Settling For a One Night Stand
Louisa Nicola, MMed
Neurophysiologist | I teach fitness professionals how to master the science of human performance & become world class coaches | Neuro Athletics - 2000+ students
There was a time in my early 20's where I was deliberately living out the meaning of a 'one night stand' and let me tell you, it didn't serve me any good. I am of course talking about a time when I would "commit" to a new habit, do it for one night and then never go near it again. Albeit a new diet, a new training regime, a daily meditation process or even a morning phone call and coincidentally enough, all of my new schedules would start on Monday and end on Tuesday- I was literally settling for a one night stand. Have you ever done this?
Lack of consistency leads to failed results. How did I expect to break a habit or form new habits if I was hoping that with one session my entire life was going to change? The only way our brains form new habits is by increasing the thickness of the myelin sheath that surrounds and covers the corpus collosum. The only way to increase the thickness is by repepetivness of any kind. This is why the fat keep getting fatter and the fit keep getting fitter- it's all a neural game. In saying this, when you look at the challenges you have in a particular area of your life and reverse engineer how you got yourself there, you will find that it was the product of multiple repetitive thoughts and/ or actions.
It's been years that I have studied and gotten into the habit of doing this and I must admit, it's hard work. It's hard getting up every single day performing the same ritual over and over again so your brain recognises the particular habit easier and faster all in the name of perfection, but I do it, Jamie Whincup does it and I am certain that you can do it. It's never getting easier nor should it.
It is so important to recognise the smallest habits that you are creating each and every second of the day through movement, thoughts, patterns and behaviour so we can then become the master piece of our own life. If you can understand the brain and its anatomy you can understand that you can literally carve and shape the life you want.
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7 年I have this quote on my phone's home screen to remind me to maintain the habit... 'You will either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours...'