ArchDuke Yahwehtor KofAdza I - HDRH, HSRH
Chairman & CEO, The Archduke Organisation / The Archduke Philanthropies - Researching & Implementing Innovative Solutions to the "Rural/Urban Economic Dichotomy"
UDHR@70 Joint Press Statement
70th Anniversary Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights – Call For A Manifest Radical Human Rights-Centred World & Dedication Of a 2019 Program Of Activities To The Martyrs, Victims & Survivors Of Human Rights Abuses.
Corpus GREAT Sovereign Rights Chancellery Chambers, Institutes, Fellowship & Foundation; with
Corpus JEHOVAH Omniscience Christian Rights Commission Chambers
10th December 2018
London, United Kingdom
For Immediate Dispatch
On the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Corpus GREAT Sovereign Rights Chancellery Institutes and Corpus JEHOVAH Omniscience Christian Rights Commission Chambers call for a Radical Approach to a Human Rights World in which the Global Citizen, including his/her rights becomes the premise and fulcrum around which families, societies, communities, regions, nations, continents and the world evolves. The Reality Check Question that requires pondering, is how many of the World’s 7.2Billion Citizens have their Fundamental Human Rights fully Realised? The analogy is similar to the concentration of Global Wealth in the hands of a tiny 1% of the World Population to the disadvantage of the vast majority. That is damning enough to merit a Radical Paradigm Shift to obtain an Optimised Inclusive Human Rights Construct that benefits the Majority of Global Citizens. We therefore call for a 21st Century-appropriate Revolutionary UN Human Rights Paradigm Construct. In the light of the disappointing verdict, we dedicate this 70th Anniversary of One Year of Activities to the Memory of all those who have been martyred by Human Rights abuse and to the Courage and Strength of All Victims and Survivors of this shame of Human Uncivilisation.
The United Nations, its Human Rights Council and Partner Agencies have made a difference in its Seven Decades of existence, not least the prevention of a Third World War, a cost benefit analysis indicates that it is a very expensive proposition. Figures establish that the UN has spent some Half-Trillion Dollars and yet it has failed to prevent national and regional wars, not the least the Iraq, Libyan, Yemenis and Syrian Wars, which have inflicted decades of infrastructural destruction and untold misery and human rights violations upon Citizens of these Countries. The War in Afghanistan, the Middle East Israeli-Palestinian Crisis and the Persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar, with or without Ms Aung San Suu Kyi - Nobel Laureate and Civilian Leader, the Persecution of Christians, the Persecution of the 500,000 Yazidis of Northern Iraq and the continued Primitive Practice of Public & Spectatored Beheading in the Gulf States, Extreme Poverty and Oppressive Government Policies even in the World Richest Economies, Widening Gap between the amoral, unearned, luxurious Lives of Rulers of the World’s Poorest Economies and their Citizens, remain low points for the United Nations and its construct of Manifesting Universal Human Rights for ALL. Other crucial areas of United Nations Failures in fulfilling its mandates include its Resistance to its own Reform to make its Security Council Permanent Membership more representative of All the 5 Continents, the refusal to recognise the African Holocaust and institutional Afrophobia, Anti-Africanism and Anti-African Racism as distinct form of Racism to elicit specific measures for their effective Eradication in line with the Declaration of All Forms of Racism Against Persons of African Ancestry. The protection and enforcement of historical Justice for Persecuted Natives such as the American Indians, the Aboriginal Native Australians and the ethnically-cleansed Native Africans of North of the Sahara by Arab Colonising Settlers, without which total African Liberation is not complete.
The World must depart from the false construct where Humanity is seen as separate from Fundamental Human Rights. Policy Interventions to attain Optimised Manifest Human Rights require to be sharpened to reflect a full understanding of the inseparability, indivisibility and oneness of Human Beings and Human Rights. For the advancement of Fundamental human Rights in the 21st Century, we must rapidly move to the understanding the Fundamental Human Rights is integral to Personhood.
