Seven reasons why you must blog for your business
Clara Wilcox I Return To Work and Career Coach for Parents
Supporting parents (employees, freelancers & job seekers) and employers to create a career to enjoy through 1:1 coaching, mentoring, workshops & training I Staff Wellbeing I Retention I Employee Engagement
Do you Blog? This is a common question when I meet new business clients. Bloggers are the new rock stars. If you stick some video on it, then you become an uber, Diva star. You are Vlogger.
To grow your brand, your reputation and your business, then you need to be producing content. Just stop and think for what gets your attention on social media. Who stops your scrolling? Who do you stop and read? What is it that catches your eye?
Or, are you watcher? Do you like to consume your information visually through videos or Facebook Live?
Or, do you listen; are podcasts your information channel of choice? Which topics or people get your time?
In a world of constant information and the expectation growing your audience and “going viral” it is important that you have some type of presence above and beyond your website or social media. But, putting yourself out there, be it in in writing or visual, is scary. I know I procrastinated a lot when I started my blogging journey; blaming the lack of technical knowledge as a reason to not start. It took me a while to start on Facebook Live, and I have only just started with my YouTube Channel (which, as you will tell, buy the lack of videos, is my current procrastination piece!)
I bet that you look at other business owners who blog, and think they have a magic formula.
You may think that you don’t have the time or the technology to start.
I know all of because I once said the same thing to myself!
However, several years on, I not only produce blogs on a weekly basis, I enjoy it!
Seven reasons why you must produce content for your business
1. It builds your brand
When you start off in business, you are building your reputation and developing your place as an expert. There is no doubt that client testimonials are a necessary thing to share, you also need to show how good you are at what you do.
That is where you blog/vlog and videos come in.
Sharing what you think about the industry and what you know helps new contacts understand who you and how you can help them.
2. It shows your perspective
The number one lie I told myself before I started blogging was this. “What can I say that hasn’t said before?” I held the belief that the only thing worth saying in a blog was something unique. What a numpty I was! When I look at what I read, there is nothing truly unique. So, be inspired. Give your perspectives on developing news or individual journeys. Share your business journey; your behind the scene and why you do what you do. You can even review other things; one of my “content” pieces are book reviews. Personal Development books I am reading and recommending, anyway!
3. It answers questions
You may notice that most of the blogs that I write are based on a question. Would it surprise you to learn that most of the questions are ones that my clients have asked?
I work with the assumption, if it is an issue or development point for one person, it is likely to be a question for another person. So, I make notes. I have a long list of the titles of blogs that then become a piece, very much like you are reading about here. So jot down the questions to answer the most and start writing the answers up.
4. It helps your website
Now here comes the technical piece. The brightest technical minds have always encouraged that a blog is a page on your website. By updating your blog page regularly (I do weekly) with a new blog, or uploaded video or photographs (if you are visual storyteller) it “tells” the search engines that your websites has new and therefore interesting content on it. By giving it a SEO (search engine optimisation) boost – with the right words, picture tags and adding in links – this helps people find your website, and therefore, you!
5. It gives you social media content
My blog isn’t just on the website. It gets published on my LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds. Let’s be blunt, it is unlikely, especially in the early days of your blog, that people will find it organically. You need to leave breadcrumbs all over the internet, so people can find it! You can also use it in different ways. I am in the process of turning my written blog posts into videos. Parts have become Facebook Lives and short posts, or excerpts, are conversations starters in my Facebook Groups.
6. It offers opportunities
When I started writing my blog, it was something for me – a creative outlet- and something for my business. To build my brand.
Now, nearly three years on, it not only helps me share my coaching and training support far and wide, it has created opportunities that I didn’t expect.
Others ask me to write for them; paid!
I have used the blog content as catalysts for some of my training courses.
I have book ideas; two of which are drafted at the time of writing this book!
But, what is a surprising outcome, is meeting new people – some people online who are supportive and inspiring and encouraging.
7. It’s a motivating challenge
I have always loved writing, as a child, I was a storyteller. Then along came university and work, where my style was critiqued and the “confidence” stuffing was knocked out of me.
So, here is a little secret. When I first started blogging, I did it under another name. A “character” that meant I was able to write outside of my day to day role and practise. The response was great and it gave me the confidence to start blogging as me under The Balance Collective.
However, I was in double figures of blogs before I could press publish without having someone else read them and give me the “OK”. That is right – I was a thirty-something mother of two, running her own business, yet I still needed someone to check my spelling and grammar!
Over time, my confidence grew, I settled in my own writing style and tools (Grammarly – the free version) that helped me with my spelling self-esteem.
My challenge now is Podcast and videos; I have recently been asked to be guests on other people’s and find it much harder to talk, unscripted, then I expected. Especially when I know I am being filmed. But, I do it. So what is your next content challenge?
So, there are seven reasons why you must blog for your business. This was my warts and all approach; like some many things in life, you need to give yourself permission to try. When I look back on my earlier blogs (this is one of my first) it doesn’t necessarily read like the ones I write now. But, they are mine. My thoughts. My Expertise. And, what I know now, are the number one reason that people want to work with me.
What will be your first blog title? Come over to my Facebook Group, The Balance Collective with Clara Wilcox, and share it with us.
Clara Wilcox is a straight-talking, practical and experienced coach helping clients navigate the tricky waters of returning to work, career changes and professional development. The Balance Collective is a social enterprise focused on improving the lives of parents, by working together to build inner confidence and promote a healthy work/life balance.
Working with businesses to develop and implement effective people management solutions
6 年I love this article !! So many of my thoughts articulated so well! ??