Seventh Week Journey with CXL Institute ( Google ads, Landing page, Youtube ads & LinkedIn ads review)

Seventh Week Journey with CXL Institute ( Google ads, Landing page, Youtube ads & LinkedIn ads review)

This article is a part of my CXL Institute scholarship and covers my seventh-week experience of growth marketing minidegree. For the next upcoming 5 weeks, I am going to post a new article about what I have understood of the content discussed through the minidegree courses. Each week I am covering multiple courses within each post. If you are interested in the field of Growth marketing or anything related to this scholarship and courses feel free to ask me.

Google ads and tools of google ad

This course is mainly based on how I can optimize my google ad and how nicely I can get benefits using the tools platform of google ads. So, let’s start with the opportunities like keyword planner and display planner.

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Inside the google ads, we can find a settings bar where we will look for keyword planner. So how keyword planner can help us? Simply this thing helps use to know keywords that you are not aware of and those keywords are really helpful. Like for understanding which one you should target or which one you should bid on. Here you can type on a keyword that represents your business. Then it will scan all the historical data related to that and give you a hint for choosing your useful keyword and will also make you aware of your competition level. Here you can choose your location, language, and search network.

I got to know about Spyfu, SemRush for which you have to pay. But they are more useful and have more features. Like it can give you a bunch of keywords that are new and trendy so that you can target them for getting more clicks to your site. We can also compare advertisers using this. This external tool can help you to increase your target with some new opportunities, audience, and keywords to gain a higher conversion volume.

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Smoke testing

Smoke testing means you are creating something that basically looks very impressive from the surface but deep down it’s hasn’t finished. It’s an MVP to see if it actually has legs when it comes to your display ads and video campaign. Most people think that display advertising or YouTube video is for brand awareness. But this thinking is proven completely wrong for some companies who use it for ROI.

Keyword Targeting

Keywords are what help us to gain a higher conversion rate. Bidding on the correct keyword can help us to get what we want. On the other hand, the wrong keyword can put the conversion rate low as well as it can cost you losing some money. You might get a lot of clicks that are not relevant to you because of the wrong keyword selection. To avoid that negative keyword can help you. By putting those keywords which may not relevant to you in that negative keyword part will tell google to avoid them. For example, if you are an interior design company you may not get clicked for an interior designer job or free interior design. So, pulling them out from your keyword search can help you not losing your money for each pay per click. Putting expression in keywords can help us to target the right keywords.

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 Google ads interface has so many options to improve your account. For example, a recommendation that helps you to improve your performance of your account. It’s a tab that recommends whether you should add new keywords, recommend you to remove anything that is redundant. 

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The main dashboard is the overview part where most people spend time. There we have the campaign part, where all the campaign showed up. All the campaigns we are running. We can use filters to organize the campaigns more accurately. For example, if we add a filter to keyword>next step cost/conversion> then > A $100 (100 Australian dollar). Then it will show only those keywords which have done conversion 100 dollar or upper than that and will remove keyword which has less than 100-dollar conversion.

For creating your google campaign, you can hit the new campaign button, it will want your basic website information after putting it, we have to go to the part of the general setting. Where we can set campaign name and network. Into the more settings part, we have a start and ends date, campaign URL where we can input UTM parameters, Dynamic search this is mainly allowing google to scan our website and comes with ideas to target by itself, targeting audiences by which we can target about how you can target audience geographically. Then come the budget and bidding part. Where you can set your budget per day and how much you want to pay per click.

How much do you know about the landing page? Let's get to know about it

A landing page is a part of a site where people land when they click any email link, an ad from Google, Facebook, Instagram, or any similar place on the web. The instructor of this course starts this course by telling how important it is to have a great and effective landing page. How can an effective landing page experience can influence people to look over your offers, ads on your site? After all, this is the first place of building the connection. The landing page focuses on a clear conversion goal.