While the Broad Human Rights Framework Strands of Political, Cultural, Economic and Social are helpful, the overemphasising of Personal Rights over Economic Rights has proven a fundamental weakness of the United Nations Rights Model. This has resulted in a widespread unsavoury situation where ALL Governments, Heads of State and Nations are found guilty of violating the Economic Rights of Citizens by their visible failure to Eradicate Poverty. We draw attention to the paramountcy of Economic Rights and the need to highlight that from the backbenches as a key element of the UN Rights Strands. More to that, we call for the move of the World Economic System onto a Human Rights-Centred Economics where Poverty Eradication, Financial Inclusion, Citizens Economic Stakeholdership are embedded principles.
One of the challenges of the UN Human Rights Traditions is that its Human Rights Vision is misaligned from the extremely unfair and unjust World Economic System, whereas its impacts reflect the exclusive realisation of Human Rights outcomes for the Minority. The existing Global Economic System that concentrates wealth in the hands of a few by margnalising Majority Global Citizens is unfit-for-purpose to deliver Fundamental Human Rights to ALL. The same fate seems to be befalling the Word Economic Forum tradition seems to be drifting towards the same tragic fate.
Dr Dzordzi Koku Adomdza HRH – Chancellor, President & Consultant Fellow of the CORPUS GREAT SOVEREIGN RIGHTS CHANCELLERY CHAMBERS, INSTITUTES, FELLOWSHIP & FOUNDATION reflects, “Our position on the emphatic paralysis of Human Rights for Majority Global Citizens is crystal clear. Any construct that benefits a tiny minority to the disadvantage of the majority is perilously flawed and undermines the claims of Human Civilisation. The statistics and graphics are overwhelmingly damning enough. We live in a world where open beheadings of humans, the savage cutting up of persons to harvest their organs alive is a condoned trade, where the sexual abuse of babies and children is widespread even within corridors of power, where sexual abuse against women in the professions are connived and where poverty – including food stamps, food banks and hunger - has become an oppressive class tool of the World’s Ruling Elite, even in the World’s Financially Richest Economies, where Global Wealth is concentrated in the hands of a tiny 1% and where the Luxurious Lifestyles of The Rulers are light-year’s away from the dreams of those they claim to represent.
“We have always emphasized that one of the scandals of Humanity is that Human Beings are the Worst Violators of Fundamental Human Rights! We advocate that the exact opposite should be the where every Human Being functions as a Bona Fide Human Rights Defender with Optimised Human Rights Literacy. There are no better guarantees or policing system to Manifesting Human Rights than a Conscientious Human Rights Culture.
“After 70 years of the UDHR and some US$500Billion spent, the UN System has failed to deliver the stated desirable outcomes outlined in the UN Charter, encapsulated in the UDHR and other International Conventions. Add to that the fact that these failings allow for Grotesque Human Miseries, which in the worse case scenarios cost Precious, Matchless Human Lives.
“My personal experience of the Human Rights Profession is that it is fraught with ‘Professionals’ who have no personal experience of abuse, as well as a sector sometimes hijacked by opportunistic careerists who have no commitment whatsoever to the victims nor hunger for making Human Rights abuse history. It is not uncommon to meet callous, cold, Hitler-like characters in the Human Rights Profession who are more of the problem, than the solution.
“The International Human Rights System in its current state has no chance of fulfilling the Vision of the Architects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A Cost-Benefit Examination of the Outputs, Outcomes and Minimalist Impacts of the Global Human Rights Establishment corroborate this observation over the 70 Years journey travelled. Vicious, Dark Oppositional Forces against the Vision, Mission and Aspirations of the Architects of the UDHR are both within and outside of the Human Rights Profession and Institutions, where some function as gatekeepers who prevent Forces for Good from Entering the Sector for fear of possible Exposure. Unless there is a Rapid, Comprehensive, Fundamental Review with a Substantive, Radical, Program of Review, the next 70 years will be no better that the past 70 Years in the Prevention of Abuse, Protection of Rights at an acceptable Pace for producing Quality, Meaningful Outcomes of Redress for Victims. The existing obscene Human Rights Gravy Train must give way to Conscientious Results-oriented Work that is urgently required, but has now become 70 years overdue, for swathes of vulnerable Global Citizens who are subjected to some of the most despicable, unimaginable, horrifying and un-dignifying torture, stigma, torment, fear, stigma, prejudice, stereotype, discrimination, vicious exclusion and marginalisation.
