Dr Sudhanshu Bhushan
Senior Policy Advisor – ( 15th April 2023... ) at New Zealand Red Cross Auckland, New Zealand Job Description - Policy classification, Consulting & Strategy
DAY 4 Contd.
Namrata : This business of Light troubles me. It is so large. So much beyond our comprehension. It seems to be some kind of miracle-maker.
Sudhanshu: It is true. Yet, deep down we somehow understand it. We understand that all is made of Light; we are made of Light and our journey is one of Light. These ideas give us a sense of joy. Because somehow they explain it all. Although vaguely.
Namrata : Yes, rather vaguely. Why so vaguely?
Sudhanshu :Well, one of the main reasons is that institutionalised religions have monopolised our access to Big Light. They have become jealous guardians, which do not like humans to be in touch with it directly. Religions have controlled this Light rather ruthlessly. We know it and feel crippled.
Namrata : And the kind of philosophy you call for, will it consist of the unblocking of our cosmic connections, renewing us at the roots?
Sudhanshu :Exactly. This last point of renewal at the source, at the cosmic roots, is very important.
Namrata : And how do you see the individual contributing to this process? How can he be a part of it? Do we have to become gods before we gain access to the Big Light?
Sudhanshu : Not quite so. We are little spiders weaving a huge net. It is a Divine net. And we are Divine spiders. While we are on this net, we are Divine beings.
Namrata : And where does this net lead? To heaven, to God?
Sudhanshu :This net itself is heaven, a God-like being. We are weaving it ourselves. It is the most extraordinary handiwork that we and the Cosmos together have ever endeavoured. By being within it and contributing to it, we are co-creating divinity, fragments of God. We are co-creating with God and the Divine. In this holy work of creation, God needs us as much as we need God. These are actually the words of Meister Eckhart, a medieval mystic. He also said that the human eye looking at God is the same eye with which God looks through the eye looking at Him.
Namrata: A very new way of looking at divinity.
Sudhanshu :Maybe not so new. It can be found throughout human history. Admittedly, this view so often has been suppressed by dominant religions. Besides, this view is very natural. Intuitively, almost obvious. If all is divine in the Universe (and we are more and more convinced that this is the case), then by our understanding of the glory of the Divine, we arc morally bound to cooperate and co-create with the Divine. The very awareness of it being so is a profoundly liberating experience bringing us to a closer union with God. Let me put it differently. All creation is articulation. An amorphous piece of marble out of which Aphrodite of Knidos was carved, was not a sculpture - until it was carved into its finished form, until it was articulated. Before it was articulated, it was a potence of a sculpture, not a sculpture itself.
Namrata : Do you mean to imply that it was similar with the Divine and even with God?
Sudhanshu: Yes. God and the Divine could only come to their articulated existence after the appropriate sensitivities, appropriate Logos, appropriate symbols and icons, were developed and articulated by human beings. The human race has been endowed, or simply entrusted, with developing these sensitivities and powers of imagination which could seize and express the Divine. We have been evolving our sacred nature simultaneously with the Cosmos. We are fragments of the divinity of the Cosmos. Through us this divinity is articulated. We are truly one. We and the Cosmos are one. We and the source are one; we and God are one. We are part of the crystallisation, of articulation and actualisation of God. And God rejoices in this articulation. Without our sensitivities, our Logos, our imagination, God would still be only a potential God, like a statute of the Aphrodite, hidden in the amorphous chunk of the original marble. We are God-makers; although we, ourselves, came from the cosmic dust. There is a paradox and a mystery in this view. We have to live with it. The Cosmos is a mysterious being.
Namrata : Yes, it is a strange view that you are presenting - this Divine net on which we are little Divine spiders. But this net surely must lead somewhere; it cannot just dangle in the void. It must go upward to more divinity and ultimately to God. Otherwise, it is a very unsatisfactory solution of the wholeness and beauty of the Universe.
Sudhanshu : Yes, it goes upward, towards greater divinity, and towards further articulation of Godliness in us and in the Cosmos. But we should not rush to judgement too fast. Otherwise we shall find ourselves in the traditional scheme, namely that God created this net, and by being on this net, we are reaching to God and thus returning to the source. The realisation of God within the Cosmos is a stupendous process. We are in the middle of it. What the ultimate nature of God's divinity will be at the end of time, we do not know and we cannot know at present. We are in the infancy of our understanding of these divine matters. We have been grappling with the divine nature of the Cosmos and of ourselves since a very short time. We must have more humility. This is what all religions advocate.
Namrata: How is all of this is going to help you and others? It still is philosophy, words. We are bombarded by words, insignificant words, twisted words. Words are such a cheap commodity nowadays.
Sudhanshu :True. But the point is not to end with words. Words are only a means, a passage to deeper realms.
Namrata: What are these deeper important realms, which you want to lead us to?
Sudhanshu : First of all, we need to realise that we are important beings in the Universe, not cheap dispensable straw-puppets, or cogs in the wheel of some machine. We are part of the natural magic. We do not need miracles of science. We are a miracle. When science brings about its own 'miracles', so much pollution and destruction follows. Secondly, we need to realise that we live, work and think in an envelope of lucid Logos. It is a creative Logos. We are the recipients of its creativity and we are a part of its creativity. The Universe is pulsating with vibrant creative forces - all around us. We are part of this creative vibration. To grasp this whole picture and embrace it, is a source of joy. And also a great source of empowerment.This act of the acceptance of the creative Logos of the Universe entirely changes our situation and status in the present disempowered world. Thirdly, guided and inspired by lucid Logos we can create philosophies more life-enhancing than hitherto known, philosophies which are woven into great cycles of life and of cosmic becoming, which serve the Divine because they themselves are an expression of the Divine. At this point, words, which express and articulate our merging with the Divine will not be cheap commodities but points of Light charged with energy and glow.
Namrata : And you think it will be easy?
Sudhanshu : I am not saying it will be easy, but necessary. Let me continue with my discussion of lucid Logos. Fourthly, from a right cosmic philosophy, we shall derive a right ethics, which we might just as well call cosmic ethics.
Namrata : Again, you think it will be easy to evolve this kind of ethics?
Sudhanshu : Again, I am not saying it will be easy but necessary. Actually in some quarters this ethics is already being articulated - sometimes more consciously and boldly, sometimes less. There is a search for a new ethics going on throughout the entire world. We have understood by now that we have fallen to a low place by allowing ourselves to be devoured by nihilism, radical subjectivism and other moralities which are not friendly to the human species. A new ethics is required. This is almost universally understood. And lo and behold! At this very moment, Light is articulating itself to demonstrate that it possesses, within its bowels and structure, universal ethics, which can guide and support all humanity and all creation. This is the ethics of giving, generosity, altruism, compassion, solidarity and a quest for a spiritual transcendence.
Namrata: And how does God figure in this scheme?
Sudhanshu: Prominently. This entire scheme is pervaded by God, is God-like, is divine.
Much Love