He then gives some characteristics of an effective landing page. They are:

·        Shortens the journey from click to conversion

·        Follows up on “promises” made an ad source

·        Speaks to user motivation & address barriers

·        Answers important questions and create clarity

·        Create a clear path to conversion

After that, he shares his horrifying experience of a landing page. Which really made me laugh. So, I thought I should also share this on this blog. Once he visited a landing page by a pop-up ad that talked about mobile marketing automation and it insured him that he could see a demo. So, it was fascinating for him but when he visited the landing page it made him really upset. There is a huge amount of content that was really confusing for him. There is a total of 107 links. He was only interested in one single topic which he got to know from the ad. Whenever he tries to click something, he gets a form to fill up with his sensitive information. He was not ready to do it. Another bad experience he got that for each click the page reload. So that made him crazy. Another funny thing is when he tried to live chat, he saw someone called Jorge but for informing him of something he had to email him. Oh, that’s not what a live chat really looks like.

He then moves on to other pages like the homepage, pricing page with no help but too much information was there. When he finally got the thing, he wanted to know. He clicked and he got that pathetic form again to feel up his information. That made him exhausted.

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So what hints his experience give us?  That landing page was not an effective landing page. That doesn’t match any single characteristics of an effective landing page. It was a confusing journey, no promises got fulfilled from the ad, there was nothing good there for answering important questions, and most importantly no path to conversion.

User Behavior

The human brain has so many puzzles. Why I am talking about this? Because mostly we marketers think that if anything is not running well is because it’s user fault. That they are not getting it nicely. They are stupid. Is it the fact? Are they responsible for not getting our information properly? Absolutely not, they are not responsible for it. For example, if you tell e 5 years boy to describe a programming language written in a code block, he may not describe it because he is not aware of this thing. So, this is the reason why users are not understanding our motive or goal. Because they actually not understanding our way of presenting the info, or the words we are using in the message. So, understanding how the brain works are important. Not all brain catches information in the same way. Sometimes something gets our attention very fast and sometimes we need time to understand. The way we deliver a message has a direct impact on how it is perceived. Below is an example is given by the instructor

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Here order vs gets, who wins? Someone seeing order will assume, “oh I have to do many things.” And on the other hand, seeing the get they will assume, “oh I may get something, I should visit.” So, this is very powerful how you are delivering the message. On the landing page, the information should organize in such a way that it will be able to grab the attention of the user.

Brain chemicals play a vital role in taking any kind of decision. Brain chemical like Dopamine is responsible for, driving a user towards the reward. On the other hand, Cortisol is responsible for driving the user away from the reward like offers we are providing. It’s kind of saying there is danger, be careful.

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Many people assume the dopamine symbolize happiness. Dopamine doesn’t equal happiness. It can in fact make anybody quite unhappy. It plays a momentary role in the feeling of happiness. It’s a reward mechanism, it releases when we exposed to a reward stimulus. Plays a central role in motivation and habit formation. Scientist research assures that,  It usually helps us to predict rewards. So how dopamine creates an effect on different situations of getting a reward or not getting it.

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From this picture we the first one is we are not expecting reward but getting it unexpectedly dopamine hit and we become happy. The second one is we know we are getting reward so dopamine hit but not that much. And finally, the last one, you think you are getting a reward but you are not getting it. So deep inside you will feel disappointment.

So that’s what we are getting from this is, every time we promise something to our users but we trick them into not giving that. That makes them disappointed. So, we have to avoid the cortisol trigger. Someone who gets a bad experience from you will create a bad impression in his or her head. He will never be going to buy you. So be careful about it.

Wireframe and information Hierarchy

What is a wireframe? It’s a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a page or website. How can it help anyone?


·         Visualize the landing page early one

·        Prioritize content and build a structure

·        Make easy to align and copy the design

So now information hierarchy. So, what is it? It basically helps us to answer two important questions. They are: What information is most important? And how much information is necessary?

