Seven mental blocks and how to overcome them.
Seven mental blocks and how to overcome them.
- Confusion quicksand: "I don't know what to do" - Take a deep breath, pause, and centre yourself while immersing yourself in the complexity. You will find your way through.
- Self-centred fear: "I just can't" - Divorce yourself from the idea that courage is the absence of fear. Remember that courage is the willingness to act despite fear. Then do that.
- All the world's a stage, and I have stage fright: "What if I look stupid" - Embrace your humanness. Life is a contact sport where perfection is not a thing, and when living, we get dirt underneath our fingernails. Choose imperfect participation rather than inaction.
- Swallowed by fatigue: "I'm too tired" - Stop fighting the fatigue, acknowledge it and reset. Close your eyes, breathe and recentre, and take a walk or shower. Take a rest and get back at it.
- Does anything matter anymore: "I just don't care" - Reconnect with what is important to you and start from there. Think about your values, core beliefs and personal vision. Be gentle with yourself and ease out of this temporary apathy.
- Giving up based on regret: "I messed up or didn't act soon enough; it is too late" - Be compassionate with yourself and test whether we base these thoughts on feelings or facts. Challenge the premise that it is too late and see where that takes you.
- Labelling ourselves lazy: "I'm just a lazy person" Identify this thought, then show it to the door. Remember that when we use labels on others, it is not accurate or fair to the other person. Just like that, when we label ourselves, it is not fair to us. Labels are static, and life is not static; we are not static. Therefore, labels are not accurate.