Seven Mental Laws Of Success From Brian Tracy
Top-Notch Business English Worldwide Leadership
Excellent Coaching in the 5.0 Leadership World
3. “The Law Of Cause And Effect.
This is the law that really changed my life. For every effect in your life, there’s a specific cause. Everything that happens to us happens for a reason even if we don’t know the reason. Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident, they all have specific causes.”
“The great rule is that if you want to double your income or anything else, what you do is realize that everybody who is earning twice as much as you today was at one time earning half as much as you, that’s the way it works, nobody was born earning twice as much, they started off at the bottom at a very low wage job, so then they did certain things differently from you and now they’re earning twice as much, or five times as much, or ten times as much”
“Well then what we do is go back and find out what they did and we do the same things. Success leaves tracks. If you find out what other successful people did and you do the same thing you’ll eventually get the same results that they do, and if you don’t you won’t.”
“These laws are mental laws. They work 100% of the time. Man has never invented a law, we only discovered the laws that already existed. If you have all these laws then there must have been a lawgiver.”
“These laws are neutral, they work for you or they work against you and so we say nature is neutral like justice, nature’s blind, nature doesn’t care. If you do what other successful people do you will get the same results and if you don’t you won’t.”
“Nature’s not involved in it, nature just says here are the laws, here’s the playing field, here are the rules of the game, if you play the game well have a great life and if you don’t you don’t. These mental laws are important.”
“In life, we violate a lot of laws, we violate a lot of natural laws, especially mental laws and when we violate those laws we suffer the consequences of it whether we knew about the laws or not. It does not matter if you know or approve of the laws the laws are always working.”
“All successful people do what we call a harmonic convergence. The example being, all planets line up and the magnetic power of all of these is supposed to bring about enormous changes. If we get our life in harmony with the great mental laws, things start to happen for you at an incredibly rapid rate.”
“The laws start working for you. This law is the Iron Law of the universe. All other laws are umbrella laws that fall under The Law Of Cause And Effect. Everything happens for a reason and if we’re not happy with what’s happening we can change the causes. If you want to be a millionaire just do what others who started with nothing did to become a millionaire.”
“The most important application of this law is this: Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Your thoughts are the primary moving force of your life, thoughts create the conditions of your life. Your thoughts project on the screen of your life, wherever you go that’s where you are. Change the picture in your mind to change your life. All improvement in your outer life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures, by seeing yourself and your world in more positive terms.”
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