Seven Manuscripts the Roman Catholic Church has Kept Hidden From their Parishoners, their Clergy and the World
Scripture only mentions the celestial bodies once. That includes the seven books hidden by the Roman Catholic Church. The reference to the celestial bodies is found within the Book of Genesis.
Originally Christ's Grand Design was recorded within the Book of Genesis 1:1-10. After the fall of Rome, Roman Centurions attempted bury mention of Christ's Grand Design altogether. During the 5th Century AD, the earliest published Bibles were rounded up as were Torahs and free form manuscripts disciples had bequeathed to their followers. These were destroyed and replaced with abridged tombs written in Latin.
During the Dark Age, only a handful of devoted disciples maintained their scriptures. These scriptures were passed down from generation to generation, often in short form, and the Holy manuscripts were often dispersed amongst family members. This was mostly done to protect the manuscripts from falling into the hands of Benedictine monks and the Illuminati.
During the 10th Century AD, one brave woman listened to her mother's teachings about Grand Design and set them to memory. Her name is Bethany, and she is a daughter of Aramore.
Bethany taught other children what she had learned from her mother. She created simplified manuscripts and shared those manuscripts from village to village. Some of the children she taught had questions and she answered those questions with drawings. That is how modern translations of Genesis
Within the earliest Sanskrit manuscripts, The Book of Genesis , chapter 1 verses 1 through 3, were straightforward and read: "In the beginning there was the absence, and 'Christ said let there be light.' And there was light." Every modern translation of the Book of Genesis except one has bastardized The Book of Genesis. That one true translation is the Puritan Family Bible. That translation cannot be found online and has never been sold in book stores. It is only available through Puritan meeting halls.
After the Black Plague, Bethany compiled the Old Testament in English from her memory. Christ himself guided her through the translation. This was the first Old Testament translation ever written in English. Bethany's translation can be found in the The Wycliffe Bible. Bethany's wiif Kubla Kahn named that translation after Bethany's father and named the manuscript The Wycliffe Translation.
The bastardization of Genesis 1 found in The Wycliffe Bible isn't Bethany's fault, Kubla Kahn's fault, nor the fault of Bethany's father. Bethany compiled the Genesis 1 true to her mother's teaching. The bastardization of every modern translation other than the one found in the Puritan Family Bible is the fault of Byzantine monks corrupted by the Roman Catholic Church.
Seven Byzantine monks destroyed the printing plates Bethany herself created and replaced the entire Book of Genesis with their own translation. These same monks offered to help Bethany's father print the Wycliffe Translation for him. Bethany's father was fluent in Sanskrit, but could not read nor write in English.
Eight years after publishing the bastardized version of Bethany's Old Testament, Bethany's father asked Bethany to create an English translation of the New Testament from memory. In seven short months, she did. Bethany and Kubla Kahn conversed with one another throughout that time to create the first English translation of the New Testament. That translation can also be found within the Wycliffe Bible.
Though not her fault, even Bethany's Wycliffe translation is compromised. Bethany's mother had received her ecumenical training from a Franciscan monastery in Finland and had been given Roman Catholic manuscripts at the monastery. Most of the manuscripts aside from The Book of Matthew, The Book of Mark, The Book of Luke, The Book of Acts, the Book of Romans, and The Book of 1st Corinthians were deliberately bastardized by Roman Centurians.
Seven key manuscripts were also deliberately omitted
The Book of Kelts is a guidebook of Christ's statutes and ordinances governing chivalry, cohabitation, and sexual morality. Noah himself crafted The Book of Kelts with Christ's guidance, and copies of the book were given to Noah's son Atom, his daughter Ester, Joy of Christendom, Noah's 100 other children including Aram, Aram's son David, every one of David's soldiers, and the wiifs of David's soldiers. There are 18 chapters within the Book of Kelts and a total of 324 verses.
The Book of Lent is a guidebook of Christ's statutes and ordinances governing health, healing, discipline, and wellbeing. Noah and his wiif Omen crafted The Book of Lent with Christ's guidance, and the book was passed down to Noah's son Atom, Noah's daughter Ester, Joy of Christendom, Noah's other 100 children including Aram, Aram's son David, every one of David's soldiers, and the wiifs of David's soldiers. There are 10 chapters with the Book of Lent and a total of 788 verses.
The Book of Divine Right is a guidebook that includes Christ's statutes and ordinances governing kingship and warfare. Aram crafted the Book of Divine Right with Christ's guidance and blessing. Aram presented a copy of the book to his wiif Dionysus and a copy to his son David. David presented a copy the book to his soldiers and a copy to his wiif Achaemenes. David's also gave copies to his soldiers to share with their wiifs. There are 10 chapters to The Book of Divine Right with a total of 100 verses.
The Book of Divine Order is a guidebook on natural law. Noah and his wiif Omen began the Book of Divine Order, and gave copies to Atom, Ester, their 100 other children, and Joy of Christendom. Noah's son Aram gave a copy to his wiif Dionysus and a copy to his son David. David shared the book with his soldiers and their wiifs. There are 100 chapters within The Book of Divine Right and a total of 950 verses.
The Book of Tribes is a registry containing the names of the sons and daughters of Christendom. Noah, his wiif Omen, his son Atom, and Noah's daughter Ester began the registry. The registry also incudes the names of Noah's kin. Noah kept the registry and created 100 copies during the eighth month of every year and presented those copies to his wiif Omen, his son Atom, his daughter Ester, Joy of Christendom, and the heads of tribes that descended from himself.
