Setting a Vision for 2018
May Baydoun
Women in business hire me to find and resolve their energetic blocks and limiting beliefs, so they can scale their business and balance their life with ease, grace and flow.
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Every year in January, after all the Happy New Years are said and done, I start hearing a buzz of new year’s resolutions. While resolutions are a great way to start the new year on a positive note, they are often too vague and lack the requirement of a commitment. It’s like a way of saying: “I will try to achieve this, but if I don’t, then I’ll just try it again next year.” It simply won’t work.
A few years back I started setting goals for myself instead of taking on resolutions. I went about setting SMART goals. The kind that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Sensitive. I have to say that setting goals allowed me to stick to what I wanted to achieve. In my opinion, goal setting is a much more co-active way of planning out what you wish to achieve in the new year. It put’s you in control and is more of a hands-on approach that resolutions can ever be.
Some time last year, it came to my attention that SMART goals are not all that smart… In truth, SMART goals limit us in what we can achieve. Essentially, having specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-sensitive goals puts a cap on what we achieve. Goals set using this approach keep us in our comfort zone and limit us in attaining our highest potential. I will be dedicating a whole article to this in the near-future, so stay tuned.
When I learned how limiting SMART goals can really be, I changed my approach. I now set a highest vision for my upcoming year. A vision of what I want my life to be like in 365 days from January 1st. What it will look like, what it will feel like, what it will be like… You get the idea.
In 2017, I set a vision of myself as a better person. A person who lives with passion and on purpose. A person with clarity and balance in her life at home and in her business. I am very pleased with the way 2017 turned out. Having a vision shifted my focus from the how I was going to do it to what it was I wanted. Everything fell into place. The Universe delivered and what I wanted is now what I have, only better than I could have ever envisioned it.
So for 2018, I encourage you to set a vision. A general vision for the year as well as visions for specific aspects of your life, such as a vision for your work or career, one for relationships, one for your health, one for your spiritual self and so on.
In my upcoming articles, I will guide you in setting these more specific visions for 2018.
Until then, I wish you love and many blessings.
Copyright ? May Baydoun 2018 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author.
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