Setting up Kali Linux (Kali Purple 2023.2a) for a virtual machine
Setting up Kali Linux (Kali Purple 2023.2a) for a virtual machine.
Welcome back to another tutorial from our Linux tutorial series.
We are taking a break from Alpine Linux and exploring a new topic.
This time we are going to run Kali Linux on a virtual machine for general-purpose computing.
We need to complete several steps to get it working correctly.
1. The very first step is to boot up the ISO image of kali-linux-2023.2a-installer-amd64.iso
2. Here we have the advanced options.
3. And here we have the Advanced Speech Options.
4. Here we have the main Graphical Install.
5. Location settings.
6. Keyboard Setup.
7. Loading Installer software.
8. Set up a local host.
9. Local Domain Name.
10. Create a Non-Root User.
11. Create a Non-Root User.
12. Set Password.
13. Set the timezone.
14. Storage configuration.
15. Storage configuration.
16. Storage configuration.
17. Storage configuration.
18. Storage configuration.
19. Storage configuration.
20. Storage configuration.
21. Storage configuration.
22. System Installation Process.
23. Software Selection.
24. Software Installation Process.
25. Software Installation Process.
26. GRUB Bootloader.
27. GRUB Primary drive selection.
28. GRUB Installation Process.
29. Last few additions.
30. Installation Process Complete.
31. Booting new system.
32. Login to the new system.
33. Welcome to Kali Purple.
Well, that was exciting. See you in the next one! #linux