Setup Postman To Call D365 FO Data Entities
Assuming you are composing a reconciliation into D365 you probably will need to arrange for Postman to call D365 information elements. This will permit you to test the information elements and see what information your getting application will recover without holding on to request that the getting application settles on the decision.
For creating a connection b/w postman and D365 FO we need to do the following steps:
Make Get Token Request In Postman
For Authorization, we need tokens for which we need the following Ids:
Open Postman and create HTTP Request.
For Authentication/token you need to hit with post request to this URL:<TenantId>/oauth2/v2.0/token
With the following parameters in the body:
(The client_Id ought to be the Client ID found in Azure Portal).
(The client_Secret ought to be the Client ID found in Azure Portal)
Grant_type ? ?
Scope? ? ? ? ? ?
(https://<D365 URL>/.default)
You can see it returns the token which will help you to authenticate with D365 FO.
Now Put the <BaseUrl>/data/<Entity name> in the Request URL section. And create a GET request.
With the token you get:
On the Authorization tab, select the bearer token and paste your token into the token field. And send the request and you will get the data in JSON format.