“Consider for instance that Native Africans, the Legitimate Owners of the Rich Natural Resource Endowments of the Continent, are forced to flee their Beloved Homeland in rickety, ramshackle, marine-unsafe boats, dinghies to perilously cross the Mediterranean, sometimes with children, into the Global North in a gamble to get some dignity back! In the process many perish! This is after some 5 Decades of African Self-rule, which falls within the 70 Years of the UDHR?
“Or consider the Wellbeing of Palestinian and Israeli Children and Youth, who, for no fault of theirs, know no Substantive Sustainable Peace, Security or Safety. How does UDHR@70 resonate with the Conflict Millennials? More so when contemporary Diplomacy – Soft Power of the so called International Community demonstrably lacks the Competence to deliver a Lasting Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Extend the same to the Afghani Youth, Syrian War Refugees, Starving Yemeni War Victims, NATO bombed-out Libya, Post-Saddam Iraq, the ISIL-tortured Yazidis, Rohingya Refugees, Persecuted Christians, the Native Americans, Native Canadians, Australia and New Zealand’s Aboriginals or the Captured and Abused Victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria? Think of the Millions of impoverished, malnourished Children and the World’s Majority who survive by the day battling Water, Housing, Energy, Health, Educational Poverty and Food Insecurity. What Protection, Succour or Comfort do they have under the Banner of UDHR@70? What hope for them with the existing Human Rights Status Quo?”
Obviously after Half-Trillion spend, the United Nations and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights have made some difference without which the World would be worse than we experience now. However, the State of Contemporary World Human Rights leaves so much to be desired and raises several questions about the efficacy of the UN System, its Policy Objectives and Array of Interventions, not least the bias of the ICJ in bringing World Leaders who are deemed complicit in Illegal Wars and other Grotesque Human Rights abuses to justice.
The recent broad daylight butchering of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi in a Saudi Arabian Consulate, in Turkey, mirrors the unpredictability of State-sponsored Human Rights Abuse and the appalling State of 21st Century Human Rights. Consulates are understood to demonstrate every hallmark of Diplomacy. So if a Diplomatic Safe Haven becomes effectively a Murder Scene that draws International Outrage, then that sends chilling signals across the entire International Human Rights System and reverberates badly. In addition, when this dastardly brutal murder does not command the toughest of sanctions from World Leaders and the sitting President of the United States does not consider the brutal murder significantly sufficient to override any Trade Interests, then the Integrity, Guarantee of Fundamental Human Rights is in serious disrepute, as it is in jeopardy.
A Second Factor that defines contemporary State of Global Human Rights Post Obama Presidency Human Rights – Neglect of the Human Rights Duty of Care to Native Americans and African Americans. CORPUS GREAT SOVEREIGN RIGHTS CHANCELLERY’S successful ANTI-SCIENTIFIC RACISM CAMPAIGN in August 2007 was one of the catalysts that facilitated the Barack Obama Presidency in 2009. In that historic Campaign of its kind, the celebrated, Nobel Laureate for Science, Father of DNA and Chancellor of Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, Professor James Dewey Watson recanted and apologised for his statement that Africans are less intelligent than Caucasians without having any scientific evidence to prove the same. We demanded for the Court of Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory to take appropriate action against the Professor who made those fateful Scientifically Racist Statements at the start of a Book Launch Tour in the United Kingdom.
In response to the Campaign’s demand, Professor Watson was relieved of his post even while he was airborne back to the United States, after his Book Tour Engagements were cancelled. Prior to our Campaign, some fascist websites were already posting to celebrate him as the New Einstein of Scientific Racism and Eugenics. In 2014, Professor Watson cited our anti-Scientific Racist Campaign for his dwindling income and the need for him to sell his Nobel Medal. Professor Watson – who insisted he was “not a racist in a conventional way” – said it had been “stupid” of him to not realise that his comments on the intelligence of African people would end up in an article.
“I apologise . . . [the journalist] somehow wrote that I worried about the people in Africa because of their low IQ – and you’re not supposed to say that.” During the auction, held in December 2014 by Christies, the gong sold for $4.8m by Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, who promptly said that he was giving the medal back to the DNA Scientist in recognition of his contributions to humanity. "In my opinion, a situation in which an outstanding scientist has to sell a medal recognizing his achievements is unacceptable," Usmanov said in a statement.
