Dear Leader,

If you have any interest in global affairs, you would have been keenly interested in the recently concluded World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

Founded in 1971, this is now one of the greatest platforms in the world for heads of nations to rub minds with heads of conglomerates on political and economic issues. The future of so many things is discussed and decided at this summit – from education to the environment, technology to trade.

Have you ever wondered who started it, where, how, when and why?

Most people haven’t thought about it and thus couldn't answer these questions.

Some may naively suggest that it is the UN or one of the global organizations that are headquartered in Switzerland.

While there is so much to say about the event, kindly allow me to use it as a case study for the power of vision – how a single idea by a school teacher can be cultivated into this level of global impact.

Of course, many people know the amazing stories of how Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey cultivated their little ideas into innovations that will be talked about forever, but not many know about Klaus Schwab.

Do you?

Klaus Schwab was a professor of business policy, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, from 1971 to 2002.

He believed that to achieve long-term growth and prosperity, the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders.

This belief was so dear to his heart that he started the European Management Forum in 1971, which later evolved into the World Economic Forum in 1987.

Schwab’s vision was to create a platform where country and corporate leaders would come together to develop a shared narrative to improve the state of the world. The programs, initiatives, and projects of the World Economic Forum are focused on the vision of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”.

Without a question, vision is the master key to leadership, and yet the missing component in some organizations and the lives of many people today.

Due to the busyness of our time, with 80% of our minds virtually connected to some person, place or thing somewhere around the world, people no longer make the time to craft a vision for their life, business, and ministry, and yet wonder why they are not as determined and motivated as they should be.

In my book, The Mystique of Leadership, I wrote extensively about vision. I clearly articulated its differences between purpose, dreams, goals, objectives, values and other concepts it is usually misconstrued for.

I wrote: “Leaders are visionaries, for they see beyond their sight and believe beyond their mind. What they think, others can’t see; and what they see, others can’t fathom. In fact, leadership is the bridge between purpose and vision. Everything in between is management.”

Do you have a clearly defined holistic vision for your life, business, and ministry?

For a vision to be true, effective and compelling, for it to be truly spiritual and intellectual, it must be encompassing, insightful and strategic. It must consider the critical areas of your life that could hinder the advancement of the vision. It is unwise to pursue a vision to change the world without plans to protect your health along the way or hope to achieve a dream and to the detriment of your relationships.

In almost two decades, I have trained, coached and mentored thousands of people to develop what I call a holistic vision, which is a vision that promotes and propels you to consider the following seven critical areas of life:

  1. Spirituality: This has to do with your innermost being, keeping in mind that we are spirit-beings in a human form. What character changes must you make to remain connected to God, our source?
  2. Intellectualism: This has to do with your personal development to enhance your creative capability. What programs and passion must I pursue to increase my wisdom, understanding, and knowledge?
  3. Health: This has to do with your physical, mental and emotional states for the sake of longevity. What changes must I make to my diet, habits, and behaviors to ensure effective holistic well-being?
  4. Relationships: This has to do with your marriage, parenting, and other people whom you relate to. What changes must I make to treat others and be treated by others lovingly and respectfully?
  5. Finances: This has to do with the type of lifestyle you would like to live materially, without being extravagant. How much will I like to earn from my career, investments, businesses, etc?
  6. Benevolence: This has to do with giving back to humanity from the blessings received from God. What are the worthy causes I should donate my time and money to without expecting anything back?
  7. Legacy: This has to do with what you would like to be remembered for after you are long gone. What cause must I stand and fight and the type of impact I would like to leave on people forever?

If you would like to receive our template for Holistic Vision, which is a free form to document your goals and objectives for this year, click here.

Every year, I bring enthusiastic people together for a one-day specialized masterclass on how to develop a vision that would position them globally for massive impact, influence, and income. 

Besides assisting them to create their holistic vision, other topics include the following:

  • The Top Seven Marketing Strategies
  • Crafting a Strategic Plan for Continuity
  • Maximizing Technology for Expansion
  • Securing International Engagements
  • Creating Multiple Streams of Income

What is vision if it will end up deteriorating your health, destroying your relationships and erasing your legacy? Is vision not meant to raise up leaders, make a difference and leave a legacy? Even though the advancement of a true vision is selfless, tiresome and demanding, it can be crafted in such a way that its execution is not deadly.

For more information about this event, click here.

If you require training, coaching and mentoring to craft a vision for yourself, business and ministry, to formulate a statement that is profound enough to keep you motivated for life, register for iGNITE 2.0.

Whether you have crafted your vision or not, rest assured that there is greatness in you waiting to be birthed. God has blessed you with a purpose of great magnitude and the talents to make a generational impact.

You are the hero everyone is waiting for, the leader God expects to take over from Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, etc.

If you think this is your time to attain greater heights, if you would like to be trained, coached and mentored to discover, develop and deploy your gifts to the world, register for iGNITE 2.0 to join us LIVE or ONLINE!

Klaus Schwab would not have believed it if he were told years ago that his small platform of leaders would someday grow to compete globally with the platforms of United Nations right up their alley.

Register for iGNITE 2.0 for us to help you craft a vision that would also grow your business and ministry to the point of unbelief a few years from now.     

May 2018 be your best year yet – in your household, ministry, and business.

Yours truly,

Alex Ihama

P.S. For previous issues of our Leadership Gazette, click here.

If we change our thinking we can change our lives.


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