Seven lessons from Connect Four
Another perk of the coffee shop I frequent…GAMES! Typically, I am getting some work done or conversing over wine, but the option is there to play some of the classics. Chess, Clue, Pictionary, and one of my personal favorites, Connect Four. I love CF for a few reasons. One, it’s easy to set up. Two, it’s easy to learn. Three, I am pretty good at it. In addition, like many games, to be successful players must plan their strategy for winning (i.e., getting four chips in a row), while simultaneously ensuring that their opponent doesn’t. Hence, it requires the use of two different mental process - ones that scan the board for both opportunity and danger. Seems pretty applicable to life to me. Here are 7 other lessons from one of my favs.
1) It’s not called Connect One. Connect One would be easy. Connecting four requires work. You want to win? You have to work!
2) Have a plan. You can’t be successful at Connect Four by just following your opponent or haphazardly tossing chips into the board. See the path and go for it.
3) Life will block you. While seeking opportunity also consider potential threats or barriers. Life will try to block you. How will you navigate around?
4) Two way win. The best strategy for Connect Four is to create a situation where you can win (connect four) in two different ways. That way if one gets blocked, you still have the other option. Equifinality.
5) Embrace adaptability. When life blocks you, don’t quit the game. Don’t give up. Simply start working towards another four in a row.
6) Failure builds. In connect four we actually build off of the attempts of our opponent. We actually gain opportunity from our mistakes, setbacks, and barriers. You can too.
7) Reset. If you do end up “losing” one round, no worries. Just slide the reset lever and start again.