Hello, and welcome back to the weekly reads with Rwazi. Anyone ready to claim 2022 as their year yet? We’ve been here a couple of weeks now and we know you’ve already got your feet wet. With the start of a new year, comes new things. Some of you have decided that this is the one where you finally launch the business. As a community, we stand behind you and want to share some insights as you get started. Here are the 4 things you need to set up shop in 2022.

1. ? ? ? A Parachute.

If we have learned anything in the last two years, it is that the world is unpredictable. This is not a reason to postpone starting your business but to prepare you. The truth is, starting and sustaining a business takes work. It requires focus, and investment, unlike anything you have done before. You will get knocked down several times and things may get a little dusty before they work out. Prepare yourself to the best of your ability. If you can, plan for your basic amenities for about 3 months so that you don’t have to worry about it. We know that this isn’t plausible for everyone, but maybe you can lean on your community? If you’re living with family or friends and they can shoulder some costs do take advantage of that. It will be much easier to focus on the business when you don’t have to worry about the roof over your head.

2.? ? ? Something Old, and Something New

The feeling you get when you have a stroke of genius is exhilarating. You have the business idea, or you have found a product that will simply change the market. That’s step one. Realize that unless you are inventing something new, there’s someone out there who’s already doing what you want to do. That doesn’t mean give up, it means taking a seat and learn. Learn what your competition is doing and find your competitive edge. You may very well be offering the same product or service, but how can you inject your unique personality into it? What is your narrative, and why should the world care about it? If you can make something new out of the old, you can find your way. If you are ever in doubt, go to the water aisle in a store and look at all the different water companies.

3.? ? ? Collaborate! Collaborate! Collaborate!

We live in a very competitive world. There are also limited resources in every industry so the impetus to compete is consistently heightened. We will suggest something that will sound counterintuitive but hear us out. Collaborate with others. If you are just starting out, you don’t want anyone knowing what you are working on. You want the big reveal and the illusion of an overnight success; we understand. If you can let go of that for a second and focus on what you can learn from others, and what you can gain; we bet it will make for a bigger reveal. Sometimes the competition can be the companion. Learn from them without compromising your business. Interact with other new entrepreneurs. Chances are, they are facing similar challenges to yours. They may help you out, but if they don’t, at least someone else gets it.

4.? ? ? Eyeballs

Get some eyeballs on your work. No one cares about your business unless they know about it. That may sound harsh but it’s true. How many amazing artists do you know? How many great ideas have your friends shared? Understand that you need to talk about your business; strategically and loudly. Use the gift that is social media to share your great idea with the world. There are so many channels to share about the work you are doing and the world is waiting. Be sure to tag us as well so we can let the entire Rwazi community know the amazing things you’re doing.

We look forward to all the products and services coming into the market this year, but we are especially excited about yours.

Written by Grace Kinyua.




