Laura Millman Meagher
We dream therefore we are. Discrete Personal Coaching Worldwide ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS (3/2025) Let's Make Your Dreams Come True! Emmy awarded & 15 yrs in Paris were among my dreams fulfilled. Let's get busy with yours!
Journalist Caitlin Dickerson: "I wanted to see for myself what people were willing to risk to get to the United States. I spoke with a handful of journalists who had done so before. They had dealt with typhoid, rashes, emergency evacuations, and mysterious illnesses that lingered for months. One was tied up in the forest and robbed at gunpoint."
"The Darién Gap was once considered impassable. Now hundreds of thousands of migrants .... adults lugging babies and backpacks ... are risking treacherous terrain, violence - including rape - hunger, and disease to travel through the jungle to the United States." Read more in The Atlantic: