Seven Steps Towards a Happier Mindset
Danielle Sullivan
Unshakeable Optimist | Strategic Problem Solver | Inspiring Educators Globally
Hello educators! I know why you are reading this. It’s a hard time to be in education right now. We are under appreciated and overwhelmed. Many of you may want to quit your jobs or just give up. I want to let you know, you are not alone! AND, you do not have to give up. You can be happy again. It’s within your power and your basic human RIGHT to be happy. Here at Curriculum Associates, we are creating a community of like-minded teachers, and we want to let you know…you are NOT alone. You have support. We are giving you permission to close your door to the standards and the bureaucracy and the stupid modules and teach the way you know. Teach the way you love and make the most out of each day.
There is an easier way to manage your time to get the most of our your day. You have so much untapped potential. It’s amazing. You don’t have to let anything bog you down. You have the power! You have your classroom and you CAN change the world. You don’t have to do it alone. You have me, and other people just like you to support you and help you through the process. It’s not easy saying no to fear. In fact, fear loves to breed in minds of humans. It does not need to live there. You have the power to control fear, say no to fear, and unlock the true amazing you.??
It just takes the willingness to be brave. To not take it anymore. To take that series of lessons and rethink the way you can teach it. Have a better grasp on how to manage and prioritize things you love in life, know when to take breaks, and I can teach you to be super efficient on all of that. The only thing you need is the willingness to be powerful. You playing small does not serve the world. You being small does not serve your students. You are a teacher! You are amazing. You are powerful and you can make true change. You can do anything you put your mind too. Your students depend on that. Be the change you want to see in your classroom and the world.?
So let’s get to it! Here’s a 7-step guide to shifting mindsets and cultivating positive attitudes.
Step 1: Have a vision for your life
Do you want more joy in your life? What do you enjoy doing? What makes you happy?. Take some time to really think about the following questions.?
1. What makes you happiest in your life? What excites you??
2. What do you do that makes you feel invincible?
3. What do people thank you for??
4. What are you ridiculously good at? What are your precious gifts??
5. When was the last time you were in a state of flow, in the zone and totally lost track of time? What were you doing??
Okay, now that you have an idea of what makes you happy, create a document of things that make you happy. A vision board of sorts. You can do this in a few ways. You can google images and cut and paste into a document, then PRINT the document and place it in your classroom. If you like Pinterest, create a happiness board and pin pictures that make you happy. If you are old-school, spend a snowy afternoon cutting out pictures and images that make you happy and create a poster. It’s really important for you to have a visual of things that make you happy.
Step 2: Have a Positive Mindset
You can change your attitude right now. It’s what you choose to focus on that will help. Once you have your vision board, now it’s time to make sure you remember that you control your mind. This is where having an uplifting saying, or a fun picture on your desk, in the mirror where you get ready or even on the dashboard of your car will help with that positive mind set.
Try these simple tasks on being aware of happiness wherever you are:
Here’s an example of mythical thoughts you may think or feel (which are not true for you, these are just your inner gremlins talking). These were adapted from Richard Carson’s book Taming Your Gremlin: A Guide to Enjoying Yourself.
These thoughts are JUST MYTHS. They are NOT true, and created by that little gremlin inside of your brain.? To be really happy is to notice that these thoughts are not TRUE, but just thoughts, and even judgements about yourself. In order to break free of your gremlins, it’s important you notice, acknowledge, then let go. Once you know what thoughts are limiting your potential, I find it fun to actually name these gremlins. I have Guilty Gertle, Insecure Edna, and Not Good Enough Nancy. I know when one of these emotions comes up, I NOTICE, Say hello to the gremlin, then simply let them go.? Try it!
Step 3: Check in with yourself
You have your vision board, smiley faces and you have named your gremlins. Now it’s time to check in with yourself. This is the halfway point. Have you already given up? Are you tired? Did you check out? Has procrastination set in? It’s time to remind yourself that you are amazing and can be happy! Here are few reminders and tricks to reboot that mindset.
Step 4: Create a Connected Community
This is one of the most important steps. You could be super successful with creating your personal happiness, and then show up to work and have people be miserable around you. It is REALLY hard to maintain a positive attitude when you are surrounded by negative energy.??
It is REALLY important to surround yourself with positive people, and positive thinkers. Teachers need community more than anyone (well maybe not MORE, but it’s really important). A positive teacher community, when it works, is super powerful and inspiring. I’ve also seen it work the opposite way. I have seen rumors and negative talk spread through a school like wildfire. I could be having a happy-go-lucky day, and be slammed in the face with it.?
Some of this you have control over, and some you do not. You have the choice on who you spend time with outside of school, but some of you may not have a choice in your school environment RIGHT NOW.??
Solution 1: Implement a happiness shield.
The only person you have control over is you. You don’t have control over your co-teacher, principal or even spouse. You DO have control on how you react and respond to them. If they are having a bad day or spewing negativity, just let it wash over your head and not penetrate your shield. You do NOT need to take it on, do NOT take it personally and it’s not about you anyway.??
Solution 2: Choose positive people to hang out with.
Find that one person at work that does inspire you, make lunch dates with them. Seek out people in your life that inspire you and spend time with them. Soon, you are going to be the person everyone wants to hang out with, because you are the inspired one!
Solution 3: Join our online community
Here at Curriculum Associates, our goal is to create a space for like-minded teachers who want to change the face of education and start a teaching revolution. We want to inspire teachers to be the best teachers and people they can be.? We have webinars and blogs and online communities for networking, sharing stories and just reminding you of how awesome you are!
Step 5: Have an Attitude of Gratitude
The best way to refocus your energy and to get back into the moment, and make that moment happy is to spend time reflecting on all of the wonderful things that ARE working in your life. Take a moment to answer these questions.
Now take a moment to pick one person who has inspired you, maybe it’s a student, a teacher, your parents, siblings...really anyone. Write them a thank you note RIGHT NOW. Take a moment, and either text, email or write an old fashion letter. Tell them how much you appreciate them and how much they do for you. Or just tell them a simple thank you. This will help you feel better, and it will surely brighten their day.
Step 6: Celebrate?
Congratulations!!! You made it through this guide, you are still reading and hopefully you feel?1% better. All of these things are simply tools for you to use. You can pick up a tool, put it down, pick up another or do all of these things in seven days! It’s up to you how you use them. The important thing is to remember YOU are in control of your happiness, and you can be happy right now, if you choose. You are amazing, extraordinary and you are in the right place.? Give yourself a huge pat on the back and stay powerful!??