Six Manuscripts The Roman Catholic Church Withheld From the Bible

Six Manuscripts The Roman Catholic Church Withheld From the Bible

"Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching. For I too was a son to my father, still tender, and cherished by my mother. Then he taught me, and he said to me, 'Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live.'"

---Proverbs 4:1-4

After the crucifixion, Roman Centurions placed bounties on the heads of the disciples. Their works were confiscated and buried within catacombs underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. Six manuscripts known as the Book of Knowledge were withheld from the Bible when it was first published and have been withheld from publication by the Roman Catholic Church ever since. Outside Yiddish circles, they have not been shared with the public.

During the Great Plague and in the centuries that followed, the Roman Catholic Church and despotic rulers within their control attempted to gather and destroy copies of these manuscripts that remained. Frederick Barbarossa financed the Wendish and 1st Swedish Crusades for this purpose, Phillip I of Spain (ne Castile) used the Inquisitions for this purpose, and Adolph Eichmann commissioned the invasion of Poland for this purpose. The Roman Catholic Church even incentivized Jewish industrialists to hand over the names of Israelite families entrusted to their care.

Despite these attempts to wipe Christ's teachings from the Earth, a handful of original manuscripts remain, mostly in Yiddish circles. The complete Book of Knowledge contains The Book of Kelts, The Book of Divine Order, The Book of Divine Right, The Book of Divine Measures, The Book of Lent, and The Book of Tribes.

The Book of Kelts is a set of commands governing relationships and personal conduct. The Book of Kelts contains 2 tombs each with 10 chapters and 100 verses to each chapter. One tomb is a guidebook for sons of Christendom, and the other for daughters of Christendom.

The Book of Divine Order is a set of commands governing man's relationship with the universe. The Book of Divine Order contains 10 chapters with 100 verses to each chapter.

The Book of Divine Right is a set of commands governing rule and proselytization . The Book of Divine Right contains 10 chapters with 10 verses to each chapter.

The Book of Measures is a set of commands governing self discipline and self control. The Book of Measures contains 10 chapters with 100 verses to each chapter.

The Book of Lent is a set of commands governing self sacrifice. The Book of Lent contains 10 chapters and 100 verses to each chapter.

The Book of Tribes is a registry of the seventeen tribes that sprouted from Seth's progeny and includes chapters and verses referring to people and events before the flood. The Book of Tribes was maintained even after Cleopatra and Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites up through the year of our Lord (0 AD).

The first 20 verses of the first chapter of The Book of Divine Order contain much the same guidance that Jesus laid our to Letterman (ne Moses) and the Israelites within the Syrian desert. Letterman described that lesson reminder as The Ten Commandments. Those 20 commands are:

  1. Do not lie.
  2. Do not cheat.
  3. Do not steal.
  4. Do not covet.
  5. Do not curse.
  6. Do not press.
  7. Do no deceive.
  8. Do not gamble.
  9. Do not test.
  10. Do not harm.
  11. Do not judge.
  12. Do not plan.
  13. Do not praise.
  14. Do not amuse.
  15. Do not toil.
  16. Do not want.
  17. Do not wish.
  18. Do not worry.
  19. Do not waste.
  20. Do not delay.

Testimonies of the 25 prophets replaced the Book of Knowledge in what Roman scribes labeled The Old Testament. Most were altered or rewritten to suit the political objectives of the Roman Empire. Of those testimonies, two are accurate (Isaiah's and Ezekiel's) and one is complete (Atom's (ne Jonah)).

After the crucifixion, Paul the Apostle was captured and imprisoned by Roman Centurions. He wrote his fellow Apostles letters asking them to publish their testimonies. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John did. John the Apostle's testimony from chapter 3 verse 14 on wee filled with half-truths except for the citations quoting Christ.

Paul the Apostle's testimony is contained within The Book of Romans, Corinthians I and Corinthians II, The Book of Galatians, and The Book of Ephesians. Paul's testimony within Corinthians II, The Book of Galatians, and The Book of Ephesians were modified and rewritten by Roman Scribes and contain falsehoods.

Two of Paul's letters to Timothy the Apostle were included with revisions Pope Clement recommended to the New Testament. Although Timothy shared written copies of his testimony with a handful of his disciples, he refused to publish his testimony. The Roman Catholic Church captured four copies given to disciples and withheld Timothy's testimony from publication.

Timothy's testimony was the most complete and accurate recorded by Jesus' Apostles. As Vatican librarians can attest, Pope Ignoramus (ne Linus) called Timothy's testimony "heretical to our mission." and Pope Clement feared it would "lead to the end of the Roman Empire".

Two of Paul's letters to Timothy the Apostle were included within the New Testament with revisions Pope Clement recommended by way of edict.

"Give thanks to The Father for the blessings you receive and share your testimony with your true. Remember each day is a blessing and make the most of what you are given. Share your testimony within your church and listen to your brethren's testimony. Ask The Father to guide you toward your purpose and remain true to His commands.

Seek His guidance when you are lost,

weary, or tired. Seek His protection from harm and remain calm. Seek His

strength when you are failing and remain firm. Seek His council for direction

and growth.

Know you are loved."

---The Book of Lent 1&2:3:1 (replace

the word brethren with the word sister's within tomb 2)

"Give Thanks to The Father when you


"Give thanks to The Father before

you dine."

"Make time to meditate."

"Clear your mind when you meditate

and ask The Father to provide knowledge of His will."

"Separate yourself from your wishes

and your needs when you meditate."

"Do not ask The Father with


"Do not ask The Father for what you


"Keep concise when you ask."

"Express yourself true to The


---The Book of Lent 1&2:3:2-10

#faith #freedom #Catholicism #Christianity #Christian #Catholic # #endtimes #Armageddon #apocalypse

Erik, thank you for the very interesting article. I did not know about these manuscripts.



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