A lot of people have misconceptions that landing pages must contain fewer or very little copy or no copy. Because people don’t read a lot. That’s not right. Well, you can put a lot of information on the landing page if it is necessary as well as relevant. The information must provide to the user so that they can make a positive decision. While organizing a landing page keep some things in your mind.

They are:

·        The landing page should be simple, not confusing

·        There must not contain so much different content

·        Don’t push the user into a kind of system

The five-second test can help you whether the landing page is effective or not? Make people watch it for five seconds and after that ask them what they remember about the page, and what’s the goal of the page. If people have 0 ideas about what that page is all about or they can’t describe it. That means that landing is a waste. So, prioritize what you are trying to feed the user. It should be in focus. Too much or too little information can’t lead you to success.

How to build information Hierarchy

Three questions to ask yourself. Whom are you communicating with? What do you want them to do? Where is the traffic coming from?

So for the first one, who are you communicating with? Here the awareness plays a very good role. Look at the below picture. Here problem awareness represents that users are aware of the problem but don’t know there is a solution. Solution awareness represents that users are aware of the solution but they aren’t familiar with yours. Product awareness represents that they are aware of your product but don’t know if it’s right for them. Most aware represent that they aware of your product/ offer/ brand and they know they want it. Now what? The picture showing everything. The more aware they are the higher the chances of the likelihood of conversion.

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The next one is what do you want them to do? This diagram clears it out. The higher the complexity level, the more efforts, the more risk involved, there more amount of information needs to get the person and giving them accurate knowledge.

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The last one is, where is the traffic coming from? You have to know about the channels from which the traffic is coming. The instructor then introduces me to how can I get information on the landing page through google analytics. I have already discussed them in my previous blog of google analytics part. Where in the custom report I can get the landing page, target audience gender, age, and highest conversion rate. In the device category, we can get information about different device categories. Which are converting most which are not. Overall device performance, overall browser performance, Traffic conversion rate, transaction, bounce rate, potential bugs.

Behavior> Site content> Landing Pages where you have the entrance path. Which is the second page. So if you click that, it'll show you, the second page for any landing page you click on.

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Into the secondary dimension, it can break the landing page in the device category. Here we can use a bunch of secondary dimensions.

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Landing page copywriting

So as we have discussed before information hierarchy. We will use it for landing page copywriting. Let’s recap

·        Shortens journey from click to conversion

·        Follow up promises made an ad source

·        Speaks to user motivation and address barriers

·        Answers important question and creates clarity

·        Creates a clear path to conversion

So here is an example of effective landing page copywriting. Here we can see the Headline is matching after clicking the ad. The color scheme of the landing page is also matching with the advertisement banner.

Here is a clear next step I can call; I can feel out the demo. There is more useful information about how to get reviews from customers. So this definitely increases the click to conversion rate.

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Next, I am going to talk about a bad landing page copy. This is saying nothing but a lot of copy. Here saying let’s get started. But let’s get started what? The headline is unclear. Which doesn’t create any kind of connection with the user. So that is showing there is a huge gap between the designer and the copywriter. So, get sure there should no such kind of gape. Unless it will give a disaster result.

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I got to know about Joana Weibe. She is the founder of a copy hacker. Copy hackers is a copywriting blog started by Joanna Wiebe, a professional copywriter since 2004. The instructor told me to check that out.

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5 most copy elements on your landing page

The five elements are Headline, Benefit, Credibility, Expectation manager, Call to action.

So, for Headline, there should be a logical connection between ad or source and headline. Attention should be caught by the headline, it should trigger dopamine, communicate the value of your offer clearly.

The feature should emphasize the value of your offer, they answer important questions, it could be part of your body copy, it could be a bulleted list, you can use them in the headline, testimonial, paragraph.

Call to action, should motivate the user to click (trigger dopamine), it should give a clear idea of what happens when you click, be relevant to your conversion goal, start with a verb, should set realistic expectations.

