Seven Mental Laws Of Success From Brian Tracy- Part 7 of 7
Top-Notch Business English Worldwide Leadership
Excellent Coaching in the 5.0 Leadership World
7. “The Law Of Correspondence. "
"As within, so without. Your outer world is a mirror. It reflects what is going on in your inner world. What is going on in your inner world corresponds to what is going on in your outer world.
"Wherever you look there you are. What you see is your own self, your own thoughts reflected back to you.”
“The places where you see this most of all is in your relationships, your financial situation, your depth of preparation and attitude
“The great requirement of life is for you to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you wish
“So, therefore, that’s why reading, thinking, planning, visualizing
" And the greater vividness with which you can see it on the inside, the faster it comes into your reality on the outside. Successful people have a crystal clear picture of what they want
“Three great principles.?
You become what you think about most of the time. This is always true. All causation is mental. Everything you see in the material world around you began with a thought in the mind of a person and that thought turned into a goal which turned into a plan which began to take physical reality.
The most important principle of all, change your thinking and you change your life
If you can control your thinking, everything else will change for you.
It is the most important thing of all when you learn how to do it, your life will be completely different.”