Setting up your business – some things to consider and work through.

Setting up your business – some things to consider and work through.

OK, so you’re ready to jump in a start up or buy your new business. Great. If you’ve been following my blogs you’ll have done some really insightful thinking and self-planning to get YOU ready for what’s ahead.

When you start a business for the first time, there’s a lot to do. So, in this next blog series, we’ll cover off some important things you should consider as you get started.

Fortunately, there are some great resources and articles out there for new and prospective business owners to help you get started and set up your business. I don’t intend to recreate those in this blog. However, what we will do is highlight the important areas to think about and connect you to some existing resources and articles that provide you some further insights that may assist.

How does that sound?

Before we start though, the first thing you should check out, if you haven’t already, is the Australian Governments Are you ready to start a business? | website. It’s really good! It covers most of the topics we’re going to discuss in this series of blogs and is full of tips, pro formas, resources and links to relevant government sites you will need to visit.

There’s a lot to consider so don’t short change yourself and rush into it.

So, when it comes to starting up a business, these are some of the topics I reckon are important and should be on your radar.

Writing a detailed Business Plan

Choosing the right Business Partners

Conducting a full SWOT Analysis of the business environment

Setting up the right Business Structure

Partnering with Expert Business Advisors early such as :-

? - A Business Coach or Mentor

- A Business Tax Accountant and Bookkeeper

- Legal Advisors

- Human Resources Consultants

Creating and implementing your Business Marketing and Brand Strategies

- What type of Marketing Partner do you really need?

Sorting out your Product and Digital Technology Requirements

Considering Risk and Business Insurance

What Staffing does your Business really need?

When do you need an Office of Shopfront?

Funding and Financing your business...oh the joy!

Over the coming weeks we’ll release articles covering each topic. Obviously not every topic will be relevant to your business. But hopefully the ones that are provide you some insights to think about for your business, if you haven't already.

Let me know what you think and if there’s anything I’ve missed.

In the meantime though, if you find you are in need of engaging any of the expertise listed above to help you in your business now, check out . It’s a Business Services platform that enables you to connect with and source the expertise your business needs. It’s free to use and will connect you with great local Aussie experts waiting to assist your business. Check it out. It's easy to use and provides a simple sourcing solution that puts you in control every step of the way.

Stay Tuned for our first blog of this series, Writing a detailed Business Plan!


Andrew Jarvis

CEO, CircleSource


