Setup Azure IOT Edge Runtime on the Jetson Devices - Minified
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Setup Azure IOT Edge Runtime on the Jetson Devices - Minified

The official documentation is very verbose and wordy, which is exactly how it should be, but this tutorial tries a more brief approach towards installing the IOT Runtime on the Jetson Devices.


  • You are fairly comfortable with Cloud Service providers, AWS, Azure or GCP.
  • You have worked with the Nvidia Jetson, or Raspberry Pi, SSH before

You will learn

  1. How to setup Azure IOT Edge using the Portal
  2. How to get a Edge Device communicating with Azure

Key Concepts

Here are some of these explained in laymen's terms

Azure IOT Hub - Read More

  • Managed service to enable bi-directional communication between IoT devices and Azure
  • Azure IoT Hub provides a cloud-hosted solution backend to connect virtually any device.

Azure IOT Edge Device

  • Logical representation, or the identity which the IOT Hub assigns every physical hardware device connected to it.

Azure IOT Runtime - Read More

  • Enables custom and cloud logic on IoT Edge devices. The runtime sits on the IoT Edge device, and performs management and communication operations.

1. Setting up Azure

Creating the Hub

  1. Login to the Azure Portal
  2. Search for 'IOT Hub'
  3. Click Add, under Size and Scale select Free Tier, accept the defaults and create an IOT Hub

Creating the Edge Device

  1. Go to the IOT Hub you just created
  2. From the side panel under Automatic Device Management, click IoT Edge, then click New
  3. Add a device name, accept the defaults and click Save
  4. Refresh, click the Device you just created, unhide and copy the Primary Connection String, keep this handy for later.

References - Quickstart: Deploy your first IoT Edge module to a virtual Linux device

2. Setting up the Edge Device


  1. Ensure that the Edge Device, Jetson Device is running Ubuntu 18.04
  2. Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed. Read More - Installing Docker and Docker Compose on the Raspberry Pi in 5 Simple Steps

Installing Azure IOT Edge Runtime

1) Registering Microsoft key and software repository feed - (If not on Ubuntu 18.04 read more here)

curl > ./microsoft-prod.list
sudo cp ./microsoft-prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
curl | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg
sudo cp ./microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/

2) Installing Moby-Engine, and IOTEdge Runtime

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.2 moby-engine moby-cli iotedge -y

3) Let's add the connection string to connect the Edge Device with Azure

sudo nano /etc/iotedge/config.yaml

Add the Primary Connection String from Step 1.2 in here, and it should look something like this.

   # Manual provisioning configuration
     source: "manual"
     device_connection_string: ";DeviceId=rpi-1;SharedAccessKey=XXXXc="

4) Setup is done, restart the service.

sudo systemctl restart iotedge

5) Verify the installation.

sudo systemctl status iotedge
sudo iotedge check # should return 1 check as failed 'Edge Hub can bind to ports on host'
sudo iotedge list # No modules are running

References - Install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on Debian-based Linux systems

In the next tutorial, we will Deploy a Module to Azure IOT Edge Runtime on Linux


I know It's frustrating when something works in the tutorial but not when you do it, I would hate if that happened to you. So, please leave a comment, or reach out to me. If any of this does not work for you.


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