Whilst The Obama Campaign rode on the wings of the successful campaign that dethroned Professor Watson, his tenure of firsts at the White House unleashed an unchecked backlash in the brutal daylight murders and slaying of scores of African Americans that conjured memories of the Slave Plantation Days to which the President, his Attorney General and National Security Advisor – All African Americans, proved impotent in tackling, even though capturing Osama Bin Laden and inflicting decades of destruction through NATO Bombardment upon Libya that culminated in Regime Change and eventual murder of Muammar Gadhafi. The tragedy of the Obama Presidency for the anti-African, Afrophobic Racism was that the first African American Presidency set back the clock of African American Racial Equality in spectacular breadth taking terms, rather than improving upon it – No Apology for the Cartel Slavery, no Reparations, No UN Security Council Permanent Membership with Veto Powers for the African Union, no Recognition of the on-going Wider African Holocaust – the most ruthless, prolonged, enduring organised Persecution and Genocide against a People on grounds of skin pigmentation.
A Third Factor that defines contemporary State of Global Human Rights in the Early 21st Century is The Policy Objectives that were chosen to deal with the Great Recession in 2007-09 whereupon Citizens Resources was used to bail out wrongly-behaving Private Sector financial institutions whilst Citizens were meted with Ruthless Doses of Austerity. In a brutal assault on the Economic Rights of Citizens in the major Economies of the World, Austerity was used as a class war against the impoverished in classical collateral damage, pushing them further into miserable economic dispossession, characterised by the emergence of Food Banks, increased Homelessness, Worsening Child Poverty, Sanctions against the Disabled and a culture of fear and intimation by those who were elected to protect them. It was nothing short of Economic Fascism.
A Fourth Cardinal Factor that defines contemporary State of Global Human Rights with UDHR@70 is the scandalous revelations that revealed the entrenched institutional sexual abuse of women in the professions, commencing with Hollywood, that culminated in the #MeToo Movement. Not only did the disturbing narratives of abuse in the professions expose a suffocating, oppressive culture that many female talents had been put through but also the extent of connivance in complete disregard with the letter and spirit of the UDHR. The accounts read as though the perpetrators of workplace sexual abuse had no female relations or that they were not even born of women.
A Fifth Cardinal Factor that characterises the Human Rights Dynamic is the emergence of Sporting Heroes who have risked their careers in protesting against Institutional Afrophobia and anti-Africanism such as Colin Kaepernick – an American Football Quarter Back for the San Francisco 49ers, Lewis Hamilton – 5 time Formula One Raising Champion, Serena Williams – a Women’s Lawn Tennis Legend and Rahim Sterling an England Soccer Ace. These gallant Champions of Human Rights, who are still in active competitive sports, have stuck their neck out, regardless of risks to careers and potential earning power, to criticise the stench of asphyxiating Racial Prejudice, Stereotype and Discrimination not only in the World of Sports, but against Historic Discrimination and Injustice which columns of Persons of African Heritage lack the guts to challenge – as many prefer to burry their heads in the sand in hopelessness, helplessness within a relentlessly vicious whirlpool of Professional, Societal, National and International System of Toxic anti-African Racism.
Compare the courage of these Sporting Stars of African Heritage with those of former President Barack Obama, Mitchell Obama, Attorney General and National Security Advisor who all could have used their Powerful and Influential Positions to beat back the Blood-stained Evil of Institutional Anti-African Racism, Afrophobia and yet elected to neglect the Moral Duty of Care against a Murderous, Evil Phenomenon. The Politicians had more power and yet found wimpy excuses and let golden opportunities for righting wrongs slip by, while being effective in all things not anti-African, Afrophobic Racism. What a more comparatively Racially Tolerant and Literate World the 21st Century would have been! In a column for the Guardian UK, Stan Collymore, a former Footballer, suggested that the current storm about the Racial Abuse towards Raheem Sterling, United Kingdom and Manchester City Forward at a Premiership Football Match will pass and that nothing will change: “It never does when it comes to racism in this country.” What a stark indictment of institutional anti-African Racism worldwide.