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The six most important landing page design elements, so are the same as copy elements. Because copy and design should go hand in hand. Now below is a good example of the landing page. So much white space is available there. There is good space between all the elements. The headline is bold and easy to read which is motivating people to engage. The color of that headline is also matching with the overall environment. There is a product image which is promoting their purpose. A lot of time designer use product image which is not good quality sometimes, that decreases the chances of conversion. There is a video there which have a big play button which is indicating that is a video and the timing also showing so that people can easily understand how long they are going to watch that video. There are small quotes that help to engage people to know more by watching the video. This quote actually the testimonial. As discussed before the testimonial should very short and to the point. There is an image of the person behind the testimonial.

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So next there is another headline. There are some features and benefits here with like a three liner. A lot of space here so that people can focus and read.Relevant product image beside the copy which is supporting the copy.

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For the next part, there are so many templates that are making it colorful and those are for making the user get impressed. By showing different templates will increase the higher chance of converting. There is also a headline there and some text addressing some information.

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There is some credibility that showing about some partners. This is the call-to-action section. Here everything is perfectly set up. Such as some copy showing the features and benefits. There is some little expectation manager in the form of a copy.

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Visual Hierarchy

People get easily attracted when it comes to anything visually organized, nice and relaxing to the eye, and most importantly easy to understand. So, when it comes to designing the landing page it must be visually perfectly organized. So where should we start first? What elements are important? So, this an example of visual hierarchy and without it.

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Here what we can see? Without a visual hierarchy, it looks odd and plane. On the other side with visual hierarchy, it is saying that some of our copy should be bold, some shapes are different, should be highlighted (which are important),

Some images should be placed to support the copies. Size is an important part of visual hierarchy. Like this given example, here definitely the bigger circle is one the main focus because of the size.

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So, this is why size should be kept in mind. Like here the headline is more powerful and grabs eyes because of its size. Take a note of the size

·        Primary elements = large

·        Secondary elements = smaller

·        Tertiary elements = even smaller

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Next is space. There should be harmony in the part of the space. Here what you can see in the picture on the right side, there is not a good space between the elements of this page. Super distracted and too much crowded. On the other hand, the picture on the left side is super relaxing. There is so much white space there. Easy to read, understand and catch.

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Another thing is the font you used and how you used it. Color of the fonts and font type. Here is an example below

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where the color of the font is extremely difficult to read and everything is in caps lock looks odd and difficult to understand. The placement of the font is very awkward. As you see it is placed over, the guy. Not giving any good vibe. It is not functional at all. We should use simple font and font without “feet”. The simple font looks boring sometimes but if you use some crazy font that is not matching the theme and people are not familiar then they are not going to read it.  Use a font size that is large enough to be read.

Primary Headline: 32-40 px

Section Header: 20-24 px

Body Copy: 16px

Bullet points: 16-18 px

YouTube ads

 Right now, 1.3 billion users are there on YouTube and 5 billion views per day. We all have familiar with this kind of advertisement on YouTube. For example, we may see this kind of following video ads on YouTube. Like here is a video that pops up whenever we are watching a video on YouTube. Within this video we have a skip ad option, a link to go to the full video and that site as well as buttons for like and dislike.

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So how are you going to do this? Using a platform of google ads formally known as google ad wards.

Targeting Audience

There are many different categories of audience audiences out there. This is mostly based on people's choices and interests. People using the internet and going around google have shown their interest. Google is collecting all this information and this bucket us in certain categories based on our interest. This is what affinity audience. The next one is the similar audience or lookalike audience. This is about the audience who view your website, search about you, or have searched for your kind of company or service. So google categories them as a similar audience based on your existing audience. Then is the in-market audience. Who is searching your type of thing for a particular time like holidays or a seasonal different time? The last one is Custom intent and this is a new type of targeting audience. This is the kind of audience that you build yourself based on people's searches and keywords they are typing on google or YouTube.

