The Seventh Revolution: The Prospects of a Civil Decline
Moses Solemon
27th September 2017
I write to assure all people in the world that the data of modern scientific research do not agree with Darwin's theory of evolution. Science does not agree with the views of anthropologists in their theories about the beginning of man in the cave and evolution to build skyscrapers. I do not agree also with the theory of Mr. "Fukuyama" about the end of history. I do not even agree with those who say that human history is at the beginning of the Fourth Revolution.
Humanity started the sixth revolution with the arrival of the twenty-first century. The seventh revolution may follow soon, and may carry with it a threat of human retreat to primitive life and the loss of civilization as we know it.
The recent genetic research confirms that the origins of all people (or modern human) belong to two pair of genes, one to a man and the other to a woman. Without this sexual diversity, humanity would have died with two men or two women, for example.
The study of the human brain confirms that it is more complex than we imagine. Such wonderful member of the body, enjoys scientific capabilities that have been programmed in advance to communicate in human languages and to identify the world around him through sensory tools without the need for great effort. Humans do that automatically, through common sense, instinct, physical sense or inner feeling. The brain does not start its journey at birth. Because it has the basic program stored in the chromosomes in the sperm and egg. As the sperm and egg combine, genomes begin decoding it program as it continues to grow in various creation stages. When decoding is complete, a new human being is born to the world.
The recent archeological studies of ancient civilizations prove also that our ancestors enjoyed better life style than we do in modern times. They enjoyed organic food and unpolluted waters. They were stronger, healthier, and more beautiful. They had also more science and knowledge in a different way than our modern sciences. This is reflected by the buildings, drawings and books they left for us to explore. The wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt and Sudan, the Inca and Aztec cities are all living structures of such glory of ancient times. Even the primitive civilizations whose sciences were communicated orally, provide us today in the modern world with amazing clues to explain historical events and predict future events in some cases.
As for Mr. “Fukuyama” and his book “The End of History”, he was never able to prove, in fact, his accuracy in the future predictions that are until now controversy. Those who benefited most from his views were a group of warlords-politicians. So we will not talk about his theory any more.
The conquests of science in the twenty-first century, especially since 2010 and later, have allowed us to revisit all of the above theories of the past three centuries (18th, 19th and 20th). It also provides us with a great opportunity to rewrite the history of science and civilization. It gives us more confidence also in viewing the present more accurately and deeply and in predicting the future in higher precision.
The opinion of those who say that humanity began its fourth revolution is based on what they have learned from the 18th, 19th and 19th centuries books. All of which are proven now wrong and had fallen with the research of science and the discoveries of the twenty-first century.
So at which phase of history do live now?
In this short article, I will not dwell on references and evidence, but I have a high degree of confidence, to the extent of certainty, if my understanding is true for history, to divide more accurately and deeply than the previous divisions of history.
First Revolution: Falling Down To Earth (Adam Descends To Earth With His Wife)
Adam was not a cave man and his wife was like him. They descended to the planet earth empowered by all words they needed to use. They were gifted with a beautiful and complex mind to explore all the environments around them. They were gifted with a body that has the ability to self-heal among many great features. Such body can adapt to most of the earthly environments.
Adam was skilled in agriculture, hunting and fishing. The parents of mankind were not like other creatures who inhabited the earth before them. They differed from all of them and such difference was visible through the enormous human potential. Such was clear in the human abilities in communication, learning, adaptation, creativity, composition, exploration, analysis, structure and long list. This is manifested also in human production such as drawing, music, poetry, mathematics, engineering, construction, urbanization, and diving into the seas to the flying in the sky. No other creature on earth has all such abilities.
Adam in the first human revolution, was able to do farming, hunting, shepherding and use fire for his own cocking and recreation. Adam and his wife dwelled in a house that protected and sheltered them with their children.
It is clear that came from the offspring of a couple (male and female) who descended from heaven to the earth. With the arrival of the human offspring, everything changed on the third planet in the solar system.
A simple scientific evidence that humans landed from outside planet earth is the human blood. The hemoglobin cells contain iron (this is why their color is red). Iron as a metallic element was not formed on earth. It descended from elsewhere in the universe and hit and sank into the core of the earth while it was forming.