A Sixth Critical Factor that defines Early 21st Century Human Rights is the noticeable silence of Contemporary African Leaders. There has been no time in the history of the African Peoples and Nations that the Ruling Elites have been so silence about the Wider African Holocaust which permeates all Strands of the African Communities, chiefly Economically through the lenses of self-internalised Inferiority Complexes. At the outset of the African Holocaust, even slaves protested and revolted at the risk of being cold-bloodedly lynched, slain or murdered. Names such as General Toussaint of Haiti, Queen Yaa Asantewaa of Ghana and King Shaka the Zulu of the Zulu Empire etc., come to mind. In fighting anti African Racial Hatred, Afrophobia in the Diaspora, stalwarts like Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass [born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey], Booker Taliaferro Washington, Marcus Josiah Garvey, Dr William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks occupy coveted places in the Forces for Good Hall of Fame.
In fighting Colonisation, the Champions of African Decolonisation were vociferous against the injustices of Imperialism and were ready to pay the Price, in some instances, the ultimate Price. Names such as Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, Samora Moisés Machel, President Rolihlahla Dalibunga Nelson Mandela, Amilcar Cabral, Captain Thomas Sankara come to mind, and not least, the Hundreds Millions of the Victims of the Maafa [The European Transatlantic Slave Trade], are worthy of mention. Question is which is a more of a brutal threat to confront – the Brutalities of the Slave Trading Castles and the Agonising Waits at the Ports of No Return, the Brutalities of the Slave Ships, the Swords of the Slave Plantations, the Repressive Gallows of Colonialism or the Luxuries of Post-Colonial but Lofty, Comfy, Air-conditioned Offices and Executive Official Mansions of High Office in the African NeoColonies?
And yet, it is during African Self-Rule when the World witnesses the most silenced of Africans in Leadership, even though the harsh evidence of the continued Wider African Holocaust abounds in open view. Africa has hundreds thousands of paid Diplomats around the World, in addition to the entire Public service Workforce, Parliamentarians, Judiciary and Ministers of State, those assigned to the African Union, the European Union, the United Nations [53] and Regional Economic Blocs such as ECOWAS and yet the re a lacking of Effective, Competent, Robust Advocacy against Institutional Afrophobia, the Wider African Holocaust of which the African Economic Conundrum is integral. As Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, “There comes a time when Keeping Silence is Betrayal.” We live in times of Great Betrayal.
A Seventh Crucial Factor characteristic of 21st Century Human Rights is the Ecumenical Pulpit Silence about the Evil of anti-African, Afrophobic Racism. Regardless of Acute Persecution of Christians, not least, Massacre of ISIL of Christians in the Middle East, the Atrocities of Al Qaeda in Africa North of the Sahara and East Africa, the Satanism of Boko Harm in Nigeria, the Slaying of a Catholic Priest while Preaching at the Pulpit in France and the Murder of Extremist Satanic Agents in the United States of America who have trespassed Church Premises and Murdered Worshipping Congregations, no Dr Martin Luther King Jr has emerged! Several Sermons are preached by Mega Church Pastors of Renown who noticeably avoid the Subject of the Divinity of Universal Human Rights and to actively Criticise Increasing Christian Persecution! If The Lord Christ Jesus died to Save Precious Lives, is it too much for Clergy to take an uncompromising stand against Contemporary Christian Persecution?!!!
One of the Defining Characteristics of the 7 Decades of the UDHR is its punctuation with Horrific Abuse of Children Rights – Domestically, Sexually & Employment. Without a doubt, this compelling statistics that emerge about Child Abuse in researching for this UDHR@70 Press Statement is the most difficult. From Sexual, Emotional, Physical and Online Abuse, it is incomprehensible that Seven Decades into the Proclamation of the Universal Rights of Humankind, Adults would think of, let alone engage in the Abuse of Children when they are most vulnerable, helpless and fully trusting of Adults. The realisation that Child Abuse runs through All Cultures, Religions, Politics, Education, Employment and even within Families and that the Majority of Abuses are inflicted by known Persons is even more heart-breaking. To the extent, that even babies of few month old, have been subjected to sexual abuse by adults and that paedophilia is on the rise is a clear blotch on the Claims of Human Civilisation and a confirmation of the Satanism of Child Abuse. In other words, a Civilisation that cannot Fully Protect its Children is in serious Crises. We are more convinced that the World needs a Comprehensive Radical Review of the status quo and as it is evidently unfit for purpose and people should not be making careers out of the miseries of some of Society’s most vulnerable. That across all the three Public, Private and Charitable Sectors, this vicious atrocity of Child Abuse, including Sexual, has been deliberately covered up, sometimes to the highest corridors of Power beggar’s belief! The 2018 Revelations of Abuse scandals involving Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, Save The Children, Medecins Sans Frontieres – Doctors Without Borders etc.
