Bob Miller
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As a real estate professional I work with many Buyer and Sellers every year. And I often hear horror stories from people who made a seemingly small mistake in their past real estate transactions that ended up costing them a lot of aggravation and a lot of money. I don't want anyone to make these mistakes, so a a Realtor I work hard for my Clients to ensure that their real estate transactions go smoothly. For those who are not my Clients yet, I prepared this special report that outlines the seven most common and most expensive mistakes. I hope you will enjoy it and find it useful.
A surefire way to get LESS than the fair market value for your home is to OVERprice it in the beginning. It sounds contradictory, but it is true. There are several reasons for this. First, if your home is more expensive than the similar homes in the neighborhood, fewer Buyers will choose to even look at it.
Why would they waste their time? And the Buyers that do decide to look at your home will likely use it for comparison, to justify their decision to purchase a different home. . "See? A similar home but a lot more expensive. We should get the one we say yesterday - it's a bargain compared to this one." Second, the longer your home remains unsold, the less interest it will generate among the Buyers. Eventually, when it's been on the market longer than the other similar homes, Buyers will start to think that there is something wrong with it. And then you are faced with the real possibility of being forced to sell it for less than its real value. So make sure that your home is priced correctly from the beginning. This will save you time, aggravation, and money.
Overpricing is not the only pitfall that Sellers fall into, some even under-price their homes. How do you know your home's real value??? By getting a professional analysis. This analysis will show you what homes in your area are selling for, and how long it takes to sell them. You will be able to see the range of values that your home falls into, and then determine an accurate asking price. I offer this analysis for the homeowners in our area free of charge. Just give me a call at 614-271-6656 , and I will prepare one for you at no cost and no obligation.