Second Revolution: The Making Of Tools, Machines, And Giant Structures (From The Era Of Noah Until The Fall Of Baghdad)
What followed the first revolution is a human evolution summarized by the story of Noah and the construction of the ark. (big ship). The remains of Noah’s ark are see on the top of Mount Ararat in Turkey. It was not possible to build a ship without tools. The ship had a high degree of complexity in the installation of boards and overlapping of components and its architecture. That was the first ship ever built and lasted with the human race ever after. Humans use ships in trading and travelling. About 90 per cent of world trade goods and commodities today are borne by ships.
Archaeologists discovered also, through a lengthy research, that ancient Greeks had great ability to predict astronomical events and monitor the positions of stars through a device found in a sunken ship. Some consider that device to be the first mechanical computer to be invented.
Look at the remains of ancient civilizations. The Assyrians, the Babylonians in Iraq, the Pharaohs of Egypt, including the pyramids and ancient temples, the Roman ruins around the world, the Great Wall of China and the temples of ancient India, the Incas and Aztec buildings in South America and the cities of Petra carved in the rocks of the mountains of Jordan. Each and all of which are existing evidence that it is impossible for humans to be the ancestors of monkeys. The pyramids have survived for thousands of years. And I tell you now to give me any one modern building to stand another hundred years, not a thousand years.
The exchange of knowledge and cross-culturing continued between civilizations. From the heart of the Arabian deserts, Yemen to Mesopotamia, the shores of the Mediterranean, India, Persia, China, Russia and Europe, and from Pharaonic Egypt to the Greeks, Romans and later the Arabs. The exchange continued for thousands of years between civilization that flourished and others demolished through trade, learning, and through love, marriage, and war.
The second revolution was the summit of humanity in terms of stability and length of time duration. In the heart of all human civilizations of history in terms of knowledge, there is the Pharaonic in Egypt. However, the most widespread in the land is Islamic.
By the end of the 12th century the torch of knowledge was passed on from the Islamic world to Europe in post Middle Ages. That happened in between trades and Crusades. The treasures and vast resources of the Islamic world were looted and moved Europe. Such times coincided with the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate by the Tatars, and then the fall down of Andalusia in the hands of Ferdinand and Isabella. Baghdad was the capital of the world in science, knowledge and civil, scientific and intellectual advancement. The cities of Seville, Granada, Carthage and Toledo in Andalusia were among the finest cities in the world at the time and the most prosperous in the old world.
The Third Revolution: The Industrial Revolution (From The Middle Ages Until The End Of World War II)
The rivalry between the Kings of Europe pushed them out to conquer the world, and to take over the fallen kingdoms or to discover new sources for wealth. The competition between the kingdoms for possession of wealth and power was the primary motivation for colonial wars and formation of the European empires.
Then came the invention of the steam machines, the internal combustion engines, the steam trains, then the car, electricity, telephone, and all what followed after. Mechanization and automation took the human race up in air planes and launch missiles into space orbit and beyond.
Industries from Western Europe, namely Germany, France, and Britain, transformed the human revolution into a comprehensive renaissance of humanity.
But such renaissance was also accompanied by great wars European nations that sparked two world wars. The first started in 1914 and ended in 1919, followed by World War II, which lasted from 1939 until 1945. The two wars destroyed Imperial Europe and reduced its influence to its borders. Wars and competition pushed science and inventions forward in order to develop the war machine and extend the influence outside the borders to gain influence and control.
As the human civilization leadership reached to the West, all the parts of the earth on the seven continents and the seven seas had already taken their fair share of fortune and prosperity through a period in history.
The Fourth Revolution: Nuclear Energy And Exiting Outer Space: (Since 1945)
Humanity entered its fourth revolution with the experience of the first nuclear bomb carried out by the United States in the desert of Nevada followed by the actual use of the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That power way deployed to subdue Japan and end its participation with Germany in the World War in 1945. Then human thinking began to harness nuclear energy to generate electricity rather than coal.
This was followed by the space race with the Soviet Union in the 1950s. With the use of rockets to carry satellites and to employ them in communication and observation, the world entered the stage of outer space travel era which led to the first moon landing by USA in 1969.