Here are some global hard facts statistics about this depravity as of 2014:
- One billion children aged 2–17 years experienced physical, sexual, emotional or multiple types of violence. 1
- A quarter of all adults report having been physically abused as children. 2
- One in five women and one in 13 men report having been sexually abused as a child. 2
- Children comprised 28 percent of detected trafficking victims. 3
- Every year, there are an estimated 41,000 homicide deaths in children under 15 years of age. 2
- US$7 trillion is lost due to violence against children each year equivalent to 8 percent of global GDP.
Further details about Sexual Exploitation Atrocities, including against Children and Women would be covered in an on-going work in 2019 – our Dedicated UDHR@70 Year in Honour of Martyrs, Victims & Survivors of Human Rights Abuses
One wonders whether there is a conspiracy against the Manifestation of Universal Human Rights for All Global Citizens and if there is, to what purpose? To this end UDHR@70 leaves too many questions unanswered about the Human Rights Movement itself, as much as it leaves too many unanswered questions about Human Rights as a desirable, attainable Standard. All point to one thing – the existing status quo has become antiquated and require urgent rapid radical overhaul from an exclusive construct of benefit to the Minority to an inclusive construct that benefits Majority Global Citizens.
As a first step, we call those who work in the Human rights field must reflect the experiences of the Victims of Human Rights Abuses because a Fundamental Flaw of the status quo is a field being filled by those who have no experience of how Human Rights abuse feels like.
For the above reasons, to make the 70th Anniversary more meaningful beyond vain symbolisms and empty celebrations and as a form of respect to the Victims of Human Rights Abuse across the globe, we call for a Radical Paradigm Deconstruction, Paradigm-Reconfiguring and Paradigm Shifting away from the existing Fundamental Human Rights Edifice and Un-Optimised Construct. Strangely enough, those who benefit from the UN Human Rights gravy train, continue to be doggedly hesitant towards the necessary Radical Overhaul of the UN System, not least the effectiveness which would attain the very Vision of the Founders that meets the Aspirations and Dreams of Majority Global Citizens. The well- remunerated Secretary General, António Guterres, must do well to take Bold Initiative, Competent Leadership and Employ Matured Diplomacy to deliver UN Human Rights Paradigm that is fit-for-purpose for the 21st Century. An institution founded on 70 years realities cannot possibly retain its utilitarian essence in an environment that is intrinsically kaleidoscopic in nature.
Dr Dzordzi K Adomdza HRH
Chancellor, President & Consultant Fellow
10th December 2018, London, United Kingdom
Notes to Editors:
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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR], was adopted by the UN General Assembly at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris three years after the end of World War II. It was the product of 18 months’ work by a drafting committee, with members and advisers from all across the world, and – in the words of one of its principal architects, René Cassin _– _"at the end of one hundred sessions of elevated, often impassioned discussion, was adopted in the form of 30 articles on December 10, 1948."
Afrophobia is a term used to refer to a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards black people or people of African Descent around the world. Definitions refer to irrational fear, with the implication of antipathy, contempt and aversion. The term "Afrophobia" is observable in as discrimination and racist violence on the basis of a persons skin colour, ethnic origin, and nationality. Afrophobia is like Homophobia or Islamophobia and other forms of discrimination grounds in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood. Afrophobia can also intersect with other grounds such as sex, Homophobia, Islamophobia and Disability creating cases of multiple discrimination grounds. A person who displays Afrophobia or is thought to do so is described as being Afrophobic and labelled as an Afrophobe.
There is also Afrophobic Hate Crimes through Afrophobic verbal abuse, degrading language, physical violence against black people.
