Setting the Stage for Growth and Prosperity
What are the processes needed to partner in your own growth? What can you do to set the stage for results?
Here’s a brain bender: through the action of asking these questions, you have already begun the process. You have activated the M?bius Strip of asking and receiving. One relies on the other in order to generate results.
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” — Jules Renard
What does that process look like, in practical terms? Overcoming your own inertia is the most difficult part. Once you have an inkling of what you want, you must seek out the conditions and people where you’ll have a greater chance of coming into contact with others from whom you can learn and grow.
? Decide that you want to move forward
? Take steps toward achieving it
? Research your desired field
? Read about people who have succeeded in your chosen industry/goal
? Reach out to resources that related to your goal (either people or organizations)
? Apply for internships or educational opportunities that put you in the path of those who can help you
? Determine and rank/prioritize the correct steps to reaching your goal
? Fulfill your obligations that are within your power to do
? Do the work
? Release the outcomes
Achieving these steps constitute a symbiotic relationship between your asking and receiving. When you receive the effects of your efforts, it’s not a matter of “deserving.” It’s a matter of realizing (or actualizing). Once you recognize yourself as an individual with agency, you will begin to see yourself as worthy. And from that sense of worthiness, concrete and tangible results flow.
Today, in honor of National Ebook Week, I’m sharing a chapter from my book Circuit Train Your Brain: Daily Habits That Develop Resilience. Resilience isn’t an action, per se; it’s a state of being — a state which can be cultivated and developed by investing in small habits, practiced consistently.
When you spend just a small amount of time each day on positive habits, the cumulative effect provides you with a reservoir or capacity to withstand greater stressors. Taking ownership of our thoughts and actions is also key to becoming Happy For No Reason?. As a Certified Happy For No Reason? Trainer, I can teach you proven techniques for increasing your happiness levels, regardless of your external circumstances.
Did you know: Sending and receiving compliments authentically and graciously enables you to grow and flourish.
Believe it or not, someone looks up to you. Before you laugh at my suggestion, ask yourself: is there someone you’ve always admired, but you’ve never told? A teacher, perhaps? Classmate? A babysitter? A brother or sister? A coworker?
The same holds true for someone else thinking that way about you.
I don’t know why we are so shy about telling other people how much we admire them. It takes so little energy and yet generates such beneficial impact. You can change that right now. Take a moment and write out two or three sentences to someone you admire, and tell him or her why. Fold up the paper and put it in an envelope. Pop it in the mail today. Bonus points if you use a fun stamp.
Writing and sending an email will also work, but there is something about putting pen to paper that makes a difference in our brain chemistry.
What you send out into the world returns to you. Karma knows your address, baby.
Celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8 by supporting women with your dollars. Thinking of starting your own business? Here are some free resources to help you launch or expand your women-owned business:
Women's Business Development Center (Chicago)
When you financially back women-owned businesses, you enable them to exert influence, employ others, feed the economy and create a stronger, more vibrant world for all of us.
If you’ve enjoyed the #3MR, check out my linktree, where you can book a coaching session, check out merch, my books and more.
An author, media consultant, life coach and speaker, Molly Cantrell-Kraig has been recognized as one of CNN’s Visionary Women, been profiled by both the Christian Science Monitor and the Shriver Report. Cantrell-Kraig has also been interviewed on the Women’s Media Center and the BBC, speaking on such topics as women, independence, gender roles and life transitions. From her beginnings as a single mother on welfare, Cantrell-Kraig is a self-described work in progress whose focus is on helping others achieve their goals by sharing her own experiences.