Seven articles!  You are already a client!  Start closing!  Why prospect in the fall!  More!
The Toad who visited our Labor Day Picnic - Photo by Bryce Sanders

Seven articles! You are already a client! Start closing! Why prospect in the fall! More!

Seven articles!? Which did you find most interesting?? Please leave a note in the Comment section below.


You seek prospects with money to invest.? Established business owners often fit into this category.? As you look for ways to identify them and get them to be clients, do not overlook the fact you are already a client of several businesses in the community.

10 Prospects Who Already Do Business with You ThinkAdvisor (9/5/23)


Some people think never taking a vacation is a badge of honor, showing their dedication to the firm.? This can also be a reason some employees suffer from burnout.? My article looks at how to get that message across to the people working at your firm.

Unplug!? How and Why to Encourage Employees to Take a Vacation BenefitsPro (9/4/23)


We are good at delivering proposals.? Some in sales are good at asking for the order.? Prospects are good at saying: “Let me think about it.” What’s needed is a compelling reason for the prospect to take action now.? Here are three ways to get that point across.

3 Ways to Stop Presenting and Start Closing Financial Advisor (9/5/23)


Everyone in sales is taught to get to know people who are Centers of Influence in the local area.? Why?? Because these are the people others ask for advice.? Instead of just trying to finds and? get close to them, how about becoming one yourself?? Here are three ways to make it happen.

How to Become a Center of Influence Advisorpedia (9/6/23)


You have clients who became good friends.? Some good friends could become great clients.? The difficult part is bringing up the subject without risking the friendship.? Here are three approaches to make it happen without scaring them away.

How to Spontaneously Bring Up Business with Close Friends MDRT blog (9/6/23)


September is back to school time.? People say “summer is over” roll up their sleeves and get back to work.? They are focused on the future.? Here are several ways to tap into that mindset when reaching out to prospects.

10 Reasons Why Fall is an Ideal Time to Prospect (9/6/23)


Cruises are fun.? Cruises cost money.? The logical way to be able to take more cruises is to spend less when booking and sailing on your current cruises.? Here is a category by category approach to identify and control the costs.

How to Save Money on Cruises So You Can Take More Cruises AllThingsCruise (9/6/23)





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