This space age technology was used in civilian life or for military purposes. This was indeed a wide-spread technological revolution in the history of humanity.
This was also accompanied by the beginnings of radio and television and the spread of landline telephones enabled by big business companies. That paved the way for a revolution of information and communications quickly and later.
Air travel and expansion of airport construction contributed to the melting of human borders between countries, cultures, and race. Air travel facilitated also the migrations of people from poorer nations to richer ones. All this made the world a small village. But that small world would only become much smaller because of the effect of the next revolution.
The Fifth Revolution: Information, Computing And Communication: (Since 1985)
The fifth revolution combined with the fourth one at the end of the 20th century was a must due to the spread of personal computer, mobile phone and Internet companies. By 2005 children were using smart phones that had more computational power of the Apollo 11 spacecraft when it landed in the moon in 1969.
The mobile tablet and smartphone became an alternative to books, radio, television, telephones, toys, and cinema. All in one handheld device.
The Internet and browsing screens such as Google have become an alternative to the library or asking the parents and teachers for information. Social media have become a substitute for effective communication.
This revolution has captured the minds of the masses, but it has made humans more socially and individually isolated.
At the beginning of the 21st century, microprocessors were integrated into almost all machine and home appliances. It became part of the smart technology in the world of machines used by the human. Soon after, the human race is now threatened by body invasion of microchips or being replaced with robots in the workplace.
The Sixth Revolution: The Genome Revolution And the Particle of God That Makes The Universe: (Since 2010)
Early in the second millennium scientists discovered the basic building block of the human body, the genome. Soon after genetic research scientists started to work on the engineering humans. Almost in the same time, scientists announced the discovery of the God particle that forms the building block of the matter in the universe. This particle forms everything from gravity, to matter, to dark matter, to any physical element or matter in the whole universe. This knowledge is the most profound and most dangerous knowledge ever possessed by the human race since their arrival to planet earth.
The CRISPR technology, for example, allow scientists to change the human DNA. This means humans can design humans.
With the possibility of breaking the material into the smallest components of the whole universe we can build gravity and destroy it, and make also matter and anti-matter that gives us the power to control the universe.
This means we can travel through space-time and make interstellar travel as fast as light. The whole universe is built on time-space dimensions, that if we alter its balance we destroy our existence.
Humans who have the knowledge to control man and the universe will reach the summit. And then decline.
The Seventh Revolution: The Decline Of Modern Civilization: (Beginning of the Year?)
The human civilization has reached a point where the human being is in control of everything and in control of nothing. For example, we are unable to control earth phenomenon such as wind-stream shifting, earthquakes, volcanos, and climate change. All such factors threaten the human race with life system change, famine, drought and mass migration.
There is a strong solar activity also that affects the satellites that connect our communications and some of them control the electric power on earth, and affecting the communication and transport networks also. The rapid shift of the airflow systems around the Earth threatens our cities with desertification, loss of water, food scarcity, freezing cold temperatures, or falling into the mercy of devastating hurricanes.
There is an imbalance in the magnetism of the earth also and the slowing in the earth rotation. Some scientists say that the movement of the earth can stop at one point in time and reverse the rotation around the sun to shine from the earth west instead of known east.
The power of climate change may decide the beginning of the seventh revolution.
Disruption of electricity, can cause massive disruption and destruction in our cities and devastate entire countries. The Caribbean islands were reduced to nothing and returned to nothing within days.
As electricity and the Internet are lost, there would be darkness, and immediate return to primitive life. Ignorance shall prevail at times where human knowledge is stored in untraceable digital clouds and is not engraved in clay tablets.
When we look at human history, it is important to remember that human history is driven by ideas and beliefs, by individuals who embrace these ideas and struggle to defend and fulfill these ideas and beliefs. Intellectual individuals and dumb people all have made and changed history alike.
The greatest civilization ever existed in human history was in Ancient Egypt.
The greatest man who influenced all humans was the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The most profound book in human life to this day is “The Book”, The Qur'an.
And as humanity now living moments of ecstasy at the height of the Sixth Revolution, the seventh revolution is coming.