Seven Mental Laws Of Success From Brian Tracy- Part 6 of 7

Seven Mental Laws Of Success From Brian Tracy- Part 6 of 7

6. The Law Of Attraction.

"You are a living magnet, and you attract into your life the people and the circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. In the universe, all energy is in a state of vibration, including mind energy.”

“Your mental energy travels at the speed of light. It travels and is so fine that it goes through any substance. You can think a thought here and it can connect with someone on the other side of the world.”

“Your mind is incredibly powerful, but it is a neutral law."

"If you think negative thoughts, you will attract negative things into your life as well. This is what the Secret is based on, The Law Of Attraction, however, they missed an important point, in that movie, work, it takes hard work to be successful along with thinking in the right manner.”

“The more emotion that is attached to a thought the greater is the intensity of the Vibration. Everything Radiates outward. And we engage in Sympathetic Resonance, where we resonate with other people, we resonate with ideas, we resonate with conversations, we resonate with subjects that we like to study and learn about. We have this all the time and that is The Law Of Attraction, it means it’s something within you is resonating within something outside of you.”

“If you want to be really successful and you see successful people and you start to resonate with their accomplishments you start to become more like them."

“Now here’s an important point people don’t realize, this also explains what is called The Law Of Repulsion, if you hold a negative thought you repel anything associated with that thought out of your life, so many people are brought up to look down on those who are successful, to criticize successful people. "

"This is fatal because if you criticize successful people even in your heart it drives success out of your life, it guarantees you’ll never accomplish anything with your life, you’ll always be miserable and unsuccessful.”

“And therefore it’s so important for you to admire people who are enjoying the success that you desire. Admire successful happy people and you will create this sympathetic resonance and you begin to attract into your life the people, ideas, and circumstances that will enable you to be like one of those people.”


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