Setup Magento On Localhost
Syed Bilal Ali
Nest JS | NodeJS | Typescript | MongoDB | TypeORM | PHP | Laravel | Codeigniter | Wordpress | AWS | React JS
Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP. It uses multiple other PHP frameworks such as Laminas and Symfony. Magento source code is distributed under Open Software License v3.0. Magento was acquired by Adobe Inc in May 2018 for $1.68 billion. To Install Magento here are some simple steps that will help.
Following are the pre-requisites required for installing Magento. Download the setups of the following.
After downloading the setups, You need to install XAMPP and Composer and follow the steps below.
private function validateURLScheme(string $filename) : boo
$allowed_schemes = ['ftp', 'ftps', 'http', 'https'];
$url = parse_url($filename);
if ($url && isset($url['scheme']) && !in_array($url['scheme'], $allowed_schemes) && !file_exists($filename))
return false;
return true;
$realPath = str_replace('\\', '/',$this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));
$cacheId = implode(‘-’, $this->scopePriorityScheme) . “-” . $this->cacheId;
php bin/magento setup:install --base-url=”https://localhost/magento" --db-host=”localhost” --db-name=”magento" --db-user=”root” --db-password=”” --admin-firstname=”admin” --admin-lastname=”admin” --admin-email=”[email protected]” --admin-user=”admin” --admin-password=”admin123" --use-rewrites=”1" --backend-frontname=”admin
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento module:disable Magento_Csp
php bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth
INSERT INTO `core_config_data`(`path`, `value`) VALUES (‘dev/static/sign’, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`=0
and replace it with