Setting Process for Stress Management in an Organizations

Setting Process for Stress Management in an Organizations

Mental health is an integral part of overall health and is more than the absence of mental illnesses. It refers to a broad array of activities directly or indirectly related to mental well-being, prevention of mental disorders, and treatment. 

In India, WHO estimates that the burden of mental health problems is of the tune of 2,443 DALYs per 100,000 population, and the age-adjusted suicide rate per 100,000 population is 21.1.  

Although Mental health is always a concern for many years, it becomes prime responsibility for every organization in the current times. As per the report from one of the corporate research firm, 72% of the employer has no strategy to combat mental illness and maintain mental health. In detailed studies, it’s also indicated, employees are availing sickness leaves more for the mental illness than the physical illness.

As an HR professional, these are very thought provoking data. Are we doing something about it? Is as an organization we think, this is a problem and needs attention?

I have personally not seen many organizations that talk about the Mental Health Policy or process. Is there any organization, who has a defined process & structure for the Management of the Mental Health of their employees?

We do lots of brainstorming sessions about the Grievance Handling Protocols in any organization. We also started talking about the Internal Complaint Process for Prevention of sexual harassment. In fact as a rule it becomes mandatory for the organizations to have structured committees for these issues, processes need to be set and regular training needs to happen for all the employees, to make them more aware, more alert, and more equipped to manage these exigencies.

Can't we do something similar to these lines or shouldn't we do something to manage the mental health of our people?

I often see many organizations do training for Stress Management. In fact, in all leadership training, Stress management is one of the important topics. But just doing a one day workshop on stress management, do we think we have done a great job in managing the stress of our people? Well, I’m not convinced.

Few Pointers for my HR colleagues to think over.

  1. Set- up the process of Managing the Stress in your organization.
  2. Equipped and train yourself in understanding the stress, analyzing the reasons for stress, Or Identify the people, who can help you and your employees in understanding and managing the Stress. Appoint Clinical Psychologists or partner with them ( If needed).
  3. Train your employees in understanding the symptom of stress and when they should approach for help.
  4. Train every member in your organization to identify the people around them, and see if they are stressed, whom they should inform, meet, and discuss.
  5. List down the steps to be taken, if you know someone in stress.

Let's do it together, Let's unite in the process of creating awareness in the organization & Society about the mental health issues and their solutions. It's not difficult to manage, It just needs awareness, It needs an open mind in the community, that if someone is stressed, it's Okay to discuss. Everyone needs to know, Who can handle and How to handle it?

I think, if we all do our part, we can contribute in controlling the mental health-related issue. Even if you can save only one suicide, believe me, it's worth talking about.

Mili Baruah

Yoga & Wellness consultant at Cytecare Cancer Hospitals

3 年

This is aweosme

Dr Rajesh Jain

Consultant Paediatric Surgeon Clinical leadership | Quality Assurance, Lean Six Sigma, Medical Expert

3 年

There’s still a stigma about mental health . Most of them hide it for fear that they may face discrimination from peers or even bosses. These Stigma CAN and MUST be overcome. The less people talk about It at work , the more the stigma grows ( vicious cycle ). We need to talk more about mental health at work.

Siddhartha Pal

Growth Initiatives; ESG Reporting; Climate Finance; Value Creation; Sustainability Assurance & Advisory; Corporate Finance; CXO & Board of Directors Support; Business Partnering; Turnaround

3 年

Excellent one

Suvankar Mridha

Head, Oncology at Medicover, India

3 年

Garima Gupta nicely written !! Looking forward for more