Noah passed the registry on to Aram's wiif Dionysus, and Dionysus maintained the registry until the Oracle of Delphi was overrun by Cleopatra and her armies in 9998 BC. Sons and daughters of Christendom made addendums of their own within The Book of Tribes after Christendom fell. There were 100 chapters within The Book of Tribes with 1 million entries before the Oracle of Dephi was overrun by Cleopatra and her armies.
The Book of Measures is a guidebook to standardized scales, weights, measures, and natural events. Noah, his wiif Omen, Noah's son Atom, and Joy of Christendom began The Book of Measures. Noah made 100 copies of the book every ten years every Springtide to present to his wiif Omen, his son Atom, his daughter Ester, Joy of Christendom, and the heads of tribes that descended from himself.
Noah passed the guidebook on to Aram when he embarked for the northern coast of Africa. Aram passed the guidebook on to David after Christ called David to war. Aram's wiif Dionysus made 104 copies of the guidebook every year throughout the time Aram was in Africa Major and 107 copies of the guidebook after David and Achaemenes became true. There are four chapters within the The Book of Measures and a total of 700 verses.
The Book of Thomas is Thomas the Apostle's personal testimony of his time with Christ. Within bastardized Biblical manuscripts Thomas the Apostle has been referred to as Titus, Tiberius, and most recently Timothy. The Book of Thomas is the most detailed scriptural account of Christ's miracles and Christ's teachings. There are 47 chapters within The Book of Thomas and a total of 1,100 verses.
Aside from the seven books the Roman Empire omitted, the Roman Centurians also fabricated, omitted, and embellished portions of the manuscripts they did publish. The most egregious transgression was their inclusion of a fictional account of the Noah's last days on earth known as The Book of Job.
Noah came before David and he was of service to David. After David's death, Noah suffered persecution at the hands Cleopatra. The Book of Job was conceived by the head of Emperor Nero's Pretorian Guard. Nero himself requested that the head of his Pretorian Guard craft the story.
The story within The Book of Job suggests that Christ wagered with God on the fate of his servant. The Book of Job also paints the deity known as Saint Michael as a villain. The name given to the deity known as Saint Michael by the angel that created him is Satan.
Satan is in fact the deity that defeated the Antichrist in 1407 AD as foretold by Christ to John the Apostle and detailed in the Book of Revelations. Satan was also tormented by the deity known as God for 7000 years before Christ arrived and freed Satan of his afflictions.
Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness with Satan, answered all his questions, and restored Satan's essence. Chapter headings within modern scriptural translations mislead readers into believing that Satan or his lesser deities are the enemy, but in truth the enemy is the one the Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, the The Jesus Christ Church of Later-day Saints and its affiliates, and certain sects within the Angelican Church equate with Christ.
God and Christ are not the same, and every modern publisher of the Old and New Testaments except for the publishers of the Puritan Family Bible has followed the Roman Catholic Church's lead by equating the two as the same. This stems more from corruption than ignorance, and was largely foretold by Christ himself during during His Sermon on the Mount when he spoke of false profits and false Christs.
It is worth noting that Bethany of Aramore deserves credit for creating the first mechanized printing press rather than Jonnas Gutenberg. Bethany in fact created the plates for the Wycliffe translation all by herself. She also automated the press plate her father used to print the Wycliffe translation using a wood-fitted steam turbine she herself connected to a water wheel.
Jonnas Gutenberg stole Bethany's press plates from Bethany's father's farm in Edinburgh Scotland in 1407 and used those press plates to publish a bastardized version of the New Testament known as the Gutenberg Bible. The Roman Catholic Church in fact canonized Gutenberg after Pope Sextus presented the Gutenberg's bastardized version to Francis the 3rd and gave the Gutenberg family 10% of every contribution the Roman Catholic Church has received in the name of Saint Christopher in perpetuity.
Every modern-day publisher pays Christoph Publishing PLC a 10% royalty for every book, phamplet, press sheet, newspaper, digest, flyer, and tabloid they produce. Cosa Nostra has seen to that for the last 175 years. This included every publisher of Torahs and/or the Old and New Testaments except for the publishers of the Puritan Family Bible.
Bethany happens to be a citizen of the British Commonwealth. There is no doubt that King William and the British Royal Protectorate would hold the publishing industry to account if they knew of the crimes that have occurred. As for the seven manuscripts the Roman Catholic Church has kept hidden for nearly 2000 years, these manuscripts would most certainly resurface if men and women within the Church found the courage to brave persecution and were willing to return to Christ.
"For this is what Christ says, He who created the earth (He who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it as a waste, but formed the earth to be inhabited):
'I am the LORD. There is no other. I have not spoken in secret, In some dark land; I did not say to the offspring of My Right Hand, "Seek Me in a wasteland"; I, the LORD, speak righteousness, Declaring things that are right.
Gather yourselves and come; Come together, righteous, holy, and pure! They have no knowledge, Who carry around their wooden idols And pray to false Christs who cannot save. Declare and present your case; Indeed, let them consult together. Who has announced this long ago? Who has long since declared it? Is it not I, the LORD?"
---Isaiah 45:18-21