Seven Attributes Of Authentic Leadership

Seven Attributes Of Authentic Leadership

Leadership, we hear about it all the time. Web search the word and you’ll come up with countless qualities of leaders, but I feel most miss crucial attributes that truly define authentic leadership. Here are seven attributes every authentic leader demonstrates that are often overlooked:

  1. Authentic leaders never pass the buck. They take full responsibility for every circumstance under their sphere of influence. They use “we” when speaking about positive results, and “I” when taking responsibility for things gone wrong.
  2. They always look their other party directly in the eyes when speaking. There is a connection formed through the eyes that goes beyond simple recognition, an energetic link that creates a deeper level of rapport and enhances substance of the conversation.
  3. Authentic leaders recognize this moment is the only one that counts, this is where moving forward begins. They don’t dwell on the remembered past nor dream about the imagined future. Now is the point of power, the only moment where anything can be accomplished.
  4. Authentic leaders express gratitude for every event and circumstance. While it’s easy to be thankful for those things that seem to create good feelings, every previous moment has led to this one which, in turn, will lead to the next one. The shell of every adversity carries within it a seed of opportunity.
  5. They always put their employees first. An authentic leader will never ask a subordinate to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves. That doesn’t mean they do everything themselves, it’s simply means that they understand there’s no “I” in “Team”, no ego expands beyond the whole. 
  6. Authentic leaders keep their opinions to themselves. They recognize that opinions are like butt-holes, everyone has one and no one wants to see yours. They also regard every conversation as confidential. You will never see an authentic leader gossiping or engaging in innuendo about friends, family, or colleagues.
  7. Authentic leaders serve. They are in service 100% of the time, to their families, their employees, colleagues, everyone they come in contact with. And they serve with humility, always!

These are certainly not all the qualities of an authentic leader. Many people display these attributes who otherwise don’t see themselves as leaders. But leading with authenticity is not just about being in power, or in charge of something, it’s about being the best person possible in every moment. Leadership by example!

David Wetmore is the founder and CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) of Intentional Excellence in Columbus Ohio. His passion is solving problems. He assists individuals and organizations with creating new paradigms that allow creativity and insight to flourish. Contact David when you're ready to work on your thinking!  

?[email protected]  (513) 543-6596