All these videos are categorized into different types of topics. So, one can choose a topic that matches his or her business.

Next is keyword targeting. That’s a very important part of targeting the audience. People search on YouTube and google. So here we can target them based on their keyword searching.

Video and channel placement is also another way of targeting the audience. For this, we can choose on which channels we are going to run our videos by choosing the channel's URL.

Website and remarketing like someone are watching your videos, taking action like subscribing, liking videos, watching, etc.

People visit YouTube because they want

·        To know (they want to learn, explore they want to understand things more in-depth)

·        To DO (they want to do something in particular, when people start typing how to do something)

·        To Buy (people who want to buy something so they want to get more informed before making a purchase)

After understanding this you then can make videos on the basis of their search type, there interest.

In the case of Facebook advertising, it is mainly based on people’s interest on the other hand for YouTube it is mostly based on people’s intent.

Managing profit, Revenue, and Cost

People mainly use formulas like Revenue- cost= Profit. But for advertising, this is a bad equation. Each and every it can not be beneficiary. Sometimes you will get good revenue and sometimes you will not.

Your cost may get increased and profit is getting lower. So that’s not a good thing for your business. From the instructor I got to know about Mike Michalowicz, and about his book which is called Profit First. And instructor just applied it to advertising as well and it makes a lot of sense for his advertisement.

Mike Michalowicz applies the traditional formula in a different way, He changes the placement of cost and profit of the equation. So now it’s become, Revenue- Profit=Cost. This is the same equation with a different view. Here what happened is you will look at the profit here is fixed. So now we will calculate in that way, "Right, here's the revenue we generated. "Here's how much profit I want to take. "And then here's what we need to kind" of make it work with."

So, what you have to do to follow this equation

·        First choose the profit margin (like you want to do 45% revenue as profit)

·         So, then you have to make your advertising work with the remaining money

Keyword Research

Keyword research is quite different from google in the case of YouTube. People usually don’t search that much on YouTube like a goggle. They just watch videos one after another go and find the next videos. So that’s why we need to find YouTube friendly keywords. So here we can go through the five-minute brain storming process. As we have discussed before that people go to YouTube for three reasons. They want to know, to do, and to buy. So, we will think that way.

1.      Want to know keywords

2.      Want to do keywords

3.      Want to buy keywords

Before thinking about the user, put yourself in that position. How we are going to search related to your service if you are a user. For example, you sell baby food products. So, want to know the part, what people are going to search. They may search “Which baby food is in the market or which baby food I should buy to feed my baby”. In to the want to do the part they may search how can I feed baby food to my baby, something like that. Want to buy part, baby sleep product review. So, Type keywords in YouTube and copy down the top 10 video titles. Copy down 10 key farces from the title. Now you have YouTube friendly keywords. Use 5 keywords to generate 5 edited keywords, and also five titles for each edited keyword. So, you will end up having 25 keywords. You can expand it by typing each keyword on to the search bar you will find more keywords in the drop-down menu which is suggesting by YouTube. What YouTube is doing here is suggesting keywords that have been searched by other people, so YouTube just predicting your search. These searches are also important in the case of your research. So now you can list down 8 new phrases for each keyword you have already generated. But you don’t always have to generate 8, you can generate 4, 5, or 10. By mixing them you have 200 YouTube-friendly keywords.

What makes a great video ad?

 That’s not an easy task for making a great video ad. First, we are talking about discovery ads. You only pay when someone clicks your ad and plays it. For example, watch the below picture carefully. Here assume you are watching a video about how to play your fast cord. Into the right corner, we can see there is another video recommending. This is an ad, you may see this when you type some keyword on the search panel as well.

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The next one is In-stream ads, this kind of ad appear suddenly when you click a video or watching something. They just pop up and start playing. After some seconds this allow you to skip ad option as well as it has click here options to visit their site for learning more about them.

