The Seven Blind Men and The Elephant (aka Internet of Things) : An extension story
There was an article titled “The Seven Blind Men and The Elephant (aka Internet of Things)” recently published in LinkedIn. A classic story probably most might have heard already.
However, I am sure you may not have heard of the extension to the story, so here it is. That’s more fitting to the Internet Of things discussions and debates going on for a while.
Once the men have made up their minds about an elephant, they went on with their lives, certainly with a lasting impact…..
Fans were so great in the summer, and the man was jealous of the elephant’s owner, and was so disappointed and deeply saddened he could not own an elephant to keep in his house.
Snakes are scary, so the one who thought an elephant is a big snake was keeping his distance as well as asking others not to get anywhere near. Elephants are scary snakes, they may bite you, he kept on advising everybody in his circle.
One who thought it’s a tree was also a strong proponent of selling the elephant to the local timber mill, but it was not his elephant and he could only make a voice. He took the belief to the grave thinking what a waste of large tree, where so many fine furniture could have been made.
A wall is commonplace, even though an elephant is a solidly built wall, thought another. He never appreciated the value of an elephant over many walls he already had in his house.
An elephant is boring, as it’s almost like a rope, one thought. It’s even stiffer than what he would like a rope to be. I would choose another rope over an elephant, kept telling everybody.
The man who thought it’s a great spear bought an elephant and started a business for hiring it as a weapon. Did great in battles, with elephant’s versatility the man become rich having a herd of battle ready elephants. He never wanted to know how his elephants were being used in the field; he just believed it’s a good spear.