The Seven Deadly Sins of Politics
Dr. Duncan Borg Ellul, DProf
Senior Public Officer | Corporate Trainer, Lecturer & Researcher
Politics are full of pomp, circumstance, and theatricality, but what lies beneath the surface? Beyond all the outward appearances, there is a much darker side to the inner workings of politics. We have witnessed shady deals, unexplained payments never seem to benefit society, fraud, corruption and so on. To make matters worse, none of this was ever pinned down and recorded in textbooks, as morality has never been part of our international political system. It is important to recognise that not all politicians are cut from the same cloth. Some tirelessly serve their communities with honesty and integrity, and some fall prey to the common pitfalls of the Seven Deadly Sins in the international realm of politics.
1. The Sin of Self-Righteousness: Thinking you know more than anyone else
Oh, how wonderful it must be to have all the answers! To think you are the smartest person in the room and no one else can match your intellect. What a burden it must be to carry the weight of your self-righteousness around with you everywhere you go. It must be exhausting to think that you know more than anyone else constantly and to dismiss the perspectives and ideas of others. But do not worry dear self-righteous one. Mortals will continue to stumble along in our ignorance while you bask in the glow of your brilliance.
2. The Sin of Greed: Putting your wealth before the well-being of your constituents
Ah, the sin of greed! How lovely it is to see those in power prioritise their pockets over the welfare of those elected to serve. Who needs hospitals, schools, and affordable housing anyway? Let us focus on buying that yacht or that third holiday home instead. Forget that families struggle to make ends meet or that some children go to school without lunch. Having a stocked wine cellar and a private jet is so much more important. Bravo to those who indulge in greed because at least they will die rich, right? Or perhaps they will leave a legacy of self-centeredness and disregard for their fellow human beings. Cheers to that!
3. The Sin of Ignorance: Refusing to acknowledge facts and data that do not fit your agenda
Well, who needs facts and data anyway? Certainly not those who choose to live in blissful ignorance. Refusing to acknowledge information that contradicts your beliefs is the epitome of intelligence. It is much easier to stick to what you already know and ignores everything else, even if it may be beneficial or necessary for your well-being. That is what the sin of ignorance is all about, and boy is it a beautiful thing to behold. Who needs to learn and grow when you can bury your head in the sand? Everyone knows that the world is a perfect place and there is nothing new to be learned or discovered. Ignorance truly is bliss.
4. The Sin of Hypocrisy: Preaching one thing and doing another
Ah, hypocrisy! The ability to tell everyone else how to live their lives while doing the opposite. It is truly a marvel of human nature. Why bother practising what you preach when you can pretend to be a moral authority? It is not like people will see right through your facade and call you out on it or anything. No, no. Hypocrisy is the way to go. Do not worry that it is a sin because the rules do not apply to you. Just keep doing what you are doing and patting yourself on the back for being so virtuous. After all, actions speak louder than words, right? Or is it the other way around? I can never remember, but I am sure it does not matter anyway.
5. The Sin of Polarisation: Drawing lines in the sand and refusing to cross them
Ah, polarisation is the ultimate sin of the modern age. Because who needs nuance when you can just draw a stark divide in the sand and declare that anyone on the other side is a big, bad, wrong-headed idiot? Why bother trying to find common ground or understand someone else’s point of view when you can dismiss them outright? It is so much easier that way. Plus, it is so much fun to argue with people online and throw around terms like “fascist.” Who needs civil discourse when you can engage in name-calling and tribal warfare?
6. The Sin of Contradiction: Saying one thing and then doing its opposite
Oh, the joys of contradictions! Is anything more amusing than saying one thing and then doing the opposite? It is like a comedy routine or a magic trick, where the audience is left wondering: how did they manage to pull that off? The sin of contradiction is not just a mere linguistic quirk. It is an art form, a way of life. It is as if we are saying to the world, “I do not care what you think or expect of me. I am going to do my own thing.” And isn’t that what life being all about? Breaking the rules, defying expectations, and following our path? So go ahead, contradict away. Just make sure you do it with style.
7. The Sin of Manipulation: Using others for one’s political gain
Oh, those pesky politicians! Can they not get enough of taking advantage of their constituents? It seems they missed the memo on the adage that “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” Maybe they were too busy manipulating people for their political gain. Even worse is that their actions can have disastrous consequences for those they use. We should give them a round of applause for their so-called “generosity,” right? I mean, who would not want a bitter-tasting free lunch? So here is to you, dear …., thanks for always looking out for your interests instead of those you were elected to serve.
The seven deadly sins of politics reflect the current state of our political system. In order to create a better future for ourselves, we must recognise these sins for what they are and strive to overcome them. We cannot continue to allow those in power to manipulate us or use us for their gain. Rather, we need to demand more from our politicians and hold them accountable for their actions. Only then will real progress be made on the issues that matter most. Ultimately, if we all rise above these deadly sins of politics, one day, we might create a brighter future.