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7 Step ADUCATE Method

These steps contain 7 steps, describing it below:

1.      Aim: This is the process of how we can help our viewers aim? What are they actually looking for? So, for example, if they are looking for how to make their baby sleep. Then you might start your video by telling are you looking to get your baby to sleep? It should be added at the very start of the video.

2.      Difficulty: In this stage, we actually looking for what’s their difficulty? What’re all the difficulties getting in the way while achieving their aim. BY managing this section, we will really bond with them. A little trick you can play here is, assume you won a kitchen cleaner company. Here you can address all the bacteria to a character and your product spray can clean them very nicely. Here what you are doing is making people aware of their problem with that little monster.

3.      Understand: You have to assure them that you understand their pain and problem so that they can rely on you to solve the issue. Emotional bonding with the users is very much needed.

4.      Credibility: They have already believed in you because you are showing their aim and solving them out. This is the part where you have to role the dice. You have to assure them by telling your story, you have done this, you have work with here their companies or you have a great experience about their problem. So that they can choose you as their guide.

 5.      Action Plan: Here you have to make sure to teach them an action plan. Make them aware of what action they have to play. Don’t make the action too long. Like now catch up on these 27 things now. They will get scared, make the task easy by putting less action.

6.      Teach: By teaching something unique can get their attention and keep them busy to engage with you more. So, make sure this is also a part of your video.

7.      Exit: Here you move into the exit point of the video. This is going to be your call to action. You have to make sure the offer you have is relevant. People on YouTube are looking for an answer. They want a fast and easy answer. So, make it quick easy, and understandable.

YouTube Ad Math

This is a video ad; this is a start of the video and it goes up after the 30 second. You have to pay at this point which is showing in that picture. The number of people watching your video for more than 30 seconds is your view rate. If you're starting your video with a really complaining story or start with a big opening hook. It makes people oh “wow, I should listen to this”. So, you will get so many people watching your ads without having a true reason, they are just watching your ads and causing money without not converting or engaging with you truly. So, you have to be very clear about who your ad is for. So, if they are not interested, they will skip the ad. So that will save you money.

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Cost per conversion for YouTube ad is,

Cost per conversion= Total cost/ IMPs*CTR*WCR (where CTR equal to click-through rate, and WCR equal to website conversion rate)

Here total cost =IMPs*VR*CPV (where IMPs is an impression, VR is equal to view rate and CPV is the cost per view)

So the final formula is,

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We have to keep the View rate and cost per view lower as much as possible and click-through rate and Website click rate higher as much as possible because it will lead us to conversion.

Some tips to lower your cost per view

·        Use counts down when giving them instruction about clicking the link (That will keep away the people who are not really interested to click your link and engage with you)

·        Next the video length should be 90 seconds because if it is below then 50 seconds people will just watch it though they are not going to click. They are just watching it for no reason.

Below is the structure of your YouTube ad. Follow this while running an ad.

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After that, the course instructor makes me aware of how can I build a campaign through google awards. He told me there are four steps to a successful campaign. They are

1.      Build

2.      Optimize

3.      Scale

4.      Expand

When we go to our google ad wards account, you will see a plus icon for building a new campaign.

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So adding that we are going to a new interface. Which will allow you to set different types of campaigns.

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Pressing continue you will able to set up a video campaign. Choose the custom video campaign option and click continue which will give you some option for setting up the campaign in the right way. Where you can set a campaign and budget. So be careful of setting up the budget. Like if you are a new company you can’t just set a high budget. Here we can choose a location, network, and language. There is a bidding strategy, where you can choose an option. But mostly CPV (cost per view) works well. Frequency gapping options are available there which is actually representing how frequently the ad will appear to a user. So here you can choose mostly 3 will be great for starting, 3 impression frequency per week.

Where in the ad group section put your brainstorming keywords for ad group names. Into the demographic option you can choose whether we only want female to watch or male or any other thing.