Corpus Great Sovereign Rights Chancellery Chambers, Institutes, Fellowship & Foundation is a 21st Century Human and Global Citizenship Rights Thought Leadership, Advocacy Think and Doing Tank that employs a Battery of Creative and Innovative Interventions to Champion Optimised Human Rights Literacy at every Level of Society for the Total Elimination of Anti-Africanism, Institutional Afrophobia and other forms of Racial and Human Rights Abuses; Promotes Inclusive Global Security, Peace & Stability to Advance Human Civilisation
Corpus JEHOVAH Omniscience Christian Rights Institute & Commission Chambers is a Christian Universal Rights Advocacy Charity that Educates about the Divinity, Sanctity, Sacredness & Protection of Fundamental Rights and Strives for the Eradication of Christian Persecution and Suppression of Religious Freedoms.
The Watson anti-Scientific Racism Campaign strives to End Institutional Scientific Racism in Academia and wherever it obtains. It commenced as a response to the Scientifically-Racist, Afrophobic statement by Professor James Dewey Watson, Nobel Laureate for Science, then the Chancellor of the prominent New York based Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory in October 2007 that Africans are less intelligent than Caucasians. When the renowned Professor failed to provide any scientific evidence for his scientifically anti-Afrophobic remarks about Persons of African Heritage, he recanted with an apology as the Campaign exerted pressure and was relinquished of his Chancellorship by the Court of Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory as necessary. The Campaign made clear that is was not against Professor Watson per se but about the entire Afrophobic Scientific Racism School of Thought and Power Corridors that he represented. The Campaign inadvertently gave impetus to the momentum of the Barack Obama Presidential Bid, which tragically disappointed the Race Equality Movement, whilst successful in other crucial areas of Governance, not least, Reviving the American Economy from an Historic Great Recession.
Colin Rand Kaepernick is American Former Professional American Football Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League. In 2016, Kaepernick began a protest against racial injustice and systematic oppression in the United States by choosing not to stand up while the United States National anthem was being played before the start of NFL games, as was tradition. This became a highly debated topic in the national media. The negative responses included USA President Donald Trump saying that professional athletes who protest during the US National Anthem should be fired while positive responses included other athletes and celebrities publicly donning Kaepernick jerseys to voice support. In November 2017, Kaepernick filed a grievance against the NFL and its owners, accusing them of colluding to not hire him after going unsigned prior to the start of the 2017 season. Eric Reid and Malcolm Jenkins, who emerged as two central figures in the NFL Protests against Racial and Social Injustice, subsequently joined Colin. In September 2018, Nike Inc. chose Colin Kaepernick, as one of the faces for advertisements commemorating the 30th anniversary of its “Just Do It” slogan, which paid of by skyrocketing sales.
British-born Formula One star, Lewis Hamilton, the only Person of African Heritage to have won the World Championship, said he supports the on-going protests by NFL players against racial injustice. Before the American Grand Prix in September 2017, Hamilton said the following, “I don’t plan to let all the BS pull me down,” said Hamilton. “I’ve worked hard to be here and I have feelings about the whole situation, but at the moment I have no plans to do anything. I know a lot of people in America so I get to speak to a lot of black and white people that live here. I get quite a good view of what’s happening here and I get opinions from the Americans about the movement, which I think is pretty huge. You’ve seen I’ve posted about it because I respect it highly and I find the movement that [NFL quarterback] Colin Kaepernick started awesome. I’m very much in support of it.”
In the 2018 US Open on Friday, August 31, Serena gave a shout out to two of her supporters in the stands: football players Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid. Serena remarked as follows at the Press conference, “every athlete, every human, and definitely every African American should be completely grateful and honoured how Colin and Eric are doing so much more for the greater good, really use their platform in ways that is really unfathomable. They have great respect from a lot of their peers, especially other athletes, people that really are looking for social change."
Previously, Serena had used commented on racial injustice within the healthcare system and criticised police brutality before. For instance, in a powerful Facebook post from August 2016, she described feeling fear for her own family while thinking about police violence. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to my nephew. He's so innocent. So were all 'the others. I then wondered, [when] have I spoken up? I had to take a look at me. What about my nephews? What if I have a son and what about my daughters? As Dr Martin Luther King Jnr said, “”There comes a time when silence is betrayal””. I won't be silent."
The Me Too movement, with many local and international alternative names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault. #MeToo spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.
1- World Health Organization Media Centre Fact Sheet. Violence Against Children, February 2018
2- World Health Organization Media Centre Fact Sheet N°150. Child Maltreatment, September 2016
3- UNODC, Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2016 [United Nations publication, Sales No. E.16.IV.6]