING OXYGEN in the multidimensional way I am allowed to see.
Dear President Biden, you mean so much to the free world that these poor creatures are doing all they understand is their reality but ARE completely lost in that quagmire of lies and deception demented donnie infused within their minds and they still believe that trash.
HELP them see the truth. You will confirm my vision.
IT will lead to have them see the light and perhaps have the guts to confront reality to help them finally have solid info as well as a REAL SPIRIT with which they may free themselves from that terrible predicament they are living now. Believe me, Sir, they are in a living hell because of this.
Because of my tribulated life experience where nothing I did in regards to malnourishment ever prospered and the terrible shameful tragedy I lived thru for over half century, seeing their misery, hunger, illness, hopelessness?and death, occurred only because disloyal corrupted traitors to my country as very similar to what is happening in the States today. For billions of criminal funds, the power, their vanity and total disloyalty to the country, as we`ve witnessed for so long, PROVES a frontal war to terminate corruption and all terrible consequences because they feel so immortal and untouchable THIS MUST STOP FOREVER.
All those criminals ought not to be forgiven at all, ?without having them face the Law to full consequences.
Receive from me ?with all that Conscious Multidimensional Life and Spirit the planet is so deeply in need of and allow me to acknowledge my admiration towards you and Dear Kamala as I`ve seen the priceless substance you are made of.
Do continue your Historical presence in what has been that sorry culture for corruption impunity, disloyalty and perverse profane worship of materialism and vanity that NEED to be eliminated for good from the most important country on the planet.
Please don`t allow creatures like those prosper in any way against you. You have the power and authority to officially dismiss them Im Limine.
In the Light of the Spirit of Truth:
God Bless and God Speed to both and your loyal efficient Cabinet and Teams:
Edgar Emilio
Fiat Dominus