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There is an ad keyword option available there. Where you can put all the keywords.

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Then you have to add the URL of your video. Here you can see how your ad gonna looks like and the overall setup. You can add a call to action text.

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There is an ad name option where you can put your name on it.

LinkedIn ads

 Mostly B2B companies (business to business) use LinkedIn in case of advertising purposes. There are other platforms as well. But choosing the right platform for your business is mandatory.

If your company is a B2B company so don’t worry about your advertisement side. I am going to talk about how can you uplift your business in the case of advertisement. There is a site like Facebook, Twitter can also help your company. But see the limitations on it. Twitter and Facebook can be use for personal focus but for business focus LinkedIn is the most suitable. But one big challenge there is high cost.

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Who are fit for LinkedIn platform?

If your company is B2B service or products then it is fit but if you LTV is less then $15k, then it’s a no brainer. For B2C (business to the company) it doesn’t work really well. Some are different who have achieved here their goals. But for most, it doesn’t work properly. For education and recruiting purposes, LinkedIn will be best.

3 main elements needed for a successful social campaign. They are:

1.      Audience: It’s basically the targeting about who are going to see your ads.

2.      Message: Here this is actually how people see your ads. The way you are delivering your information and thoughts.

3.      Offer: Here lot more details are needed. The way you are engaging people through your offers.


Text Ads: It is a copy-based ad. Where you have a 25-character headline and 75-character ad line. Here you have 50/50-pixel image. So mostly use face images, and females face image works really well. The interesting part is the cost per click is lower here. The cheapest way to advertise on LinkedIn. But mostly this ad is desktop based. So, if you have a landing page that is not very good at converting for mobile visitors. Then it’s going to work very well for you. The con of this type of ad is, you are not going to have a lot of traffic unless you have a large number of audience size.

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Sponsored Content: It appears right on your newsfeed. It has 1200-pixel wide image which is really effective to get a higher click-through rate. You get 128 characters in the intro; you also get a title tag there. 38 characters will be best for the title tag but you can go like 70 characters. 70% or more of your visits will come from mobile and you don’t have any control over that. This is not the newest ad on LinkedIn.

 Sponsored InMail: This is the newest ad on LinkedIn. From comparing with the previous two, you are not paying for cost per click. You are going to pay for the cost per sends model. This is the most expensive ad on LinkedIn. Use this with a good strategy. Because that’s very expensive. People have trust issues for this kind of ad who are actually ready to convert. So, remove this issue you should use a trustworthy person for them. Like CEO will be a great choice for building a connection with them. If you are using sales and offers in the title, they are not going to click it. So, using the logic that CEO is trying to reach them will be great for trusting and clicking those ads. The really interesting thing about this is that when you send it to someone you own their inbox for a full 45 days. And no other advertiser can hit their inbox with one of these messages for another 45 days.

Lead Gen Form Ad: This can be added on both sponsored content and sponsored InMail. This is the ability to write within the ad itself. This ad pops up and someone can write there without even leaving the ad.

Video Ads: Video ads are charged on per three seconds like fakebook. The difference is mainly in the price range. On Facebook it starts with 1 or 2 cents but in LinkedIn it starts with six cents. So, you have to pay 6 to 14 cents per three-second view.

B2B Targeting

1.      Professional: For the professional side you can target them by their job titles or their job function, there level of seniority in their company, their skills, and the project they are handling or groups they are member of. Where they leave, their gender, and many more.

2.       Company: In case of company side, you have to target with the company name as well as what industry they are in.

LinkedIn Company Profile Set up

So, for managing your LinkedIn company profile you have to go to the company site and check that do you see the option called manage page. If you see follow instead manage then you have to ask your company’s people who are into the admin position. So, you have to ask them to get permission to access there.

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So, they are going to admin tool> then manage admin> and then add someone there. This is how they can add you. You will get many options about how you can promote anyone whom you are giving access. Like account manager, campaign manager, viewer etc. If you want to create a company page then you have to go to your profile first then click work option and there you can get create company page option.

