Setting yourself up for failure
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
When you walk into any classroom setting, you notice people sitting at the front of the hall and people sitting at the back of the hall. Was their choice of sitting position random, or did they deliberately choose where they wanted to sit in the hall? From observation, you realize that it doesn’t matter where the entrance into a hall is, people systematically choose where they want to be seated and how far they want to be from the person giving the lesson. It's fair to say that your sitting position can influence your success rate.
Another factor which influences our success rate is how proactive we are with the study, how much we ask questions and seek to know better what is being taught to us. There are certainly a lot of factors which influence our success rate for which we are not in control of, things like motivation, the competence of the person passing the lesson, the environment and much more. The few ones we are in control of however are still very detrimental to our overall success and can weight the balance one way or the other.
What you realize now is that something as simple as our sitting position in a hall can influence your success rate or retention rate, do you think people will deliberately choose a better position to increase their success rate when they realize this? Certainly not!
Even though people might know the right thing to do, that doesn’t always lead them to do the right thing.
Intentional or not
There is something known as self sabotage
This happens on a subconscious level, most people don’t realize how independent their brain gets. There is a part of your brain which isn’t in your control and whose job is to protect you even from your own self, so this part of your brain will stop you when you try to do things which take you out of your comfort zone. Your happiness and success is found on the other way of hard work, struggle and perseverance
You are your worst enemy
There is one obstacle here, one problem and one wall, it's something you don’t realize because the problem is the person in the mirror, but it's difficult for you to even comprehend how you could be your biggest problem. When looking for the enemy you never think of looking in the mirror, it is always someone else, it's always something, it's always somebody else. How could it be possible that you do things to hold yourself back? That's just illogical, and your brain can’t comprehend, but that's just what is happening here.
You chose to sit at the back of the class where you couldn’t hear the lesson well, you chose not to proactively study and prepare for the exam etc. No matter how much you try to pin it on the circumstances which are beyond your control, you can’t deny that a lot of them are in your control, whether they are easy to do or not. The proof is that you have others in the same circumstances doing the exact same thing and thriving, so who is the real enemy here? The circumstances or you. Something is certain, you bear more blame than you are willing to give yourself, and you’d rather be in denial than to admit you are your worst enemy.
Doing what it takes
There is a way to achieve things, to get the success you so desire, to make things happen. It's easy to say a person is born a great leader, an amazing businessman or an incredible player, but the truth of the matter is that these people worked hard to overcome their own limitations
What I notice very often are people who want to stay the same and yet want to achieve success in a certain way. To grow is to change
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