Setup Parental Control FREE on Home Internet
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In every home, almost every gadget has Internet access. All age people of our family usually access internet on regular basis. Elders use it for emailing, messaging, online shopping, online banking etc. Elders know, what to access on the internet?
In addition, the Internet is equally important and necessary resource for our children studying in schools and colleges. So, we need to put some web filter on all computers, mobile phones using at Home-Internet-Network to restrict access to the seedier corners of the Internet.
Parents often worry, how to control internet traffic to their tech-savvy children because they accidentally can access proscribed stuff. In order to implement web restrictions for the home network, neither you require expert level knowledge nor investment to buy a paid solution. Just follow the instructions, and you would see, how easily can fix the issue.
The best way to fix the issue, just change Router’s DNS server IP address setting. Use OpenDNS IP to set up parental control.
OpenDNS IPs are:
Primary DNS IP
Secondary DNS
Primary DNS IP
Secondary DNS
If you want to setup OpenDNS on Laptop or Router, follow the link to see step by step instructions.