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After that you will see options where you have to define your business by putting name, and some company details there.

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After creating the company profile you can see advertisement button into the home page. Another way of getting there is

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After hitting the create ad option it will send you a new page. Here only the admin has the power to delete an ad. Once any kind of error occurs in ad, we can’t just change it easily. It can take 20 minutes or sometimes 20 hours. You can’t pause the ad if that has some mistakes. For this only option is deleting the ad. So if anybody is running the campaign part who should have access to the admin part not a particular part he is managing.

There is option called campaign group where you can set your campaigns in a group for a clear navigation. Is like putting things in a bucket. Really useful for navigation.

While creating your campaign you can see the location where you can choose a location. By the target audience side you can add target option by choosing their jobs Like the below picture, Audience like 2k to 80k is good for campaign.

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There is another way which is cheapest and most suitable and has a big audience chance. That is Job function. It’s more like a department. By scrolling, you can see your option related to your business. And this has a huge audience so for narrow it down a little bit you can select job sonorities.

There is another option like job experience and member skills. So here you can choose member skills. For example, your target audience is digital marketers. So, choose the option of the members but choose a more detailed option. So, anybody mismatching will be ignored. Here you can also add seniorities.

The next one is Groups. So for this go interest> member group> then type your target. Then move on to the seniorities and select job sonorities. There you can also choose company size so that we are ignoring who are not capable of afford your budget.

We have an ad format option here,

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Where you can select ad type. Like text ad, video ad, job ad, etc. So for a starting, you should run a single image ad. This is the most simplest ad and if your launching isn’t good and LinkedIn think that your ads are not performing well. It’s the easiest way to understand why is okay or not okay.

Budget and Schedule

LinkedIn can do automate bid by default. It works very well if the ad performs well for click-through rate. But it can be incredibly expensive. You may have to pay 50$ per click. That’s a huge amount. So better we set up this in our own way. So set 500$ for the daily budget. Don’t be afraid you will set up conditions so that it will not hit. It’s actually showing the higher you are comfortable with. Then we will change the bid type from automated bid to Maximum CPC bid. So bid amount ,here LinkedIn will tell you that 11$ per click is the minimum most people of LinkedIn are start bidding with it. That’s total BS. So put minimum like 2$. So here what LinkedIn error occurs saying “ Bid needs to be at least 5$”. I think I have discussed it before that average bidding start with 5$.

So for bidding, you can’t just stay on this amount. Because that will not create an impression. LinkedIn may not show it as many as possible. Our campaign will go in vain. So for this, you can use a strategy. After your first bidding wait and see for some days and change the value of bidding by increasing 2 or 3$ step by step after some days. And see how it’s working. After that when you are all set to put your maximum bidding number in the bidding side. You are ready to lower down the bidding of your Daily Budget. But is obvious that your Daily Budget has to be larger than your bidding amount.

When you have a great click-through rate then you can move on to the CPM. Which is the cost per impression. You are bidding for cost per 1000 impressions. So your bidding amount should be large this time.

We are going to know about conversion tracking. Here you can create a new conversion or select that has already exist.

Setting Up Ad

Here you can see the kind of setup like the below picture.

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You are going to see a preview of how it will look like. So here you are going to see introductory text. Where you can put text about how you want to introduce your ad to people through out your text.

The next Headline is important. Where you can add some interesting and engaging things that people get attracted to. Like putting in the third bracket about the free checklist and some additional text to it. Now coming to the image size. Average size of image for LinkedIn will be 1200* 627 where in Facebook this size 1200*628, only one pixel difference. For make the ad live you have to check the ad to campaign then press create.

My thoughts: I have completed this course by learning so many interesting and useful things that will help me to run campaigns on LinkedIn, Youtube and to promote my business through Google Advertisement. The landing page course was most interesting within these four courses.























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