Setting Up for Success
Disclaimer: One of my favorite genres to indulge in is self-help. I thoroughly enjoy this genre because finding success, or even defining success, can seem tumultuous at times; however,? a good self-help book gives you a start – if not a guide – to navigating that unique, erratic journey to your best self.?
A common term you’ll hear in many self-help resources - whether that be an activity or book - is source energy. Source energy, in self-help context, is an external energy (or higher power) that you can connect to that often brings healing, clarity, and more. As a Christian, I consider my source energy to be God. For others, source energy may be a “spirit”,? the universe, or an array of other titles/entities.
With that being said, although this article is written from a Christian perspective - I hope it can be easily translated into one that is receptive to you, and leaves a positive impression in your life.?
The Most Successful Perspective
As 2023 swiftly approaches, many of us begin to reflect on the year we've endured - reminiscing on the highs, evaluating the lows, and calculating our overall performance as we brew up resolutions for the New Year.
In an attempt to set up for success, we inevitably contemplate how our success is even measured - and unconsciously conform to the ideologies of a nation that is obsessed with numbers and counting. Allow me to explain..
How often do you find yourself counting your way to success? For example, "How many dollars did I earn this year?" or "How many, or few, vacations did I take this year?". It is so common that even children fall succumb to these patterns as they count the number of gifts under the tree to determine if it was a successful Christmas.
This method of gauging success is a deceivingly slippery slope, that oftentimes leads to feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness. In order to set up for success in 2023, you may have to change your perspective of success. You can do this by redefining what, and how, your counting. In the next section, i'll share with you a proven approach to redefining your perspective and establishing a sustainable, fulfilling method for setting up for success this new year.
Obedience and Servant-based Success.
In the Book of Kings, the mighty prophet, Elijah, takes on many daunting tasks for God - seemingly insurmountable - in Israel. In one particular story, Israel had been experiencing extreme drought and famine; however, Elijah prayed for rain and knew in his heart that a storm would finally come.
Elijah made his way hastily to Mt. Carmel and instructed his servant to go to the top of the mountain, look toward the sea, and report if he saw any storm clouds. When the servant returned to Elijah, he informed him of the bad news (no clouds). Again, Elijah sent him back up the mountain to check... and again, he returned with no good news. Five more times, Elijah instructed the servant to go to the top and check. Finally, on the seventh time, the servant finally saw a small cloud "the size of a man's hand" beginning to form. He rushed back to Elijah with the news of his sighting and shortly after, a great rainstorm began to form.
The moral of this story can be interpreted in many ways but today I will share with you my key takeaways:
Part I: Obedience
How many times have you completed a task to no avail? Or been instructed to do something you felt was unimportant, a waste of time, or simply did not feel like doing? Probably a few times, right?! I'm sure the servant (and myself) could relate. Not one.. not two... but SEVEN times.. the servant continued to do his part, as he had been instructed, before it had become visibly worthwhile.
What I learned is that obedience... can be repetitive. Obedience... can be tiring. Obedience... can be lonely. And obedience... can sometimes seem foolish! BUT... on the other side of obedience is SUCCESS.
Obedience takes faith too. Faith is having complete trust or confidence in something, even before it happens. It is very important to obey the rules and do the right thing -- simply because it's the right thing to do. It is also important to have faith that everything will work out for the better when you know you're doing the right thing.
Part II: Servant Leadership
How easy could it have been for the servant to complain? To put himself first? To say he already checked and quit? TOO easy. Instead, the servant practiced these three key elements to servant leadership:
A New and Improved Method for Success
If you want to set yourself up for success in 2023, then the answer is very simple: go into the world and serve. Keep the focus on serving and you will be amazed at the deep significance, satisfaction, and fulfillment you receive on the other side. Be a servant, who is a CEO. A servant who is a hairdresser. A servant who is masters' or doctorate graduate. A servant in whatever it is you do, whether it is in your plan or not.
And as you are out there serving the world, being great, remember to be obedient. It won't always be easy, in fact, it will very seldom be easy - nonetheless, be obedient. Whether that it is to God, your source energy, or simply ethics! Don't conform to the easy way out when things get tough because miracles, blessings, and favor are on the other side of your obedience.
Stop measuring your success in what you did, and start measuring it in how you did it!
Feel free to comment and share your thoughts on this approach to success below.