Eight things I understood about AI
Marco Menaballi
Freelance Senior Creative Director, Senior UI designer, Tedx curator
Back from the TNW I just did a couple of bigger considerations about what #AI will impact in our future days:
first of all it will impact, and no matters what u think and which fears you have. AI is something that is already integrated in all of our devices, and it will be more and more user friendly showing only the peak of the iceberg to the people and let them interact with.
Second: it will affect affect our lives, not only our digital life… and it will be driven by Tech companies not only by governments. So for the first time is really clear that the decisions makers of our future will be those who already are crafting our future with technology. They will work with experts, philosopher, creatives but… they are norming something that is their own business, a contradiction in terms.
Third: Ai needs limitations, or at least a vision. researchers are eternally running and they are mathematically late respect to Ai progresses and evolution.They are working with something that belongs to the past evolutions of the AI, not to the actual state of the art. We can work on pillars that are pro active and retro active but the question is always "who control the controllers"?
Fourth: The first limitation it has in the USA was imposed by president Biden. It established that Ai has to respect the American law. Well I don't want to be an Afro American in a state where the "Stand Your Ground laws" - No Shoot First Law - rules.
It means that we are talking about superheroes, Ai is a superhero. And it can't be considered by the human law, but with laws on its own. Otherwise it will surpass those rules for the "Well being of human race" and who established what is "well being"? Don't hurt?
The paradigm of the auto pilots machine is a perfect example of how to not consider this rule. Don't kill? A predictive Ai who could intercept a terrorist by understanding his intentions before acting could save thousands of life (suggests Rana Gujral CEO, Behavioral Signals)…
This is a cruel point in which I found only a solution: make AI human, the most perfect human but limit his cleverness to the maximum QI a human can have, and start to dialogue. Don't leave Artificial intelligence grow wild.
Fifth: Nobody talked about AI and Thor, and the dark web. This is a massive point to be considered about possibilities and limitations. Something that has connections with the idea of ChatGPT to make its source code open to everyone... Humanity could improve but create monsters, we can built confrontations or generate nightmares. Think abut your family0s pictures online, think about your Instagram , all those datas are usable with a simple print screen, your children presence on the web can be converted in a pedophile porn in seconds. And once it started you can't stop it before it creates a damn mess or destroy your children's digital future and their social identity. Keep in mind that "everything you upload on the internet, it will be always on the web and at disposal of AI".
Ai Matters because it will affects not only the future of
aesthetics but the way communities will communicate and creates.
This brings us to the Sixth point: your datas. Our datas. Without disturbing Netflix 's Black Mirror episode one season sixth, The use of datas is a crucial point who affects not only our everyday life, but creativity, philosophy and inspirations for the whole human race. #AI matters because it will affects not only the future of aesthetics but the way communities will communicate and create. It will obviously generate new perspectives and mew instruments for creativity but what really matter is the mass production system. This will be leveled as music is nowadays, and will be in the future: make differences in the dance global scene of whom emerge from the maelstrom of global producer but those who invested more in their image than in producing good music. Shaun McGirr - EMEA Field Chief Data Officer, Dataiku - suggested to stop collecting datas, we have enough unprocessed datas - that AI could seems not enough but to create better and faster Ai - to study and evolve humanity for at least 70 yrs. But we all know it data is money, data is power, and when you have "great power, you have big responsibilities" someone said.
At number Seven I take inspiration by Danny Lange words. A starting point from video games and NPC who not only learn from dialogues, but memorize them, creating a personal lore based upon users interactions, and other npc's lores. This is a game changer, and something that goes far beyond infinite and ultra personalized experiences in playing but creates worlds, with digital citizens who were born by humans but evolve as… digital humans. This distinction in my personal opinion has always to be kept in our mind: We are Human, and not only because Daft Punk made a song with this title, but because this makes us remarkable and it could be the only thing we should keep at the end. Distinguish who is humanity and what is created by humans.
Finally, number Eight: Ai is still a newborn baby, with superman's power. Ai will grow but it's still an instrument that we, as professionals and as humans have to understand. And most of all we need to help people understanding: old people, not educated, not ready, minorities, immigrants… The key point is culture and the human being, the humans and their power to create or destroy. Ethically is a matter of help humanity making profit or make profit at any cost. It's a matter of culture and Love.
I will keep in my heart the incredible speech of Nagin Cox ?- Interplanetary Storyteller, & Space Exploration Engineer - that made it all simple: we are so small looked from the outside. A tiny point. We are part of something bigger that belongs to us and it’s our planet, the universe. Our present and our future, our life. That’s it: when you realize the perspective! It’s a matter of point of views and true responsibilities. We live on this planet and we are building existences and new rules that will set the future of our lives. Out of our usual perspectives. Ruled by governances, philosopher, experts and tech companies. Our boundaries are infinite but ruled by a (MUST) collective consciousness that needs to grow, We need being together one for the others.
#AI matters because it will affects not only the future of aesthetics but the way communities will communicate and create.
First let's be a part of it and after we can start to go far to the stars.